48 Hours a Day

Chapter 823

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The little female slave opened the door, but instead of seeing the money sender, she saw four heavily armed guards, which made her nervous.

“You … who are you looking for?”

“Oh, does the Flavi amphitheater champion Zhang Heng live here?” A youngster who doesn’t look much older than Zhang Heng squeezed from behind the 4 guards.

“Yes, that’s right.” Zhang Heng’s voice came from behind the slave girl, and then came over.

The little slave girl didn’t seem to be looking for trouble, so she quickly opened the door and retreated to the corner.

Zhang Heng shook hands with the youngster, and then let the other person enter the house.

A smile appeared on the youngster’s face, “Hello, I also watched your gladiatorial performance before, it was very wonderful, especially the battle between you and the giant, it has exceeded the description of the language, it is definitely my see The greatest battle I ’ve ever fought, maybe after 30 years I can still tell my grandson … Oh, I do n’t seem to have introduced myself yet, I am Clint, an advisor to the Emperor Your Majesty. “

Zhang Heng hearing this glance, he knew Clint, according to the information given by the old Persian trainer, Clint and his target Atrus were the most trusted consultants of Commod, and could even be called Commod His left and right arms are just one in the light and the other in the dark, helping Kang Maode manage the country together and deal with threats from all parties.

Zhang Heng guessed that Kang Maode could not wait to recruit him, but didn’t expect that Clinder would come forward.

To know Eklinde ’s status next to Kang Maode, he certainly has a lot of things. He can send a hand down to find him, but the other party insists on coming over, which is obviously releasing a signal of goodwill.

Zhang Heng asked Clint to sit at the table, which was the only place in the house where guests could be entertained, and then let the little slave girl pour 2 glasses of water.

“Presumably you have understood my intentions. That’s right, our emperor Your Majesty appreciates you very much and hopes you can consider doing things for us.” Clint is not nonsense, just as soon as he sat down, he brought out his intentions.

But Zhang Heng did not immediately agree, but said, “Of course I also hope that I can worry about the Emperor Your Majesty, but as you can see, I am just a gladiator who has just been freed, and is from a distant foreign country. I do n’t understand, I ’m worried … “

“I can understand your worries, but do n’t worry, my friend, this is not the place where Elder’s Council exudes decay. The greedy old guys are everywhere. I am just a civilian, and I am in the city, but I am lucky. It ’s our there is a person who is open-minded and not confined to the lord of the origin. He is willing to reuse people like you and me and give us the opportunity to let us grow. ”Clint patted Zhang Heng ’s shoulder,“ So you There is no need to be anxious at all, as long as you are capable, there will always be your place here. “

“So where should I start?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Very well, it seems that you are ready for the new job, then I will tell you what you are going to do.” Clinder is still the kind and friendly look, spent a full moment Zhong explained to Zhang Heng in detail what he had to do, and he had to answer questions and was very patient.

Considering that Zhang Heng is doing things for the first time, his work is not complicated, and at the same time it is not completely out of touch with his previous gladiator status.

In the 2nd century AD, cameras and other technical criminal investigation equipment did not appear. How to maintain law and order in the city has become a headache for every ruler, especially the population of Rome has exceeded 1000000, which Most of them are at the bottom, thieves, scammers, killers … active in all streets, crimes happen almost every moment.

The patrol’s job is to stop the crime in time and to catch the fugitive with the fastest speed after the crime occurs, and the first job Zhang Heng received from Kang Maode is to assist the patrol to maintain law and order.

“Of course, you can’t care for such a big city by yourself, so you just have to pick an area.” Clint said as he took out the map of Rome and spread it on the table.

But just then a man dressed as a servant walked in from outside and said something in Clint’s ear. Clint’s complexion slightly changed, and when looking towards Zhang Heng, awkward look appeared.

Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said on his own initiative, “Things have almost been explained clearly. If you have any urgent matters on your side, you can go ahead first.”

Clint hearing this seems to be a little overwhelmed, “Your Majesty is very concerned about your business. I specifically pushed the morning arrangement. I originally wanted to take you to the work place to see it, but I just had an emergency sudden occurance. Go and deal with it, so be it, “Clin seemed to think for a while, beckoning a guard outside,” This is Pannonax of the Guard Army, he had dealt with a lot of the patrol team before, You can rest assured that he can help the staff by choosing the area. “

Clinder lowered his voice a little, “… It doesn’t matter if you don’t make too many achievements, as long as there are no big mistakes, Your Majesty will speak for you there.”

“Then I can’t thank you anymore.” Zhang Heng also replied.

“Welcome to join us. It’s always an exciting thing to see the team grow.” Clint’s mouth raised again, and this sunny and cheerful youngster seemed to like to laugh in particular, “Let’s join hands and give Elder’s Council those Only the old antiques who come from a little bit look at it. “

When he had finished speaking, he and his servant left in a hurry, and three of the four guards he had brought before him continued to follow him, while a man with a knife wound in his eyebrows stayed. It should be Klin. German said Pannox from the Guard Army.

As a result, Zhang Heng had n’t greeted him, Pannonax ’s face was pulled down first, and he walked directly to the table, pointing at a place above, saying roughly, “The area you ’re responsible for is here, go to report in the dark . “

“Wait, but the old man just said that we can choose the area by ourselves?” Zhang Heng hadn’t spoken yet, and the little slave girl in the corner first hugged him.

There was a sneer on Pannonax’s face, looking at Zhang Heng, just like a vulture staring at his prey, “Are you here to work, or are you recruiting? Would you like to guard Imperial Palace?”

Zhang Heng waved his hand to stop the slave girl from speaking again, nodded and said, “I’m understood, so here it is.”

Pannonax hearing this was a bit unexpected. When he wanted to come to Zhang Heng, he should be violently thundering, and he would do it if he did n’t. If he knew that the opponent was the champion of Flavi ’s amphitheater, he did n’t watch it. To that performance, but the strength of Zhang Heng should be very good.

Such people encounter trouble immediately and basically can’t restrain the desire to do it, because this is the easiest way for them to solve the trouble, but Zhang Heng seems to have no plan in this regard.

Pannonax did not even see Zhang Heng forcibly enduring. The latter seemed calm, as if he had known that this would happen, which made Pannonax a little uncomfortable, but it did n’t matter. The pit he dug for Zhang Heng is not the only one here, the other party can avoid this time, but also next time.

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