48 Hours a Day

Chapter 783

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Zhang Heng didn’t expect Gabi took him directly to Marquez’s residence.

The latter’s Domus is not in the gladiator school, but diagonally across the street, in a good location.

The so-called Domus refers to the mansion of the rich, and unlike the villas of modern society, Domus looks more like a small fortress, shaped like a shell, has almost no windows, and is not like the kind of civilians living Apartment with balcony.

Zhang Heng followed Gabby into the door, through the entrance, and to the front hall. Although there is no window, the light inside is good. This is because the front hall has no roof. This design not only allows the sun to shine, but also Collect rainwater.

On rainy days, rainwater will flow out of the mouth of several statues on the edge of the roof, by chance falling in a square rain pond.

The rain pond can not only play the role of decoration, let the sparkling waves reflect on the walls of all around, increase the mood, and connect the underground storage tank, which also ensures that a Domus can have water at any time, on the contrary, The civilians who lived in the apartment building went out to get water from the wells and fountains in the city.

Zhang Heng didd’t expect Marcus actually stood in the front hall waiting for him. When he saw him, he walked over enthusiastically and took his shoulders.

This can be regarded as a shocking move in the eyes of other Romans. The host personally came out to greet the slave, and also made actions that only friends could make. What is more rare is that there is no reluctance on Marquez’s face. Meaning, as if all this was natural, it came entirely from the heart.

Now he looks kind and full of affinity, and he was just 2 people sitting on the balcony on the second floor and looking at the slave under his feet.

However, just when all of this was happy, coldly snorted destroyed the atmosphere of the host and guest.

Zhang Heng had long noticed the girl standing on the second floor. When he walked into the front hall, the other party’s face became somber, and when Marcus hugged Zhang Heng’s shoulder, the girl even stomped directly. Turned his head back to the house.

“Oh, that’s my second daughter, Doma.” Marcus introduced, “Don’t worry, I’ve been busy with things at the Gladiator’s school, and I have no time to control her, so that she has developed this wildness. Son, let’s go to the reception room. “

Gabi seemed a little worried about Marquez’s safety, opened the mouth and said, “Master … Is there a few more people coming.”

“It’s okay,” Marquez waved his hand. “Zhang Heng is his own. Besides, with his skills, if you really think you can kill me, the person you are looking for may not be able to stop you.”

Gabby hearing this bowed, and said nothing more.

Marcus smiled again, “Go, let’s go to the reception room.”

Compared to the lobby, the light in the reception room is a bit dim, but once the eyes adapt to this dim light, you can see the murals on the walls and the mosaic tiles under the feet. The colors are quite gorgeous.

Of course, the most conspicuous is a grand table, and the gem-filled chair behind the table, Marcus is sitting on it now, and he points to the other stool opposite.

So Zhang Heng sat down politely.

“Interestingly, I asked Gabi and other people who were in charge of contacting slave dealers and inspectors. They couldn’t remember who bought you that day.” Marquez said while looking up Zhang Heng.

“So?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“So I guess this is a good thing, because it means that no one knows your past, we can make some articles on it to increase your appeal to the audience-mysterious sense, this is a good thing, for women Fatal attraction, but now my mysterious feeling is not enough, I can ask people to release some ambiguous gossip, for example, you are a Prince in a certain country in the east, or a general and so on, and they are secretly left behind. After arriving in Rome, unfortunately became a slave and was sold to the arena. Every woman likes this story, which can also inspire their sympathy … “

Marcus talked eloquently, but when he said half-heartedly that Zhang Heng didn’t respond, he slapped his head again, “Oh, haven’t I said yet, I want you to be the new Victor Arena Ace, do you know Sisnath, he was the most popular and admired person in Rome when he was still in the gladiator school, and I can give you everything he once had, no, I can give you more than he has Everything that makes you more famous than him. “

“And what do I have to pay?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Victory, many victories, non-stop victories,” Marquez leaned back. “Except for victory, I have nothing to ask you, my friend. Of course, we also need you to cooperate when necessary. Promote. “

“I am your slave, you can just direct me to such a thing, if you can’t, you can also threaten me with death.” Zhang Heng said.

“No, no, I didn’t think of you as a slave. You are different from those guys,” Marquez said, taking a bottle of wine and 2 glasses from under the table. “Everyone who knows me knows that I am exceptional Respect talent, as long as you have the ability, I will respect you, even more how I do n’t know why I think you are special when I see you from the first glance, I ’m not talking about appearance, this feeling is more like Soul, I like you, really, and I think we can definitely do something great together. Your strength, plus my operation, the whole Rome will be crazy for you.

Marcus poured the wine into 2 glasses and said enthusiastically, “Try it, this is wine from Persia.”

After Zhang Heng took the glass and finished drinking, he continued, “Now we are friends, you can tell me what you need and need, beauty, wine … or whatever, as long as it is within my ability. Inside, I can satisfy you. “

Zhang Heng hearing this put down the glass, opened the mouth and said, “I want to go out and breathe.”

“No problem, you can leave the gladiator school casually, as long as you speak to Gabi.” Marcus nodded and said without much hesitation. He was not worried about Zhang Heng’s escape. The latter was unaccompanied in Rome and looked very handsome. There are characteristics, plus his current fame has begun to become more difficult to escape.

However, Zhang Heng didn’t want to leave for the time being. He mainly wanted to get the things stored outside. As he became famous, it wasn’t without good. At least it seems that Marquez still wanted to maintain a relative relationship with him. Close relationship, that is to say, the latter should not be greedy for his body. In addition, Zhang Heng has been bored at the Gladiator School for so many days and wants to visit the ancient city of Rome.

“Is there anything else?” Marquez thoughtfully.

“Also, I don’t want to date anyone.” Zhang Heng said.

Marcus hearing this gradually put his smile away, awkward look on his face.

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