48 Hours a Day

Chapter 814

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The competition between Zhang Heng and Theophilos is undoubtedly the most exciting performance today.

2 of them are Peak gladiators. The battle process is intense and exciting, with another twist and turns. It fully satisfies the audience ’s strong desire to watch a terrifying battle. In the end, Zhang Heng relied on the advantage of half a move. The defeat to victory also completely detonated the jubilant atmosphere of the arena.

Although the performance is not completely over yet, the champion has no suspense in the eyes of the audience.

Even if Theo Philos, who has always been “hidden in strength”, cannot pull Zhang Heng off, is it possible that you want to expect the now ruinous messy Satonillos and the others to burst suddenly?

And the final result is exactly what they expected.

After solving the only tricky “enemy”, Zhang Heng’s battle changed quickly and neatly, and even his opponent won the championship.

After the referee announced Zhang Heng as the final winner, people, including the young emperor, stood up from their seats and cheered and blessed the champion.

There was a shower of rose petals in the sky, and then a referee sent the prepared palm branch and laurel wreath symbolizing victory to Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng put on a laurel wreath under the gaze of more than 90000 spectators on the scene, then raised the palm leaf in his hand and walked around for a week.

“Congratulations, I made a lot of money this time and made me a little bit jealous.”

The Pompeianus probe said to Lucy, who was the first to bet. Zhang Heng’s odds were still relatively high. At this time, Lucilla could earn almost twice the income, and only used it before and after. Only 2 days.

“So people sometimes have to take some risks.” Lucila smiled.

Pompeanus hearing this nodded and said, “You are right.”

“Do you know what I like most about you?”


“Even if you disagree with a person’s point of view, as long as it does not affect your interests, you will not refute the other party, but will agree with the other party’s words, but in your heart, 80% think that the other party is stupid [BEEP ]. “

“What made my beautiful wife misunderstand me?” Pompeianus said with a bitter smile. “I really envy you. Your vision is unique and full of courage. This courage is even beyond. With the men around me, I just made a lot of income that I would be jealous of. How could I possibly … “

Only halfway through Pompeanus’s words, Lucila pressed her lips, and then Lucilla kissed again without warning.

Unlike other women Pompeanus has seen, Lucila’s kiss is quite aggressive, just like her person, bold and unrestrained, without concealing her charm.

The two of them stood up and kissed nobody in the stands. However, during this period, Lucila kept an eye on Zhang Heng in the arena, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, just like It was a little girl child who suddenly found a new toy.


When the cheers were slightly lower, the young emperor cleared his throat.

“Brave gladiator, come forward, let me take a good look at you.” Kang Maode said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Zhang Heng also behaved as if one-on-one training had never happened last night, and went to the stand of the young emperor.

Kang Maode is more comfortable looking at Zhang Heng now. This Oriental is strong and even more clever. He always understands exactly what he means, and now he is lacking such people around him.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that there is a shortage of talents around Kang Maode. Although his father has left him a group of old man assistants, these old men are not used by his own people after all, and Kang Maode can I feel that although their attitude towards him is very respectful, in the bones does not recognize his ruling ability.

In fact, the Old Guys are basically following the traditions and regulations left by the Aurelius era. Rather than saying that they are defending Commodus, it is better to ensure that the legacy of Aurelius can be carried out smoothly. Even the young emperor is often finger-pointed.

The decision of the Armstrong between the Commodus and the Germanic tribes had been strongly obstructed by the military ’s senior officials. They felt that this kind of thing would humiliate the honour of the empire. Obviously, it would only take a few more years to defeat those Germanic tribes. It also pays to the Barbarians.

However, Kang Maode felt that the empire had used soldiers too much in these years. Since his birth, he had witnessed his father’s southern battle, but after each battle, there would be another battle. Those Barbarians are like After weeding the wild grass in the field, the next batch will emerge, endlessly.

So how about defeating those Germans, they will regain their lives after a period of rest and recuperation. It might be better to end the battle now. In addition, Kang Maode still feels that after fighting for so long, the military has earned a lot of military power, but the civilians are tired of war His mood is gradually heating up, and his approach is to conform to public opinion.

But at this time the military moved out of Aurelius’s will to suppress him.

If Aurelius was still alive, Commodus would have tolerated it, but the problem was that he was now enthroned, and further tasted the sweetness of power, but found that it was difficult for him to issue his ordinance, then the emperor sat What else does it mean?

Therefore, the formation of a loyal and easy-to-use team who is willing to take orders with him is his top priority now.

Right now there is a good talent.

“My people, please tell me, how can I reward him for his wonderful performance?” Kang Maode pointed to Zhang Heng on the arena.

at first Some people say bounty, others say women, everyone has a mouthful of 7 mouths and 8 tongues, but in the end their voices are finally unified and converged into a word, which is also a change that makes Marcus smell Word.


This is the most coveted thing of slave gladiators, because without freedom, all they have is illusion. However, according to normal rules, the average gladiator has only played for the arena for quite a while, and has experienced dozens of wonderful games. After the fight, the audience will be asked to give the status of free man.

However, perhaps it was because Zhang Heng’s previous performance was too amazing, which led to the majority of people who demanded his freedom in the audience. Of course, the most important reason is that Zhang Heng is not their property anyway. It’s cool, but the problem is that Marcos is miserable.

Although Zhang Heng won the championship on behalf of the Victor Arena, and captured the hearts of the residents of Rome in one fell swoop, the problem is that Marquez has not had time to realize these honors and attention. The hen who laid his golden eggs must first ran away.

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