48 Hours a Day

Chapter 430

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The coffee man stands, “Who will tell me who the problem is, just a few minutes ago our lovely target was still working in this swimming pool, and when we arrived here, he was gone.”

The technical staff of the peers showed nervousness on their faces. They all knew that the new boss was not easy to get along with. Abu’s slightly swollen face was the best proof.

Although the latter tried hard to pretend to have a serious expression, everyone could see the happy color between his eyebrows and laughed.

“Who else can you blame? If it weren’t for your dilly-dallying, we should have arrived here a few minutes ago, and we wouldn’t let Edward run away.” In the end, it was crimson, and she was not polite. To the technician, “Let Zero lock the people who entered and exited the swimming pool in the last few minutes, and find the highest suspect”

As soon as the technicians were amnesty, they immediately started working.

The coffee man looked helpless. “Did you not see it? There was a traitor among us. Someone leaked out our operation. This was the first thing we got. We didn’t find the traitor. What should we do? “

“It’s okay, you go to your traitor, and then I will act alone.” Crimson said.

She finished walking to the last truck in the convoy and let the people above open the door.

At this time, the technician’s face finally showed a happy look, opened the mouth and said, “I found it, Edward got on a blue Dacia Sandro just 3 minutes ago, and they passed by us. “

“Very well, send me the trajectory of their actions.” Crimson said and walked directly onto the truck.

“Are you serious? They have been away for so long. If the guy is not stupid, they will abandon the car in a short time. How can you catch up with them?” The coffee man frowned.

In his tone barely fell, he saw a motorcycle whose appearance was so windy that he had no friends. He jumped down from the carriage and galloped forward at an unimaginable speed.

——Dodge Tomahawk, the fastest motorcycle produced by the American Chrysler Automobile Company. It looks a bit like a bat. It is equipped with a Dodge Viper 8.3-liter V10 engine and can provide 500 horsepower. It is matched with 4 wheels to make it The top speed can reach the horrible 676 kilometers per hour.

In addition, the size of the body of the motorcycle itself is smaller than that of the car, which also makes it easier to pass through the city, of course, provided that you will not hit anything.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the crimson silhouette disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

“Tsk tsk tsk, see? This is the execution that I have always emphasized.” Coffee man said, “If you all have this kind of execution, even if ten Edwards have been killed by us, well … Next , People who knew where Edward was before we set off to go to the swimming pool with us, I invite everyone to … swim and relax. “

Abu heard this face with a sneer, but then his smile froze in the corner of his mouth, and saw the demon-like silhouette turned to him, leisurely said, “Abu, let’s start with you.”


“What the hell are you?” Edward in the rear driver’s seat asked.

Previously in the swimming pool Zhang Heng said that he was not a member of Black Nest, Edward had no doubt, because the people of Black Nest did not need to hide their identities.

This is why Edward followed Zhang Heng on the train without saying anything. However, after the two were temporarily safe, Edward still asked his doubts.

Zhang Heng handed Edward a communicator, who was frowned, “You may not know that this city has been monitored by Black Nest. The reason why I was found by them is because of this. They built a facility here, as long as it is a sensor. The analog signals that can be detected will be intercepted, not limited to mobile phone signals, Wireless Electronics and the like, and then this information will be analyzed by an intelligent system. “

“It doesn’t matter, the line has been encrypted.” Zhang Heng said.

Edward took the communicator to his ear and heard a familiar female voice from inside, “Brother, are you okay.”

“Leiya? Are you here too ?!”

“Yes, the Lu and 01 guerrillas rescued me from those in the Black Nest. The process was a bit thrilling, but fortunately we were all safe, but the person who always took care of you was killed by the Black Nest people . “

“I’m sorry to get you involved in this dangerous thing.” Edward apologized.

“No, you’re just doing the right thing, and sorry for those who want to make World worse.” Leiya said.

Edward hearing this was silent for a moment, and opened the mouth and said, “I made a mistake. When they recruited me, they promised to use my technology and their capital to make the world a better place. I believed them, but … the result was completely different from their original promise. This was my fault, and I had to correct it myself. “

“Don’t worry, we can correct it together.”

Zhang Heng drove Dacia Sandro into a parking lot. He had to get Edward’s coordinates shortly before grabbing the black nest. He didn’t have time to make too many plans. He just agreed with the semi-prime number in the parking lot. The negative 2-Layer meets, the latter will drive a new car to complete the change, and then three people will take the new car together and leave.

Zhang Heng has received news that the semi-prime number reached the designated position half a minute ago, so he also drove the car to a negative 2-Layer. Seeing the semi-prime number waving from afar, Zhang Heng parked the car and Edward was planning Reaching for the door, but the next moment listened to Zhang Heng frowns saying, “Stay in the car.”

After saying this, Zhang Heng opened the door of the driver’s seat. He heard the sound of hong long long coming from the entrance, like a steel giant beast roaring, the sound became louder and louder.

Zhang Heng said to the semi-prime on the other side, “Get down and hide.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a greasy motorcycle appeared in front of three people. The woman in red on the motorcycle raised the submachine gun in her hand.

With the sound of da da da’s bullet shooting, the submachine gun spouted a red tongue of fire.

After the glass fragments splashed, Zhang Heng rolled to the concrete pillar next to it, and the woman on the motorcycle did not have a fight, immediately turned the fire and opened fire at Dacia Sandro’s back seat.

Her goal and fighting intent picture are very clear, as long as the Edward game is eliminated, the winner will be divided, and there is no need to entangle with other players.

But in the next moment, she smelled a dangerous breath, slammed her waist, jumped off the Dodge Tomahawk, and threw away the submachine gun in her hand, pulled out the katana behind her, and flew the oncoming cold arrow .

Zhang Heng did not stop his hand and shot 3 arrows in one breath, but they were all escaped by the red clothed woman with incredible skill and nerve reaction speed.

There was no change in the expression on Zhang Heng’s face. [Paris’s arrow] was drawn from the quiver and placed on the bowstring.

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