48 Hours a Day

Chapter 442

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Achilles was not only the Greek side, but also the most powerful hero in the entire Trojan War.

He was invincible and unstoppable on the battlefield, killing the first warrior Hector of Troy, causing the war that had been glued to begin to deflect toward Greece.

However, it was such a Demi-God hero who was so powerful that he could control the battle with his own power, but he died in the hands of Hector ’s younger brother Paris because he desecrated Apollo.

The arrow shot by the latter accurately hit Achilles’ ankle under the guidance of Apollo, which was also the only weakness of Achilles all over his body.

And this arrow is now in Zhang Heng’s hands.

—— 【Arrow of Paris】

[Quality: D]

[Function: After hitting the string, hit the target weakness. 】

Although this arrow has appeared in previous rounds of games, but the effect is not too big, but it is against Zaviercha, the monster that can melt the wall has a good performance, and considering that it is actually Carrying one of the most inconvenient props, Zhang Heng even once thought about whether to leave it in the real world.

But now he should be glad that he did not at all make this decision.

Zhang Heng draws a bow.

The coffee man laughed when he saw it. “Are you trying to reproduce the result of the battle 3000 years ago, but I am not Achilles, you are not Paris, you want to shoot my heels, How about letting me shoot you? “

The coffee man really lowered his head and lifted his trouser legs while talking.

“This guy is a bit too arrogant, and the thought is even worse when I think of dying in such an arrogant guy.” The earring man also said with a bitter smile.

He also doesn’t think Zhang Heng has the ability to hit the coffee man’s weakness.

By now, the situation is very clear, and it is a mortal situation for them.

If things are really like Zhang Heng said, the almost invincible state of the coffee man is brought by soaking the Styx, then it means that he is almost impossible to be killed.

This kind of buff that works every time without the help of any props is like putting a 27-layer protective steel jacket on him.

The earring man even suspected that even if he now threw away the atomic bomb, he could not kill the monster.

It’s really no problem to let such a guy who is almost cheating exist in the game?

The coffee man reached out his hands and lifted up to the sky, filled with self-confidence, “Come on, I can give you 3 chances …”

However, he hadn’t finished his words yet. Zhang Heng had loosened his bow. [Arrow of Paris] flew out and brought a gust of wind, but in the end, he wiped the coffee man’s ear.

Did you miss it? Earring male stared wide-eyed, he didn’t expect Zhang Heng this arrow to hit each other’s weaknesses, but it would be a bit overkill.

After all, the distance between the two sides is not too far, and it should still be possible to hit the target.

Just when the heart of the earring man poured out you and showed me this complicated mood, I saw that the arrow suddenly changed the flight trajectory without any external interference.

And it’s still a big turn over 180 degrees.

The smile on the coffee man’s face is getting bigger and bigger. In his view, Zhang Heng has made such a low-level mistake, which means that his heart has been messed up and the goal is gradually losing fighting intent.

However, the smile on his face stayed there forever.

Behind his head, where he could n’t see, the [Arrow of Paris] that went back and forth accurately hit the little thumb cover of his left hand.

As always, there is an irresistible torrent of destiny.

“No need, one arrow is enough.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

The coffee man’s body shook. Obviously, the attack he received was not much worse than before. After all, he had done even the cornea receiving sniper bullets. It stands to reason that there is a fingernail. By the way, this kind of ordinary person is a pain, no matter how you look at it, it will not have any serious impact on a monster that can hardly kill.

However, it was just such an inconspicuous piece of small fingernails. As it shattered, the coffeeman’s breathing stopped.

It’s like an electronic clock being pulled out of a battery, or a toy full of clockwork is suddenly stuck there.

Afterwards, he kept this posture and fell head-on on the muddy ground.

“What the hell? Want to play the corpse again ?!”

In view of someone’s ill-behaved earring male, he is now a bit suspicious, but next moment he saw Zhang Heng put away his long bow and walked to the body not far away.

“Hey, be careful, this guy likes to pretend to scare people.” The earring man reminded.

“Don’t worry, I can assure you that he is really dead this time.” Zhang Heng squatted down and turned over the body of the coffee man.

“How do you know this?” The earring man stared nervously at the body not far away.

“Because I received the system hint.” Zhang Heng was a little surprised. According to what the coffee man said before, he killed three players in the same camp. It stands to reason that the game props of those players should also be on him now, but I don’t know why, Zhang Heng only found a pair of bronze rings from him.

The specific role will only be known after identification.

Apart from this, there are no other game props.

“Wait … you said he was dead?” The earring man suspected something was wrong with his ear. He couldn’t believe it. He was still alive and kicking a few minutes ago, beating him badly with many teeth knocked out. The humanoid weapon of the power is thus unfathomable mystery’s lead.

“I answered you, he is indeed dead and can’t die anymore.” After touching the body, Zhang Heng retrieved the [Paris Arrow] who had made great achievements this time.

“So his weakness is on the little thumb cover?” The earring male of came back to his senses couldn’t help but be angry, “This is too fucking insidious, as long as you clenched your fist, you can hide the little thumb cover, no wonder I dealt with him He can only be flattened unilaterally, and when he called you to shoot 3 arrows, he raised his hand deliberately and arrogantly. This move was to keep the fingernail in the direction behind him, but then again, how did you guess him Where are your weaknesses, and what is your arrow that only turns around? “

“You know the rules of getting along with players, did I ask what happened to your water giant?”

“It ’s okay to tell you, my water giant status is because of a C-Rank item. The trigger condition is that it needs a considerable amount of water, river water, rain … No problem, but I have just used up the last number of uses. “The earring man finished, sighed, and looked at the dead pearl in his hand.

“How is your injury, can you still get up?” Zhang Heng asked.

“I ca n’t die, but I ca n’t do anything anymore, so I ca n’t help you with the rest of the matter. You can find somewhere to hide me, anyway, this copy will end in 4 days.” Earrings The man snarled his teeth, “If I can pass the customs this time, I owe you one.”

“Well, you take care of your wounds slowly, just leave it to me later.” Zhang Heng nodded.

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