48 Hours a Day

Chapter 398

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The “suicide” of Ford drivers obviously caused a big impact on the people of the 01 guerrillas.

In order to help Edward, the CTOS project of the Black Nest Company voluntarily came forward. In addition to a sense of justice and protection of online freedom, they have not been inspired by the 2 dreams of being a hero to save the world in the hour, but they are only ordinary after all. person.

The reality is cruel than they thought, especially when seeing the four people up and down Citroen holding a pistol in their hands, the people of 4 finally realized how dangerous they were.

Five people brought themselves into the red Ford, and found that under such circumstances, they seemed to have no other way than to commit suicide by jumping on the river and begging for mercy.

So Renault’s carriage fell into silence.

“People who regret it, it’s too late to quit.”

The person who spoke was Zhang Heng, and the little boy couldn’t understand why someone could still keep calm at this time.

Zhang Heng drove Renault and drove past the incident site at a constant speed, as if nothing had happened.

01 The people of the guerrillas are undoubtedly excellent in terms of technology alone. As long as they are properly arranged, they can provide good technical support in the subsequent operations, but this kind of thing cannot be forced. Now it is better to quit than to take the initiative. It is better to withstand psychological pressure and quit passively.

“Just kidding, do you think this kind of thing can scare us?” The little boy said first after a while.

Zhang Heng didn’t take her through. When the people in red Ford jumped off the bridge, her body was obviously shaking. This was the first time she saw someone “Death” in front of her so close, even more how the other party’s today may be their tomorrow.

Philip wanted to say something, but after moving his lips, there was no opening.

The relatively calm of the 5 people is the semi-prime number that has been rarely spoken. “We have known for a long time that this is a dangerous journey, isn’t it, because the right choice is always the most difficult, think of Assange, Aaron Si Watts … “

“I didn’t intend to offend. I also like Aaron, but it’s not a good sign to mention his name at this time.” Waldo said, “but I don’t plan to leave. I used to poke a big basket. Edward helped me smooth it out, So this action is not just a moral issue for me. “

Philip sighed, “I can’t imagine if I have a daughter in the future, and she lives in a world dominated by CTOS.”

“Wait … is it okay for my son?”

“Yes.” Philip thought for a while, and then affirmed, “Son is fine.”


“I’m glad we have reached a consensus again,” Ma Wei said, his hands did not stop. He used this time to complete the processing of the photo. It was a man with blue eyes and aquiline nose, which looked like a vulture. The horsetail man sent the photo to Valdo.

“Leave it to me.” Valdo nodded.

It only took him two minutes to find the online account of the aquiline nose man, but it took 20 minutes to crack.

“Are you in trouble?”

“Give me another five minutes.” Valdo didn’t look up, his fingers striking the keyboard constantly.


After 5 minutes, Valdo finally let out a long relaxed breath, “Vincent Naselli, this guy is a ruthless character. His parents were not French, grew up in Belgium, and joined foreign employment when he was 19 years old. Legion, who stayed in it for 5 years, then disappeared for 3 years. There are rumors that he was working in the 7th inning at that time, dealing with some official inconveniences.

“I just hacked into the personnel system of the 7th inning to check it. The rumor is basically true. This guy killed a whole village in an operation in Africa, regardless of age or gender. He killed his mouth together, but someone saved him and gave him French nationality to join him in the Black Nest. Now he is the leader of the Black Nest Secret Operations Group 2. “

“Wait, you hacked into the personnel system of the 7th inning and it only took 25 minutes? When were you so powerful.” Philip frowned.

“Can’t you occasionally cooperate with me to brush your vanity, okay, actually it’s not that exaggerated, remember I was asking you about security issues last year, I slipped in at that time, they didn’t find that loophole I still keep it, but I rarely go in there again. “

“What about the people in the Ford?” Zhang Heng asked, he was more concerned about the guy who suspected the player.

“He masked his face when he abandoned the car, only a quarter of the previous side shot, it is difficult to search and compare, but it is meaningless, everyone else is dead.” Valdo spread his hand.

“The people in the black nest should find a way to salvage his body and find out his identity.” Mawei said, he noticed that Zhang Heng seemed to care about the guy extra, and thought to the little boy, “We have Vincent Can you monitor and locate him? “

The latter is nodded, “He does not belong to the technical staff, and should not have such a strong sense of prevention. I can locate and monitor him through applications with location and voice permissions. Leave it to me, I will get it done.”

“Is there anything else we need to do?” Ma Weinan turned his head to look at Zhang Heng again.

“Thank you, for the time being, I will discuss things later when I have observed Black Nest’s control over Leiya.”

At this time, Renault Scenic also drove off the high speed and came to the booked hotel.

After dinner, the five people of the 01 guerrillas went to purchase the equipment they needed, and Zhang Heng chose to act alone. Because the other party’s power was huge, he was also very careful. He didn’t drive a rented car, but went directly to a family name. In front of the little bar called green frog.

At 11:54 in the evening, Zhang Heng opened the door of the green frog. Before he came, he had already done his homework, knowing that this is a famous gay bar in Grenoble, and it is still very rare. Mixed gay bars.

Zhang Heng ordered a beer at the bar, and then a man with a cowboy hat came to him.

Zhang Heng declined the other party’s request for a drink together, while secretly observing the surrounding environment.

At 00:32, Leiya and her suffocating death band arrived at the bar. According to the information collected by Valdo, they performed at the Green Frog every night on the 3rd and 6th of the week. Compared with the school, the complex environment here is obviously More suitable for Zhang Heng to hide.

After a simple warm-up, Leiya held her bass in the cheers of the crowd and walked to the microphone, but she said nothing, and suddenly turned to the drummer behind her, kissing the blonde girl.

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