48 Hours a Day

Chapter 421

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

After the rescue of Leia, the people of 01 Guerrilla took a month and a half of leave.

The semi-prime number sent DV to Edward as an encrypted email, but then the email was like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, and there was no response.

The crowd came to a small town in the southwest part of France in order to avoid the chase of Black Nest. An uncle of Valdo used to live here, but he had no heirs and made a will before leaving to leave his house to Valdo.

Everyone had heard Valdo talk about this, but how did not at all mind, but when I came here, I found that the house was quite big, there were only 6 rooms, even if there were more people Also living down, apart from this there is a huge courtyard, which is filled with various flowers and plants, and at the same time, it is also backed by a sparkling lake.

“There is such a place, and you would rather shrink in the attic of your mother’s house?” Philip opened the window and looked at the beautiful scenery like an oil painting outside, with an incredible look on his face.

“Uh, because no one cooks here, and you can’t order takeaway …” Waldo said truthfully.

“This is true.”

“And taxes like this kind of house are excessive. I will rent it for half a year during the tourist season, and the money I earn is barely enough to pay taxes and maintenance, making me want to sell it.” Valdo complained.

“Don’t worry about selling it first, I always wanted to wait for a place like this where I could grow old when I was old. When I saved enough money, the daughter also went to college and you can sell it to me.” Ma Weinan Road.

“Well, I don’t know if I can wait until then, a bunch of games on Steam are waiting for me to buy it.” Waldo said.


“In short, you are free, oh yes, the room with the best wifi signal is left to me.” Waldo collapsed on the sofa after the last sentence, and opened a bag of potato chips.

“This guy is really not saved.”

Everyone in 01 performed a simple cleaning, and then drove half the prime number to the supermarket in the town center to buy some vegetables, fruits and daily necessities. The money earned from the casino was not at all how much was spent, enough for their lives and the next The action of the people, originally planned to transition here, wait to receive Edward’s information and rush to support, but no one’s expect wait for such a long time.

Zhang Heng was not idle. During this time, he was mainly learning electrical control technology from Ma Weinan. Apart from this, he also asked Valdo and Philip for some techniques to invade personal accounts and security defense. All three are Zhang Heng. People who could not be reached in the parallel copy 3 years later.

Among them, the horsetail man and Edward died together early, Philip emigrated to Hong Kong, and Valdo turned to Black Nest.

Regarding the latter two, it is actually very difficult to blame them. Philip, who is tired, does not talk about it. Valdo actually secretly passed a lot of information to 2 after he turned to the black nest, and helped a lot of the rest of 01 During the second crisis, Black Nest did not find it difficult to embarrass him in terms of his technology, except that he would no longer be exposed to confidential information and only be offered technical advice.

Including Leiya, the 6 people on the same floor at the moment are probably hard to think of how their fate will be different in the next 2 years if the action fails.

Leia pulled out an old guitar from the storage room in the yard, but there were only 5 strings left. She wiped the guitar clean and hugged it in her arms. “Did you have anything to hear?”

“I don’t know … otherwise,” Marseille “?” Valdo said.

Philip frowned, “How could anyone want to listen to the national anthem after a meal.”

“Because there is nothing else I want to hear. Everyone has heard this song, and the singing is high.”

“Then she played the guitar, did all of us stand up and remain solemn?”

“Why don’t I come to Joe Dassin’s” The Champs Elysées “, everyone should have heard this song.” Leiya struck two strings, “One of my favorites, because only left 2 strings, everyone just listens to it, okay, do n’t talk nonsense, the next step is to start “

She cleared her throat.

I wandered on the street and opened my heart to the stranger. I wanted to say hello to anyone, no matter who it was, maybe you, whatever I said to you, as long as I could talk to you, just to be close to your Champs Champs Elysees

No matter whether it is rain or shine, no matter whether it is noon or midnight, there is everything you want on the Champs Elysées …

I have to admit that Leia from the music department was really good at singing innate talent. In addition to the vocal experience of the suffocating death band, her singing skills have actually surpassed most famous singers. This song is very popular in France. Her classic pop sings a different taste in her mouth.

Considering her appearance and temperament, if it weren’t for the big brother’s accident, she might have become a well-known big star after 2 years.

After a sing, Philip and the others clapped desperately like the drinkers in the green frog.

Leia made a bowing gesture of pulling the skirt, “Thank you, thank you, everyone’s enthusiasm will make me swell, hahaha.”

“One more, another one!” Valdo rarely put down his handheld and halted his adventure in Zelda legendary, which is very special for him who has been with the captain for more than a month Rare.

“Okay.” Leiya also sang the second song without twitching.

But the little boy noticed that Zhang Heng was not at all in the house at this time. She found the latter by the lake after a quarter of an hour. At this time, the sky was still drizzling, the temperature was lower than usual, and the little boy was tight. Your own coat, “What are you doing here?”

“Fishing.” Zhang Heng raised the rod in his hand.

“En? But it’s raining outside.”

“Do you hate rain?”

“You can’t talk about it, but you don’t like it too much. It’s very humid when it rains.” The little boy frowns saying.

“That’s what I said.” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows and floated.

“A fish is hooked,” the little boy reminded.

Zhang Heng hearing this, but there was no movement. Until the float sank, Zhang Heng raised the fishing rod, only to see a lively big fish dragged out of the water.

“Unfortunately it’s a carp, you can’t eat it,” the little boy said.

“Who said that carp can’t be eaten? I’ll make it tomorrow. You can try it.” Zhang Heng bent over and put the fish in a bucket. “Will you go back together?”

The little boy was nodded, and then the two walked side by side on the slightly muddy path, and the little boy had to stop talking several times.

“What do you want to say?”

“It feels like everyone is a little too relaxed now, as if they are on vacation. Because Edward has never spoken back, so the team has no direction for the time being, but I always feel that it is not very good to eat hehe every day.” The little boy said To worry in my heart.

“Relax, such days won’t last long.” Zhang Heng said, “The real challenge will come soon.”

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