48 Hours a Day

Chapter 435

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Blagnac is the 6th largest airport in France and is located next to the Airbus assembly plant. It is less than a 20-minute drive from the urban area and is also a key monitoring point for Black Nest.

Before the plane landed, the coffee man got a list of all the passengers above, and the three names in the list he currently holds in his hand aroused his interest. One of these three is a news reporter and one is a documentary director. One of them is a forum moderator, who is a celebrity himself, and that he happened to gather on a plane so “coincidentally” that it’s impossible for people to notice it.

Immediately after discovering this, the technical staff of Black Nest reported the list to the coffee man, and awaited the praise of the other party with expectation.

However, the latter held this list tsk tsk tsk for a long time, then completely ignored the technical person in front of him, and asked Vincent, “What do you think?”

“Trap.” Vincent indifferently said, “With the ability of the technical team opposite, since it can invade the zero, then it is not a matter of changing the name of the top secret in the airline’s passenger system.”

The coffee man patted his thigh, “Well, this trap is too careless, don’t you look down on us? In this world, will there be such a fool?”

The head of the technical team looked embarrassed, “So, then … do we want to withdraw the team responsible for surveillance?”

“No.” The coffee man grinned. “Does the reverse tracking team you applied for from the headquarters have any gains?”

“Not yet, those people haven’t attacked No. 1 yet, but we have strengthened our guard now. If the other party moves again, we will definitely find out.” The technical team leader this time is hard to straighten his waist, “In addition The drone has arrived, so that we can also monitor the places that are not covered by the camera. We have entered the data and appearance of some suspected larger people according to what you said. Scanning and comparing the camera and the drone, this time we can definitely find people in the shortest time. “

The coffee man hearing this indifferent expression, but turned around and looked towards Vincent on the side. “Mr. Vincent has heard that he has participated in several wars among mercenaries. I would like to ask you a question.”

“Please speak.”

“When the current situation is dangerous to your side and you are about to be surrounded by the enemy, what do you generally do?”

“It’s the most dangerous to wait and die. The best way is to move as much as possible, disturb the situation, and tear the encircling circle opposite. Only in this way can opportunities be created.”

“It seems that the opposite is also the plan,” the coffee man touch the chin. “But this list is not so bad a trap, it’s a war book.”


“War book?” The little boy puzzled.

“Black Nest will get hooked.” Zhang Heng said, but the specific reason is difficult for him to explain to the little boy. Edward had to meet the three people who had communicated with him for a long time before, and exposed all the information related to ctos. This is one. This is a very dangerous thing, and it’s something Black Nest will definitely beware of.

From this point of view, as long as Black Nest sets up manpower in advance in several transportation hubs, there is a high probability of locking in to the target.

“There is nothing wrong with the airport’s power cut plan, but we have to transfer some of the Black Nest’s field power, especially the sniper, he is too dangerous.”

“But by simply changing the passenger information, will the Black Nest be fooled over there?”

“Yes, they will.” Zhang Heng is affirmed.

The main task this time is to help Edward escape, or help Zero catch Edward, on the surface it is either or not, but in fact there is a possibility that until the time of the copy is exhausted, Edward has neither been killed by the black nest nor escape , This is equal to a double loss for players of 2 factions.

No more than 10000, no one wants to see such a result.

However, such a possibility does exist, after all, there is not much time left now, only 5 days, if you give up the risky joint, just simply survive these 5 days, Zhang Heng’s side is still very grasped of.

And such a result is completely acceptable to Black Nest, as long as they first control Edward not to contact the media and communication channels, then they can slowly play hide-and-seek with Edward in the city, but this is now with Black Nest Station Players who are together cannot accept it.

To Vincent and the little boy and the others, that list is the worst trap.

But in the eyes of players like Coffee Man and Zhang Heng, the list has another completely different meaning.

“Is this an invitation for me to start a duel? It’s unexpectedly refreshing, bad, this proposal is a bit exciting.” The coffee man scratched his head.

Vincent rarely voluntarily said anything since he handed over the command, usually the coffee man asked him to answer, but this time hearing this still could not help but opened the mouth and said, “Now we have the advantage, as long as we Without chaos, there will be no chance across. “

“You are right, but if you can take advantage of this opportunity to directly cut off the faucet, you will not be able to turn over the storm across the opposite side.” Coffee men said.

“But what if the other party just lured the tiger away from the mountain?”

“I can understand your worries, so now it’s 3 pm, no matter if I can kill the guy on the opposite side, I will bring people back before dark, so I will leave it to you for the time being.” Coffee Man Pats Vinson Special shoulders.

The latter is somewhat helpless, “How many people do you want.”

“Not much, 2 people in 20 groups are enough, apart from this, and that guy, he should also be able to come in handy in the next battle.” The coffee man pointed to Vincent and kept his neck shrinking behind him Want to pretend that Abu does not exist.

The latter did not know why. Since the night before yesterday, it has been uncharacteristic, and has never talked back or taunted the coffee man. Instead, he looked towards him with a little more fear in his eyes. Vincent saw this for the first time in Abu ’s eyes. expression.

He wanted to know what happened between the two, but since Abu did not take the initiative to tell him, he did not ask.

Abu was named complexion changed, but eventually he honestly followed behind the coffee man.

“Don’t cry, you might be able to see something that you haven’t seen in your life through this opportunity, you should be happy.” Then the coffee man looked towards the technical person on the other side, “Look at the three on the list. Bait, see where they will go. “

“Yes.” The person in charge of the technology hurriedly left after getting the order.

“The party has already started, we are ready to go, don’t let the host wait too long.” Coffee male pats said.

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