48 Hours a Day

Chapter 786

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng not at all stayed in place for a long time, and soon went on, as if he didn’t notice the little tail behind him.

He walked slowly along the banks of the Tiber River, his pace was not fast or slow, and completely mixed with the surrounding people, then turned right into the perfume shop street.

As the name suggests, this street is full of perfume shops.

The origin of perfume is earlier than most people think. It was probably used in ancient Egypt more than 3000 years ago. After that, ancient Greek and Roman perfumes were also very popular, like the Victor Athletics where Zhang Heng is located. At the venue, the advertisements previously painted on the walls clearly told the audience that the lower stage stands will be sprayed with perfume, which is one of the means of attracting the audience in the arena.

apart from this, the ancient Romans still had many creative uses of perfumes. For example, when building a house, some people mixed the perfume into the mortar, so that when the sun shines on it, it will emit a fragrance, and some people will apply the perfume. On slaves and horses, it makes them feel relaxed and joyful.

It was precisely because of the Romans’ enthusiasm for perfume that the perfume shop business has always been good.

There are a lot of people on the every day of the perfume shop street, so the people who follow Zhang Heng in the back are also facing enemies, afraid that one will be slipped away by the target.

But it turned out that they were a bit worried. Zhang Heng neither accelerated his pace nor hid in Tibet. He stayed in their sight until he crossed the perfume shop street and came to a group of apartments in the back, it was much quieter. .

Zhang Heng walked into an alley with a clothes rail, and brightly colored clothes fluttered in the wind.

The group of people who were trailing behind him looked at each other and felt that it was almost time for hands-on, so they pulled out their arms, most of them were daggers, and a short sword, a group of 5 people, opened their heads. The clothes on the air rushed into the alley in front of him.

It was less than a few blinks before Zhang Heng walked in, but they lost the silhouette of each other in front of them.


5 people rubbed their eyes, and an incredible expression appeared on their faces.

They didn’t lose their goals along the way, but when the time came to start, they were gone. This is really emotionally unacceptable.

A living person, obviously so big, disappeared out of thin air like this. If they were not seen with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

However, just when they were embarrassed about how to pay the employer, a voice came from above their heads.

“Are you looking for me?”

Zhang Heng released his hand holding the wall and jumped from above. By chance fell on the last man’s back. The latter was kicked out by him directly and bumped into the arms of the four partners in front.

Zhang Heng took advantage of this time to pick up the short sword that the other party dropped on the ground, and then the four people in front of him also turned around and lifted the companion on the ground.

The confrontation between the two parties not at all lasted for a long time, next moment 5 people 2 rushed over without saying anything.

So Zhang Heng did not talk nonsense. He has seen that these five people should be all gangsters on the street. He usually does not do gangsters. Such a guy can only open their mouths by beating them.

Fortunately, such a battle is hardly difficult for Zhang Heng.

There is a reason why he chose this place as the place where the two sides meet, except because it is relatively remote and allows the other party to show fangs, and because the width of this alley is very narrow, it can only accommodate 2 people at the same time, and Once the movement is relatively large, it will affect each other.

Although there are 5 people on the opposite side, only 2 people can face Zhang Heng at a time, and 2 people will fight each other. Zhang Heng stabs with one sword, one wants to hide to the right and one wants to hide to the left. As a result, there are no two people Can avoid.

This group of people is a group of people with no fighting skills. The fight is only relying on a fierce force. Even Varo who has only been trained for 50 days can deal with two.

And Zhang Heng took the Hooligan group completely in less than 3 minutes. The so-called dressing means that when they are laid down on the ground, no one dares to climb up from the ground.

Zhang Heng then squatted in front of one of the guys who looked like the leader, raised his face with his dagger, and asked, “Come on, let me tell you who sent you?”

“I can’t say, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get mixed in the city of Rome again.” The teenager gritted his teeth, but he was quite stiff, and he looked like he was not old, only 15-16 years old.

“You should know that I will not be satisfied with this answer.” Zhang Heng looked into each other’s eyes.

Although Zhang Heng’s tone was calm, the teenager did not know why, but he couldn’t help shivering, but he hadn’t had time to speak, and the companions around him wailed first, “Tell him, tell him, we have a total of I did n’t collect much money, and it was the seven Dinarius who were assigned to the group. I could n’t commit the money for the money. ”

A little hesitation appeared on the face of the young boy mixing this.

“I think your brother said something very reasonable. If I were you, accept his suggestion.” Zhang Heng said, pushing the dagger in his hand down a bit.

“Unap, it was the people of Unap Arena who found us. They spent money to make us stare at you. When we leave the arena alone, we will do it. We also didn’t expect that this is the first day. We met a chance. “The teenager murmured, his voice full of bitterness.

“They let you kill me?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“That’s not true, as long as you can’t get out of bed for 2 months.”


Zhang Heng knew that 80% of the incident was due to the gladiatorial performance in Flavi ’s amphitheater more than a month later. Zhang Heng is not knowing anything about the gladiator school now, knowing that behind Unap Arena It is the 4th largest gladiator school in Rome, and it has a direct competitive relationship with the gladiator school in Mar Cruz. Especially in recent years there has been a lot of friction between the two parties.

However, Zhang Heng didn’t expect the opponent to move so quickly, he was only famous for his front feet, and found trouble after his feet. It stands to reason that it was only a few hours before he won the twelve-person melee, even if Unap Arena wants Cutting off competitors should also start with Habitus first.

Zhang Heng tapped the hilt with his fingers while thinking about the matter.

The five gangsters looked towards Zhang Heng with some nervousness. Everyone’s face was filled with anxiety. I didn’t know what was the destiny waiting for me.

A moment later Zhang Heng reached out a hand, “Hand over the deposit you received.”

The five bastards did n’t start immediately. Obviously, they were reluctant. They did n’t have any serious work at all. Of course, they did n’t have any income sources. And after they missed, they also had to consider how to explain to their employers.

Seeing that the other group of teenagers didn’t move, Zhang Heng said again, “I’m always fair to this person. You can choose between getting out of bed for 2 months and giving me a deposit.”

Hearing this group of gangsters had to pull out the money reluctantly, Zhang Heng counted the amount, but did not put the money in his pocket, but said, “Well, I have a profitable business now , I wonder if you are interested. “

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