48 Hours a Day

Chapter 793

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No one thought that after having the bad experience of the bad luck outlander, there would be people who dare to openly challenge Satonillos.

The gladiator in the city is okay. I have heard Zhang Heng ’s name a little, knowing that the latter is the most recently famous newcomer in the Victor Arena. Of course, because Zhang Heng currently has too few battlefields, everyone ’s Understanding is also limited. And gladiators from outside the city did not know where the oriental came from.

Sato Nilos immediately turned around after receiving Commodus’s promise and walked towards Zhang Heng.

The gladiator on the scene could feel the burning anger in his eyes, not to mention Zhang Heng in the center of vortex.

Habitus moved his footsteps a little bit away from Zhang Heng. Although the two of them belong to the same gladiator school, Habitus did n’t like Zhang Heng very much. This is normal. Originally, There is only one Bach and his ace gladiator competing in the arena, and Bach is not yet fully mature. Habitus is confident that in this competition, at least the first half of the competition will overwhelm Bach, so he will have more To bargain with the Gladiator School to gain more benefits for themselves.

But now it’s okay. The Oriental who had been quiet before suddenly sprang out, killed Nasika, and began to be favored by Marcus. Since then, Habitus can clearly feel that the Gladiator School has treated him. Attitude was tough again. In addition, he also misfortunes never come alone, clenched the teeth, ready to accept the conditions previously proposed by the old trainer to strengthen his own strength, but didn’t expect after the latter told him that the plan was cancelled.

Although Habitus had no evidence, he intuitively told him that Zhang Heng is also related to the latter matter, so he would be damned if he liked Zhang Heng.

Several other gladiators from the Victor Arena, except Bach, were old men. They were closer to Habitus. Seeing Habitus made it clear that they did not want to mix this thing, so they all It was silent, but it was Bach, the Germanic, who said nothing in Heaven or Earth. He also came to Rome not long ago and had never experienced the most glorious period of Satonillo, so he looked like a fist.

But then he heard Zhang Heng’s voice, “Stand don’t move, it’s none of your business.”

Bach hearing this suddenly became furious. He almost had to fight Zhang Heng first, but when he thought that he couldn’t beat each other, he could only swallow this breath. He most recently said that the progress was quite great, just Even Gabi praised him, so he challenged Zhang Heng ’s small flames again naturally, but when Bach witnessed a Zhang Heng ’s fighting performance, he finally realized that he was at least for a short time. It is impossible to catch up with Zhang Heng.

Just a few moments after the two spoke, Satonillos also came to Zhang Heng.

The two were very close. Zhang Heng could already smell the alcohol on Satonillos, but Zhang Heng knew that Satonillos was not as addicted to the wine as he showed. This should only be his disguise. Obviously The gladiator school behind him also attached great importance to the gladiatorial performance, and began to lay out one month in advance to use this method to reduce the vigilance of other opponents against him.

But this disguise may be able to conceal others, but not Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng can see that after a month of trimming, Satonillos is in his best form. The 2nd Gladiator under Sisnath has a very good strength, and now Commodity and the whole The ruling class in Rome is basically here. In this case, he cannot use weapons in this case. In other words, the Blade Technique of Zhang Heng lv4 cannot be used.

All he can rely on is his own body technique and deduction method. He learned some boxing skills from Holmes, but Zhang Heng figured it out and felt that he could still cope with the current situation.

No way, it is difficult for him to leave a deep impression on Commod tonight by conventional means. He can only borrow Satonillos to use it. Although the method is old-fashioned, the rules of Gladiator World are anyway Whoever has a big fist, and the newcomer wants to get ahead, must be stepping on the old man. If he can win this one, no one will say anything.

“Is that what you just said, boy?” Satonillos put his face over coldly said.

Zhang Heng did not rush to answer, but first looked at Kang Maode not far from the corner of his eyes. Unsurprisingly, the young emperor looked at Marcus with a very interested look. The origin of Zhang Heng.

Marcus was sweating a lot. Before he came here, he had prepared a set of rhetoric to introduce his gladiators, especially Zhang Heng. Seeing that Kang Maode was coming here a little bit, he had already fought The abbreviated draft was okay, but didn’t expect was an unexpected burst afterwards. Zhang Heng didn’t know which nerve had the wrong thread, and suddenly opened up to provoke Satonillos.

However, he has no choice but to brace oneself to introduce Kang Maode to Zhang Heng and pray that Zhang Heng can control the situation.

But Zhang Heng’s next words completely smashed his dream, “Yes, I guess you are not old enough to repeat it again.”

Sato Nilos hearing this grinning smile, “It’s interesting, I didn’t show up in a month, did you dare to put any garbage in front of me.”

“This will happen. Have you ever considered that you are a garbage dump.” Zhang Heng not at all was frightened by Satonillo’s eyes and looked back calmly.

It was Satonillos’s fist that greeted him in the end.

The speed of this fist is very fast, and the distance between the two people is also very close, so Satonillos completely didn’t expect that his fist will actually miss.

The Oriental in front of him just eclipsed his head and evaded his blow, followed by a counterattack from the other side.

Zhang Heng’s punch fell accurately on Satonillos’ right face, knocking the latter directly on the ground, it looked very embarrassing, but Zhang Heng knew that Satonillos was not seriously injured, as one of the most Peak’s gladiator must be full of anti-strike ability.

In the absence of weapons, it is not so easy to rely on fists to win or lose.

Sato Nilos, who fell to the ground, quickly stood up again, and it seems that this time he really moved True Fire, and rushed to Zhang Heng without saying anything, and Zhang Heng also shook his hand, Continue to meet the next round of fighting.

The silhouette of 2 people wrestled in the front hall, and other gladiators evaded.

Unlike most people ’s imagination, Satonillos obviously got more fists. Basically, Zhang Heng punched him with 3 punches before he could return the punch, and the Oriental opposite was always in the key. Most of the time the power of this fist was removed.

He stepped on a strange step, as if he could integrate his footsteps and breathing into one body, which was extremely flexible. After fighting for a while, the expression on Satonillo’s face became dignified, and the gladiator of his level had already Rarely stunned by anger again, many times anger is just a disguise. When his mind calms down, he immediately realizes that he has encountered an opponent.

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