48 Hours a Day

Chapter 425

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The sandbag man finally realized what Zhang Heng said before, “wait a few moments, you will thank you for a few more wraps”.

In the short period of half a minute after Zhang Heng turned to attack, the sandbag man no longer knew how many knives he had hit, but later he had given up the offense and wanted to defend with all his strength. However, he was still stabbed.

The steak knife in Zhang Heng’s hands was almost a haunt, and the sandbag man couldn’t predict its location and trajectory.

Fortunately, because the blade was covered with adhesive tape in advance, no blood was seen, but bruising was indispensable, and the pain was also very strong.

The sandbag man finally knelt on the ground, panting heavily.

Seeing Zhang Heng coming up again, he quickly extended the hand and shouted in Chinese, “Stop! I admit defeat.”

Zhang Heng was not surprised by this. Since the other party has not spoken before, he has actually guessed the identity of some sandbag men. Until he yells out Chinese now, it is equivalent to identifying himself as the player’s identity.

“Do you know where Edward is?”

“Yes, for the past 2 months or so, I have been with him to take care of him.” Sandbag male, and took a few breaths greedily, barely stood up, “But the guy is very troublesome, asking for another It’s hard to wait. “

“How do you call it?” Zhang Heng reached out.

“My name is Torres in the copy, but you can call me Iron Fist.” Iron Fist shook hands with Zhang Heng, and the pain in his body made him tremble.

Zhang Heng did n’t ask Iron Fist why he had provoked him before. The other party ’s thoughts Zhang Heng is actually very clear that the faction is against the copy. Although the players in the same faction are cooperative, there must be a primary and secondary role. Iron Fist wants to use his The way I excel in earning enough voice in the next cooperation.

However, didn’t expect kicked the iron plate this time. Zhang Heng also compared his skill with the earring man. The result is very regrettable. In terms of battle strength alone, it seems that his amateur boxer is not an earring from the police system. Male opponent.

“Have you been with Edward, have you seen other players?”

Iron Fist shook his head. “It seems that the players of this copy will not meet each other in the early stage. After sending the email, you are the first to come.”

“How many people did you email?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Only 2 emails were sent to the address there, because Edward left the password that only Leia could unlock, but he also contacted 3 other people, a reporter from the” World News “and an online forum. The moderator and a famous documentary director. The latter three are also the ones Edward chose during this time to be the most trusted candidate to expose Black Nest. “

Iron Fist finished paused, “but during this time our situation was actually not very good. The people in the Black Nest did not know how to get the news of Edward in Toulouse, they deployed a lot of staff, and they came to a name called Vincent As their commander of action, our actions must be very careful. Just 2 weeks ago, Edward ’s residence was raided by a group of unidentified militants, but fortunately we evacuated 5 minutes early. “

“What are you just talking about?” Leiya said strangely.

“Our luck is good, this time finally found the righteous master.” Zhang Heng said.


An hour later, the crowd of 01 and Leia followed Iron Fist to the 5 gold shop opposite the boxing training hall. Zhang Heng temporarily acted as an interpreter for both parties.

“This is also Mr. Gilm’s shop. Oh, Mr. Gilm was the boss of the boxing training ground before. When he was young, he was a famous boxer. He made a lot of money in professional games and took advantage of the cheap housing prices in Toulouse. I bought some properties, but his favorite is the boxing training ground. “

“What is the relationship between Mr. Gilm and Edward? Why would you take such a big risk to help you.” The little boy asked.

“Mr. Gilm has nothing to do with us, but he and Kangchao had become Liangzi in the early years. His son was originally a big fan of Kuangchao. Basically, he would collect every product of Kuangchao, but later they were a family. Unfortunately, he was killed in a car accident. The autopilot system used by his car was provided by Black Nest. Mr. Gilm thought that it was this autopilot system that caused the unfortunate traffic accident, so he sued Black Nest. “

“what’s the result.”

“Black Nest won the case, they provided a series of data and experimental results to prove that the autonomous driving system is safe and reliable, but later Edward was not used to this matter, and found the defects in the autonomous driving system and sent it to the court anonymously. , So in the second trial, Mr. Gilm won and received a compensation, but he still hates Black Nest, and because that thing is skeptical of all high-tech products, he hopes that someone can prevent Black Nest from launching. CTOSsystem. “

“Hah.” Philip looked at the camera above his head.

“Don’t worry, this camera is not connected to the Internet, Edward uses it to monitor the movement of the outside world.” Iron Fist explained.

5 The gold shop was closed at this time, but Iron Fist had the key on the door, opened the door, and said in English to the camera, “Edward, we went in.”

After saying this, he pushed the door into the store and turned his head to Leiya. “He really valued you. I mentioned your name many times before. He was most worried that Black Nest would deal with you. , So you can arrive safely is very good. “

However, this time Zhang Heng did not translate his words. Instead, he was frowned and looked at the dark five gold shops. “Is there anything wrong with Edward’s body?”


“Edward ’s reason for leaving the address in the clue as a garden is not only because the garden is Mr. Gilm ’s site, but also because he can observe the movement over the training hall here. In other words, he should have seen his younger sister long ago. Well, why have n’t you been downstairs yet? “

“Are you suspicious of me?” Iron Fist eyebrows raised. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he used practical actions to prove his innocence. He walked up to the top floor attic and knocked on the door, but there was no voice in it. Come.

This time Iron Fist’s expression also changed, “Is he sleeping?”

Iron Fist opened the door with a slight push, but next moment a red dot appeared on his forehead.

“Be careful.” Zhang Heng’s words didn’t fall, and saw Iron Fist’s forehead slam back, and then the whole body collapsed weakly on the floor, and at the same time, a warm liquid splashed on Zhang Heng’s On the collar.

“There is a sniper, look for bunkers.” Zhang Heng said solemnly, while quickly glancing at the scene in the room, he saw a messy writing desk, a folding bed, and the IKEA Telescope in front of the window, facing boxing The training ground, but there is no silhouette in the room.

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