48 Hours a Day

Chapter 401

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng climbed out of the vent, the toilet door was on the verge of collapse, and the earring male fired a symbolic 2 shots to stop the outsiders from pushing too tight.

Zhang Heng reached out and pulled him out of the vent. The third message of the little boy came after landing.

“Vincent will arrive in about 5 minutes, but the people who have left the black nest outside have begun to surround the green frog.”

“I saw.”

At the back of the bar was an alley. Zhang Heng saw the silhouette that appeared at the entrance of the alley. At almost the same time, the other party also found them. He immediately raised his pistol and shouted, “No movement!”

But by this time Zhang Heng and the earring man had already run to the other end of the alley. Two people crossed the alley before the shot behind them and turned onto the road.

However, this does not mean that they are safe. In addition to chasing soldiers in the alleys behind them, others in the black nest ambushing outside the bar are also driving from the next street.

“Do you have any plans?” The earring man asked as he ran.

“What about you?”

“I plan to find a river.” The earring man obviously has a game prop on his body, so that he can be safe when jumping in the river, which also makes him a habit of looking for the river in case of danger.

“……… Then we are probably going to separate.” Zhang Heng said

“Okay, you can run first. I’ll delay you for a few minutes depending on the situation, but I can’t guarantee how long it can last. I’m sure to withdraw if it’s really dangerous.” The earring male is very skilled in holding the gun, Zhang Heng doesn’t know His shooting skills were developed in the copy, or in reality.

Zhang Heng prefers the latter, because his shooting skills are very skillful, and he should invest a lot of time on it. At the same time, his own anti-reconnaissance level is also very good. If it is not the mole on the neck, Zhang Heng is difficult Recognize him at the bar, so the earring man is likely to be a police officer in reality.

The two exchanged telephones, then the earring man raised his gun, pulled the trigger, and hit a head out of the alley again.

“Just now, run away!”

After finishing this sentence, the earring man also turned and ran to the other side of the street. When he started, the afterglow of his eyes swept the place where Zhang Heng had just been, but found that the latter was gone.

The earrings were stunned, props? But he soon saw a silhouette of Zhang Heng above a closed post office.

Zhang Heng had stepped on the metal shelf outside and jumped to the rain canopy of the door when the earring man raised the gun. The retro architectural style of the brick wall provided him with a lot of focus. It took only 5 seconds. Zhang Heng had reached the window sill of the second floor, and then climbed up the roof again.

“That’s okay ?!” The earring man didn’t have time to sigh, the gunshot reminded that the person behind him had already caught up.

In addition to the chasing soldiers in the alley, another Dacia Sandro also drove over here. The male cat earrings hid behind a trash can, listening to the sound of the engine getting closer and closer, the male earrings knew Once trapped, it was troublesome. He now regrets what hero he succeeded. He knew that Zhang Heng should climb the wall so smoothly that he should let the latter take on the mission of attracting soldiers.

But now it ’s too late to say anything, the earring man raised his gun and fired 5 shots at the window in front of the cafe, leaving the glass covered with debris, and then clenched the teeth and rushed up with his leather jacket over his head, he He smashed into the coffee shop with a piece of broken glass, but he didn’t care about the wound on his body, and immediately rolled up from the ground and ran straight to the back door.

Zhang Heng looked at the city map with his mobile phone and knew that the River Isere was a kilometer away. There should be no problem for the earring male to escape. At this time, some people noticed him on the top of the building. Zhang Heng did not stay any longer and did not wait. Turning the muzzle around, he has flashed away.

Zhang Heng ran for a while, leaving behind the chasing soldiers. At this time, he saw a subway station. He jumped from the roof of the pet shop and spent ten euros to buy his hat from the entrance tramp and put it on his head. Go up, block your face, then rushed in before the subway closed.

When the subway was halfway through, the little boy sent him a video.

The earrings man looked a little embarrassed, while retreating and fighting, he ran all the way to the River Isere, and he was about to be caught by the people of the black nest. Next moment, he re-enacted what happened before on the high speed. He turned directly and jumped into the river.

“You exposed, but just now Waldo invaded the hotel’s system and replaced your photo and identity information.”

“Many thanks.” Zhang Heng said, “Wait for me to go back.”

After another ten seconds, the little boy sent him a map of the subway line and marked the recommended route back to the hotel.

An hour later Zhang Heng returned to his residence again.

“What should I do? The monitor in the bar is not connected to the Internet. Your appearance has been photographed. After that, you can no longer show up in front of the people in Black Nest. What should you do next?” Mawei looked at the probe. After seeing the corridor outside, I confirmed that there was no one else and closed the door somewhat worriedly said.

“And after these 2 times, the people in the Black Nest will definitely arrange more in the places where Leiya visits most. As long as there are suspicious people, they will be found immediately.” Philip said, “We can’t even do it. Close to Leiya again. “

“Then let her come close to us.” Zhang Heng said.


“Let her come close to us, you are right, if you let Black Nest arrange in advance, we have no chance of winning.” Zhang Heng said, “So we need to put this action on our own home ground.”

“I see.” Valdo was serious and nodded, but after a while he scratched his head again. “That … I understand, but can you explain it to others?”

Zhang Heng opened the electronic map and pointed to a place in the southeast part of the road, “Here is a ski resort, about an hour’s drive from Grenoble. After these two things, they will search for me and the guy who jumped the river. , There is no need to bump into them, we can evade their search here, and at the same time, they can also make preparations here to make this ski resort our home. “

“You’re right … I just ignored a problem. All communication devices of Leiya are under the supervision of Black Nest. They are waiting for us to contact her. Once we contact her, the first one is Black Nest. Secret forces, and if we do n’t contact her … she wo n’t come to this ski resort, you see, it ’s like a paradox. “

“Although it is the season of skiing now, Leiya is not a ski hobby. From small to big, she can count the number of skis with 2 hands.” Valdo said, “We are sitting on the ski slope and waiting for her.” , Maybe she may not be able to see her after 2 years. “

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