48 Hours a Day

Chapter 789

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“How is it?” Marcus rubbed his hands and looked forward to Zhang Heng with anticipation.

The latter tried 2 Persian swords in his hands, nodded and said, “Not bad.”

“Just like it, I am counting on you this time,” Marquez said. “For the honor of the Victor Arena, we must win the championship for this show.”

“I will do my best.” Zhang Heng said.

“Very well, I know you are the most reliable.” Marcus’s satisfied pats Zhang Heng’s shoulders, “In addition to you, we also plan to send Bach, Habitus, Carneiro, Murcazan, Paral and Miro, make up 7 people of repute amount, but of course I am the one who is most optimistic about you. In addition, I asked Gabi to investigate the players in several other arenas and mark the key objects that need attention. , Although the specific list will not come out tomorrow. Oh, yes, there is a dinner tonight, you need to attend. “

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“I know, I know that there is an agreement between us, but this time is different. The dinner was held in the old home of Dior. He is one of the most powerful people in the entire Elder’s Council. By then, the most powerful people in the entire empire will Attendance, including our new emperor Your Majesty, who want to meet the warriors who are going to appear tomorrow before the start of the gladiatorial show. It ’s not just you, all gladiators must go. In the afternoon, I will let someone give You give your new clothes. “

After speaking, Marquez turned and walked out of the door, but when he walked to the door, he stopped again. Paused added, “You better use the rest of the time to take a bath and spray yourself with perfume. Believe Me, making yourself popular in front of these people is definitely not a bad thing. You are going to face the most powerful group of people in Rome. “


Zhang Heng ’s little slave girl was very diligent in hands and feet. Marcus had just left her front feet, and she was preparing Zhang Heng ’s bathing things on her hind feet. A long yawn, the barrel in his hand fell to the ground, the little slave girl panicked, trying to stoop down to pick up the barrel, but then a deeper sleep fell into her head, she Can’t resist this drowsiness, and finally fell so asleep on the ground holding the wooden barrel so softly.

Zhang Heng looked at Dadatis who walked in from outside the door and was surprised. “Did you come to me today during the day?”

“Relax, I’m very careful, no one sees me.” The old trainer said, “You have completed our previous agreement and entered the list of gladiatorial performances. I can tell you what to do next.”


“Unsurprisingly, you should have received an invitation tonight’s dinner. This is a rare opportunity for you. We need you to be close to someone at the dinner, if possible, to impress him.”


“Our Your Majesty, Commod.” Dadatis spit out a name.

“So your goal is really the Roman emperor?” Zhang Heng heard the name but did not reveal too much shock, perhaps because the historical Commodus died of assassination, and Dadatis appeared in The gladiator school itself can already explain many problems.

Commodity is probably the most favorite performance of the Roman emperor, and he also has a quirk. It is not enough to appreciate it in the stands. It must be played by himself to be addicted. His last death in the history is also quite unique. , Strangled by the gladiator in the bathtub.

“Maybe yes, maybe not.” The old trainer’s answer was ambiguous.

“We’d better be honest, because if it’s really Commod, I’m afraid I will quit the test.” Zhang Heng said.

“Why?” The old trainer asked seriously.

“I may be a Gentile, but I’m not stupid. I know what will happen if I assassinate a Roman emperor.” Zhang Heng indifferently said, “The conditions you offered were not enough for me to take this risk. “

Dadatis hearing this looked at Zhang Heng’s eyes, and after a while the old trainer gave in, “Well, I can assure you that your goal this time is not Kang Maode.”

“Who is that?” Zhang Heng asked, “Are you going to hide from me at this step?”

The old trainer hesitated for a long time at this time, and finally opened the mouth and said, “Atruus, Commodus’ most trusted advisor, also has some Imperial Family bloodline itself, but he has been very depressed before meeting Commodus, all day long. It ’s confusing, but now our friend seems to have turned over the salted fish. He and another youngster named Clint are now the left arm and right arm of Kang Maode. Number 2 character. “

“Why did you assassinate him?”

“This is Oracle from Kreuz. Our responsibility is to execute it, not to ask why.” The old trainer said, “The plan is very simple, and the whereabouts of Altrus has always been mysterious. He knows where he is now. People are jealous, so they act cautiously and have been guarding against being assassinated, but he always be in order to Kang Maode, only Kang Maode knows his whereabouts. “

“So you want me to come close to Commodus and get the whereabouts of Altrus from him?”

“Yes, that’s right,” the old trainer said. “Kang Maode is not the same as other emperors. He seems to particularly like to interact with the people at the bottom, and he especially likes the gladiator. You can use this to approach him and gradually and him friendship building.”

Zhang Heng thought about it and asked, “If I help you solve this matter, even if you pass the test, won’t you bother me again?”

“Yes, then you will become my successor as a core member of the Blade of Balance. As I said before, our management is actually very loose and free, until the next Oracle member of the organization can do its own thing. “

“Until the next Oracle arrives?” Zhang Heng asked rhetorically.

The old trainer rolled his eyes, “I know what you are thinking, you don’t have to worry so much, the balance blade is not only you, it will not always catch you a sheep hair, although there is no clear Regulations, but under normal circumstances, the same member will not perform two consecutive tasks, but I ca n’t guarantee it in the future. “

Zhang Heng was not too worried about it. Anyway, after the copy time, he passed away. Even if the balance blade is 100 times greater, he ca n’t rush out of the copy. He has been chasing and killing him for more than 2 1000 years. In addition, Zhang Heng feels that the old man is struggling. Has taught him such a long time, there is no credit but also hard work, he is not good to eat grass and not milk, just to pay back the other party ’s graciousness, but also to help the balance of the blade to find Otterus whereabouts.

So Zhang Heng said, “Yes, it’s all over me.”

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