48 Hours a Day

Chapter 754

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng said this congratulations, the court first fell into a silence, followed by a burst of cheers at the entrance of the training ground.

The companions of Bach, the five Germans cheered loudly.

If someone told them that they would be excited for Bach’s victory before this competition, they probably wouldn’t believe it, because it seems to them that Bach’s victory is a matter of course.

But when they witnessed this arduous battle with their own eyes, they would never have this idea anymore, especially when they saw Bach going through a “hard battle” but never gave up, and they stubbornly resisted their opponents strong wind and time after time. The swift rain-like attack eventually found the enemy’s weak spot (brain fill) and won with one blow.

Nothing is more exciting than this kind of victory. Bach is like the hero of Xiaoqiang who will never be killed in the comics. This spirit not only inspired him but also infected the people around him.

It’s just that the actor itself doesn’t seem to be so excited about his companion. When cheers sounded, Bach was still in a daze.

When Zhang Heng saw Bach ’s expression, he had to add another sentence, “Excellent sword, you found my only weak spot. In view of the situation at the time, this sword is very bold, especially when the timing is very good. As I expected, you will lose the battle earlier or later. “

“I found your weak spot?” Bach was suspicious, mainly because he had been suppressed by Zhang Heng before, simply couldn’t see the possibility of winning a bit, that sword was completely Final Struggle, but the result was unfathomable mystery victory. Before contacting Zhang Heng, the unremarkable performance in the training camp made it difficult for Bach to suspect that the other party was intentionally releasing water.

“Isn’t it?” Zhang Heng’s sincere rhetoric made Bach begin to doubt whether he really hit the big luck. After all, the situation was very critical at that time. Bach couldn’t think of that many, which was instinctively waving it. A sword, maybe Mars suddenly looked after him at that moment, letting his blind cat meet the dead mouse, and won this thrilling competition.

Looking at the expression of to be wild with joy of the companion, the next sentence in Bach’s mouth could not speak.

“You should join them to celebrate together.” Zhang Heng reached out.

Bach hesitated and eventually handed over the training sword and buckler in his hand, which also meant that he accepted the final result, and even took the wooden sword that fell to the ground, Zhang Heng put these things together Back in place.

Since Bach said that this battle will be cancelled regardless of whether it wins or loses Varo, Zhang Heng naturally does not matter whether he wins or loses, and according to his original plan, he will mix quietly and freely at the Gladiator School and lose instead of winning. More appropriate.

Therefore, this battle is the best result he is looking for. Although he lost, from the eyes of those Germans looking at him, Zhang Heng also knew that there was no need to worry that the armistice agreement would be invalid, because in the final analysis, Gladiator School is a fist watcher local.

Zhang Heng showed his muscles and naturally won respect.


From the perspective of Zhang Heng, Bach ’s troubles are the best solution, but on Varo ’s side, he can only look at himself.

Zhang Heng’s perception of Varo is not bad. After all, Varo is the first person he has contacted in the copy. Varo was a Roman citizen before becoming a slave. Zhang Heng’s understanding of Rome is in addition to the history he has learned before. , Basically know from Varo ’s mouth, although many things are not used now, but this time the extra 24 hours, a full year and a half, Zhang Heng ca n’t always be at Gladiator School Nesting, he is going to go out after all, and these things will come in handy then.

As for Varo himself, it is quite strange, probably because the business at home is passed down by father, but he is quite skilled in antique appraisal and trading, but it is not as treacherous as most businessmen. According to what he said, daily work is also very simple. It is to collect antiques in the streets and alleys, and then sell them in the store, and most of them are regular customers.

His simple character was also deceived for later being deceived, and his own wealth was reduced to a slave, and he buried the fortune. When he learned the truth, Varo was again more sad than death, even Zhang Heng and Bach He didn’t notice the battle between the two. When Zhang Heng came back, he didn’t cry anymore, but he completely closed himself, lost all hope, and only numbness remained in his eyes.

Although he still trains, eats, and sleeps every day for the next 2 weeks, everyone can see that he has completely given up the nearer assessment and his life. In this way, he will only be sold. There is a road in the countryside.

Gabi was indeed thinking about letting Varo go to the mine. The latter’s attitude would not make any further delay, but Bach found him at this time and asked Gabi to give Varo a little more time. More, just 3 days.

Gabi was a little surprised, because as far as he knew Bach and Varo were not very familiar, didn’t expect Germans would actually plead for Varo, but Gabi did not reject Bach, because Bach ’s act of releasing goodwill would undoubtedly Closer relations between him and others made him the righteous leader of this class.

Although gladiators are competitors to each other, it does not mean that there is no friendship. In particular, they sometimes play together. Although the lone wolf is strong, it will be easier if there are wolves.

Gaby was a little curious about how Bach’s muscular head thought about this kind of thing, but he still had other things to worry about, and he didn’t think much about it. Varo’s leaving was just a trivial matter.

Over time, more than 20 days have passed in unconsciously, and the deadline given by Marcus is getting closer and closer, and Bach’s training is as smooth as planned.

But because of this, the problem is serious.

Because Gabi is very clear, it is impossible to train Bach according to the normal plan to rise to the level of Cissnaths. Even if he later works on the arrangement of the battle, finds some more famous gladiators to rival Bach Build momentum for him, but the lie will always be pierced one day, the higher it is held, the more painful it will fall.

If you are unlucky, Bach will even lose her life, and the Gladiator School will lose even more.

Gabi even considered whether or not to get a famous gladiator, such as Habitus, his popularity has been good, the winning rate is also good, and the fighting method is also very pleasing to the eye. And although his potential is not as good as Bach, his strength is above Bach. Perhaps Habitus can first stand up for a period of time to give Bach more room for growth …

Gabi thought a little, and even forgot that Bach was still standing in front of him, until the expression of impatience appeared on the latter’s face, Gabi was nodded, “Yes, then give him another three days.”

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