48 Hours a Day

Chapter 806

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The 2nd day of the gladiatorial performance ended in a calm sea, no accidents and no twists and turns.

Basically, the previously optimistic strength gladiators all entered the final battle list of 3rd day, which was different from the prediction of only ten people before the performance began.

Among them, the gladiators from the gladiator schools in the city occupied the majority of the list, and outside the city, except for the innate talent such as the giant Thérófilos, only a few dozen people reached the final battle list. in.

This result is quite beyond the expectations of the gladiators outside the city, just like the bad luck ghost who provoked Satonillos to be beaten against the nose that night, these gladiators outside the city challenged because they had to perform in 4 places Local masters, their actual combat experience should be more abundant than these “noble” gladiators in the city, and their living environment is more difficult, and it is reasonable to grind people.

But the reality is extremely cruel.

Overwhelming advantage is the “noble lady and lady’s toys” that they were not very eye-catching.

But this is actually quite normal. The living conditions of gladiators in these schools in the city are much better than those outside the city. Naturally, they have more time to train, rather than wasting their nutrition on the way back and forth. Better body and stronger, there are special doctors to deal with their injuries.

Of course, the most important point is that the price of gladiators in the city is generally higher than that outside the city, and in terms of average price, it is also one of the two gladiators outside the city.

Therefore, the slave traders are naturally willing to sell better and stronger gladiator embryos to the gladiator schools in the city, and even the gladiators outside the city are famously sold to the gladiator schools in the city at a high price after being famous. The extra combat experience of the fighters simply does not erase the huge gap between the two sides.

Therefore, it is not surprising that such a result appears now.

After the performance, Zhang Heng returned to his place in the donkey cart of the Gladiator School as usual.

He deliberately chose a later time, so that most of the audience has already returned home, so as to avoid the harassment of some extreme admirers, Habitus and Bach and the others are also with him.

By the end of the 2nd day, there were only 4 people left in Victor Arena.

Zhang Heng, Bach, Habitus, and an old-fashioned gladiator called Murkazan.

However, although everyone is in the same arena, there is not much conversation along the way. Perhaps the reason is that the atmosphere will be a little silent when he will become an opponent tomorrow.

Zhang Heng didd’t expect the first person to speak was Habitus.

“Satonillos and Danaos are discussing how to deal with you.”

Bach heard this with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, “Is it a little late to pull the relationship now, isn’t anyone understood?”

“But you don’t know what their specific plans are for Satonillos and Danaos.” Habitus said expressionless.

“Oh?” Zhang Heng leaned his back back.

“I know you don’t like me, and honestly I don’t like you either.” Habitus looked into Bach’s eyes, “if there is an opportunity, I want to punch your infamous stinky face, but also With you, “Habitus looked at Zhang Heng again.” You think you are better than everyone. You don’t take these people in your eyes, but in the end we are all a gladiator school. If you win the championship, Victor Arena ’s attendance will undoubtedly increase. Although he does not want to admit it, it is also good for me. “

“and so?”

“So I pretended to accept the invitation of Satonillos at the Flavi Amphitheater just to break into them.” Habitus said, “They plan to prepare a herbal medicine that can weaken the body Sneak into your lunch tomorrow at noon. “

“There are such herbs?” Bach hearing this was a little surprised.

“This is Rome, but it’s not the backcountry where you Barbarians lived before, you haven’t seen more things.” Habitus mocked said with a smile.

Bach hearing this also angrily said, “Whose Barbarians, who come out of the backcountry, will not think about using some tricks when they can’t beat others, so if there is any radiance after winning?”

Habitus hearing this disagrees, “If you have been a gladiator long enough and experienced enough battles, you will know that it is most important to live, and the best way to live is to win all the time. important.”

“No wonder I don’t like it as soon as I see you. Although your strength is good, there is a nasty smell on your body.” The Germans spit out the donkey cart.

“It’s better to keep your mouth clean,” Habitus’s face also gloomy. “Otherwise you just pray not to meet me tomorrow.”

“Oh, I waited for a long time to wait for the first time we met before.” Bach, without fear, stood up directly from his seat.

Another gladiator named Murkazan saw that the situation was deteriorating, and he had to start a peacemaker. He got up and stood in front of Bach and Habitus, opened the mouth and said, “Okay Do n’t quarrel anymore, calm down, even if there are any grudges, you can stay in the arena to solve it. “

Bach was snorted from his nostrils, which was about to sit down, but didn’t expect next moment Murkazan, who was acting as a peacemaker, palmed his hand, and somehow he felt a knife on his chest.

“It has nothing to do with you, don’t make trouble if you are wise,” Murkazan warned.

And just as Murkazan drew a knife, Habitus also drew a small razor and rushed to Zhang Heng on the other side.

All this happened between electro-optical flint, and just a moment ago, Habitus had just confessed that he and Satonillos and the others were mixed together to find out how the latter intends to deal with Zhang Heng, and the result was suddenly no sign at the next moment The face turned.

He and Murkazan had a clear division of labor. One person controlled Bach, and the other rushed to Zhang Heng, who was unguarded.

However, when Habitus met Zhang Heng’s eyes, there was an unpleasant feeling in his heart, because the other party’s eyes did not all panic or panic.

Just looked at him so quietly.

Immediately afterwards, Habitus saw blade light flashed, and his two fingers holding the razor fell to the ground until the blood spewed out of the cut, before Habitus realized the pain.

Although he had imagined Zhang Heng very strong, and then he was cautious, he tried to paralyze the nerves of the other party with words first, and then moved, but didn’t expect the other party’s knife to be as fast as this.

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