48 Hours a Day

Chapter 811

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After all, Habitus still did not avoid Bach’s rounded sword. Only 3 fingers left could no longer catch the shield in his hand and let the shield fly away.

But what caused Habitus to be surprised and angry was that Bach did n’t want to stop, but instead took a step closer and cut his head. Habitus had no choice but to temporarily give up his weapon and surrender. In his intention, the short sword held in his left hand took a move, and at the same time pulled a little distance away.

However, just when he thought he finally earned the chance to surrender, the next Germanic man was completely shocked by a shameless movement.

I saw that Bach tossed his little round shield aside, and he rushed up the sword with full of energy alone.

Habitus had a scalp tingling for a while, because he was worried about being killed by the audience after he surrendered. He also had to continue to fight, and at the same time, he lowered his voice to Bach, “You are endless, I have lost, you can step on me , All the fame I have accumulated before is cheaper for you. “

“Not enough.” Bach said.

“Damn, what else do you want from me, do you want me to pay you? I’ve been a gladiator for so many years and still saved some money. I can pay you and let you let me surrender. “

“No, I’m not interested in money. I just want your life.” The Germans sincerely said.

“Are you tm sick ?!” Habitus finally couldn’t help but yell, “Don’t forget that we are a gladiator in the arena, how do you tell me if you killed me?”

“Why should I care about the idea of ​​a silly [beep] middle-aged Roman?” Bach said strangely.

Habitus is also the same, only to lower his posture again, “Listen, we did not target you yesterday, you should also know, I just want to control you, not let you intervene in this matter, And the first time I met before, Gabi asked me to give you a chance to discipline you, so you can see that there is not at all an unsolvable hatred between us. “

“It makes sense.” The Germans were nodded.

Habitus was about to turn his worries into joy, but the next moment was a cold on his neck. Bach ’s sword was fast and ruthless, and before he was nodded, he also paralyzed Habitus to a certain extent, so next This sudden sword directly cut Habitus’ neck.

The latter knelt on the ground and covered his neck with blood spray, his eyes full of terror and confusion.

“How can there be so many of them? I’m just unhappy about you.” The Germans grinned. “Especially considering that we are a gladiator school, I don’t want to see you in front of me again Dang around everywhere. “


Habitus seemed to want to say something, but now he is speechless again.

During the fierce battle between Bach and Habitus, Zhang Heng had already solved three opponents. His performance was almost as expected by the audience. As always, he was clean and tidy in every battle. No matter who his opponent was, he couldn’t support ten moves in his hand.

In fact, most of Zhang Heng’s time is just waiting for the next opponent to appear, but when he saw his fourth opponent, there was also a cry of exclamation in the audience, even the first time someone started to Zhang Heng was worried.

Because his next opponent is an archer gladiator.

As I said before, this gladiator does not limit the occupation of the gladiator, so some buggy gladiators are mixed in, like the archer gladiator is one of them, but the archer ’s situation is special, in the face of heavy armor Can only be a mermaid when he is, and incarnation Death God when facing a light armor gladiator,

Unfortunately, Zhang Heng’s double swordsman was a light armored gladiator, and even more terrible was that he didn’t even have a shield, and the only helmet was thrown by him into the lounge, which means he didn’t have one Defensive equipment.

Therefore, the archer gladiator’s eyes opposite him also brightened, and he seemed to see the hope of winning, so he was also full of excitement. Know that now standing in front of him is the biggest popular performance of the gladiator show. Focus, if he can kill Zhang Heng, he will undoubtedly be famous. Even if he fails to win the title of this gladiatorial performance, he can already be known in Rome.

Can’t do Legendary It seems good to be a Legendary Terminator.

So when referee made the start gesture, he immediately extracted the arrow and put it on the bow string.

But his opponent, Zhang Heng, was the same as in previous battles. Not at all made special preparations, just rushed over here.

The archer gladiator couldn’t believe his eyes. Is there still such an honest person in this world?

But the closer he was to victory, he told himself to be more breathless, and he did n’t even shoot the arrow in his hand immediately, but waited for Zhang Heng to get closer. Now the distance between the two sides is probably less than ten steps. From the perspective of the archer gladiator, it is almost impossible to miss at this distance.

So he finally loosened the bow string aimed at the target,

At almost the same time, Zhang Heng also moved. He also has lv2’s arrow technique. He can roughly determine the arrow’s landing point from the other party’s movements. Of course, it is his lv4 Blade Technique that ultimately relies on him. Zhang Heng didn’t even stop, but just waved a knife at random.

next moment His blade was accurately cut on the flying arrow.

After a loud bang, the oncoming arrow was directly knocked out by Zhang Heng.

The archer gladiator on the opposite side is completely stupid.

Does this work? ! He did n’t even seize the last chance to shoot another arrow, so he stood so dumb, he seemed to have given up the struggle. This was probably the deadliest mistake the gladiator had made since the beginning of the war, but it was in the audience. No one blamed him for fighting passively, because all the people who saw this scene were stunned without exception.

It wasn’t until Zhang Heng rushed in front of the archer gladiator and put the Persian sword in his hand around the neck of the latter, the latter realized that he had been eliminated, but compared to this matter, the scene just now was obvious The impact on him was even greater, and even destroyed his confidence and common sense.

And this scene fell in the eyes of Satonillos and the others, but it was more firm to their previous guess. The Oriental in front of him must be a certain incarnation, otherwise he could not explain why his strength is so outrageous.

Thinking about it like this, Satonillos and the others were not so high-spirited again and again, facing the ordinary rival in front of them, and even almost missed.

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