48 Hours a Day

Chapter 757

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Continuous high-intensity training will gradually make people lose their ability to think. Most people have even forgotten how long they have been here.

Zhang Heng In their daily life, in addition to training, they only have the necessary physiological activities such as eating and sleeping, and the latter two are always in a state of insufficiency. No matter how much food they eat, they will quickly become hungry, no matter how many hours they sleep day The whole body will still be sore …

In addition to the bad luck ghost who threw away the training sword before, there were 7 people who could not withstand this brutal pressure choice or were forced to withdraw.

Four of them were Roman citizens. They chose to rescind the contract with the Gladiator School and went home to find another way out. The remaining three slaves were not so lucky. They were taken to mining on the 4nd day.

What surprised Gabi was that Varo, who was the least optimistic about him, actually survived.

Although the latter completed the first day of training before sunrise, he could only devote to a new round of training without eating or having time to rest. From Gabi ’s point of view, he hopes that he can continue on 2nd day Not big, but didn’t expect that Varo actually carried it miraculously. During the period, Zhang Heng helped him steal water and bread, but obviously his own willpower was the decisive factor.

This makes Gaby appreciate him a little bit. Good gladiators, fighting skills are important, but a firm will is also indispensable. In this respect, Bach is very good. His training volume is the largest of all. But besides blowing his beard and staring, not at all said a complaint.

However, Gaby did not open any backdoors for Varo because he appreciated Varo. After all, Varo was not a potential newcomer like Bach who was worth investing heavily. It was his luck that he could survive this level, but he could n’t support the Gladiator There is no loss in the school, anyway, there is always a shortage of people in the mine.

For now, it seems that Varo’s luck is not bad, after the most difficult first day and the more difficult 2nd day, he won 3 hours of sleep and dinner time for himself, so that his body can replenish Physical strength, so his speed increased a bit during the 3rd day, so he also got more rest time in return.

But his good luck was exhausted on the fifth day, and he got his feet in training. Gabi didn’t say anything about it, just let him continue training, so Varo dragged a broken foot this day, almost failed to complete the training task, and the worse thing was 5nd day. Because of the previous intense exercise, his ankle was swollen. It was so powerful that it also made his movements slower.

Although Varo finally rushed to complete the task before the next sunrise, he felt despair in his heart because he knew how bad he was now. It was not purely spiritual to make up for it. Physical strength and injuries are in any case impossible to complete a new round of training.

But fortunately he later saw Zhang Heng again, who made a simple version of the ankle brace with bark and cloth strips and threw it in front of him, opened the mouth and said, “Put it on.”

Before, Zhang Heng Wei Jiangyang in his dormitory likes to play football the most, but he always sprained his foot, so the latter bought a one to wear on the foot for easy recovery. Of course, the protector company does not include delivery for Roman customers in the 2nd century AD Fortunately, Zhang Heng knew the principle and structure, so he did it.

Varo put on protective gear under Zhang Heng’s instructions, and ate some bread and water, and finally managed to carry this most dangerous day, and his bad luck seemed to finally come to an end after this. His sprain though It looked a bit scary before, but not at all hurt the bones and started to improve after wearing the protective gear until it returned to normal.

Varo also gradually caught up with the progress of the big army, gaining more time to eat and rest.

When the time came to the 49th day, Gabi unprecedented canceled all the training and brought the people together. His eyes glanced over the faces in front of him.

Now the number of reserve gladiators has been reduced from 40 3 at the start of the training camp to 30, and there are 3 people who withdrew actively or passively for various reasons.

Among them, the free man has the most downsizing. After all, this Gabi has doubled the amount of training suddenly without warning, reaching an unbearable stage for ordinary people, and there is more than one gladiator school in Rome, even if you want to People in this profession do not have to choose to hang themselves on a tree if they have a choice.

So by the 49th day, there were only 2 free people, and the other 28 people were all slaves.

This result is basically in line with Gaby’s expectations, and the next is the final highlight.

-Gladiator assessment.

Although the elimination rate of nearly one third has been achieved so far, the remaining 30 people are not necessarily able to become gladiators, although there are some gladiator schools in the city that will consider the cost of training and purchasing slaves. Relatively loose assessment standards, but in a responsible attitude to the audience, Gaby has been the head of the school for more than 20 years and has never relaxed the requirements.

Only an excellent gladiator can dedicate the best performance to the audience.

It is precisely because of this principle that Victor Arena’s attendance has always been high.

Of course, because of Marquez’s request, this time assessment has another layer of different meanings.

“Congratulations, you have completed the first part of the training.” Gabi opened the mouth and said, “But don’t be too happy, because only through the final assessment you can become a true gladiator, the assessment failed, do not need Say, you also know what fate awaits you. “

Gabi Paused, all of the expressions on everyone’s face were seen, and then he continued, “Relax, the content of the assessment is very simple, not as cumbersome as your previous training program, the gladiator is a person born for fighting, So there is only one criterion for evaluating the pros and cons of a gladiator, and that is whether you can win. “

Not only did everyone fear this, but they all showed a be eager to have a try expression. They worked hard for so long, and finally it was time to show the training results.

“Very good, keep this excitement, I believe you have all inquired about the assessment method before. After the draw, 2 2 games, the winning side will pass the assessment, and the losing side will be judged by me based on performance, but , This time we decided to change to another assessment method. “

Gabi turned sharply, and the training ground suddenly became quiet. The joy that was finally released from the devil’s training on everyone’s face was gone. On the contrary, everyone had a big event in his heart. A bad feeling comes.

Gaby still said slowly, “To give you a better understanding of what a gladiator performance is and the gap between you and a formal gladiator, this time your opponent will be an official gladiator selected from the school. The battle arrangement is still by lottery. “

“Now, who will be the first draw?”

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