48 Hours a Day

Chapter 838

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With the death of the black-tailed snake, the finishing work after the battle was also declared over.

Zhang Heng appointed soap as the new boss according to the agreement, taking over the forces left by the iron cuffs, and then let Marcus be responsible for the docking with soap.

2 everyone knows that Zhang Heng ’s intention is to make Marcus an actual manager of the gang, but because Marcus has the status of a patrol, he is not suitable to be the boss of any force, so Zhang Heng pushed the soap to the front desk. , Can also guarantee the safety of Marcus to a certain extent.

2 people have no objection to this.

Soap changed from a thief at the bottom of the world to a gang boss, and was separated from the life of continued theft. It is also a class jump, and Marcus pays more attention to this right than in his hand, but to get Zhang Heng. He seems to have made up his mind to put Bao Quan on Zhang Heng, even saying that if necessary, he can withdraw from the patrol and directly control the gang.

But Zhang Heng did not agree with his request, at least not now.

After waiting to deal with the matter at hand, Zhang Heng looked up again, and there was no silhouette of the old Persian trainer upstairs.

Zhang Heng withdrew his eyes, pats his hands, and attracted everyone’s eyes, and then opened the mouth and said, “I am very grateful for the help you provided to me tonight, you have defeated more enemies than you, and I see The few are fighting heroically. I am proud of you. In order to express my gratitude, I want to invite everyone to drink. Do n’t know if anyone is interested? “

“Now?” Aris hearing this was a little surprised. “Although we won, many people still have injuries …”

As a result, before he finished speaking, he heard someone opened the mouth and said, “This injury is nothing. How can there be no wine in such a hearty battle! Don’t blame us for drinking you by then. “

His words immediately aroused the approval of many people. After the battle, the confidence of the patrol team soared, just like the shedding body, exchanging bones. After sweeping the previous accumulation of gas, everyone’s face was filled with confidence and pride. Instead of being exhausted, the excess energy seems to be nowhere to vent. Zhang Heng proposed to drink alcohol in order to let them use up their exhausted energy.

After Aris, but he still wanted to patrol tomorrow, he still did n’t say it. He did n’t want to sweep everyone ’s interest, but Aris looked around his teammates and suddenly found that his face became a little strange to him. .

Especially Marcus and the others, they looked at Zhang Heng with full of admiration.

After all, as long as anyone who is not stupid can see, although the patrol team performed well tonight, the key to winning is Zhang Heng ’s immediate removal of the iron cuffs and broken fingers, and at the same time let the black tail snake and the others be frightened and just run away . Moreover, Zhang Heng almost predicted the each step of the iron handcuffs and the others, formulated the corresponding response plan, coupled with his previous excellent performance in the tavern, he soon harvested his first hardcore followers.

Aris knew that although the small group of Marcus still respected him, if his order conflicted with Zhang Heng’s order, they would definitely choose to follow Zhang Heng’s order.

They are so, what about others? He may still be willing to listen to him now, but Aris can be sure that as long as things go on like this, it will not take long for him to become a Captain.

But Aris knew this, but still said nothing, because he was neither capable nor intended to stop it from happening. When he was Captain himself, the embarrassment of the patrol was obvious to all. Although he said that there were external environmental factors, his Captain was actually to blame.

Now that there are more capable leaders, he is also willing to abdicate to let the virtuous, but Aris does not know where the Easterner in front of him will eventually lead the patrol, and their future destiny.

But in any case, the change has already begun tonight.

Aris saw that Zhang Heng promised to let the patrol men drink tonight and then took the soap that had just become the new boss and pulled it aside, what was the life of the ear, the soap face showed a difference of color, but Nodded again and again.

Soap didn’t expect Zhang Heng didn’t mean to stop at all after eating the iron handcuffs, and immediately gave the next goal, which only left soap for 2 days to rectify the time for the stool Suddenly, the hot soap felt a huge pressure.

It was only then that he discovered that the puppet was not so good. After that, he probably had to face the blade light sword shadow. He did n’t know how long he could live. Soap remembered that he fell slowly in front of him. , With an incredible black tail snake, even gave birth to a sense of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

Is this his fate in the future? But now that you have entered this business, you must bear the dangers that come with it. Only if you keep climbing up and then climbing up again, maybe you can only grab a trace of security.

Realizing this, Soap feels like he has changed, no, perhaps more precisely, when he stumbled away from the Blacktail snake, some of his ideas changed silently.

For example, before he was very close to the thin monkey and the others, although he was not related by blood, but like the biological brother, in order to save the younger sister of the thin monkey, they and the others even swallowed the stolen pen without breaking the order of iron cuffs. money.

But now when soap looks at the thin monkey, he will think, if one day he also reached the dead end of the black tail snake, and the thin monkey followed him, would the thin monkey stab it?

Soap thinks that the thin monkey should not be just for money, but if the chips on the balance increase further, the soap shudders and he finds that he doesn’t want to think about it anymore.

The thin monkey on the other side was still happy for the serf to turn over and sing. When he saw soap, hehe shouted at the boss, then squeezed his eyes at him, “Boss, what shall we do next?”

“Maca, he and his men run the skin and meat business of the 2 nearby streets, and our next goal is to eat them.” Soap tried hard to recall the expression of walking and talking before the iron cuffs, and he did not consciously imitate it. He actually What I want to imitate more is Zhang Heng, but frustratingly, Zhang Heng’s aura is too special. Soap thinks it is more reliable to learn iron cuffs.

“Marca, the beaters under his hands are very difficult to deal with, and they are more powerful than us.” The thin monkey hearing this startled, somewhat worriedly said.

“It doesn’t matter if the power is great, we can start with other aspects and we will always find a way.” Soap said, afterwards, as if to cheer himself up, he repeated it again with a firm tone, “we will definitely find a way.”


The iron handcuffs and his gangsters in the vicinity are just an insignificant force, so the change of the dynasty did not attract too many people’s attention. Anyway, after the soap took office, there was no shortage of original management. Boss is older, but the changes on the other side of the patrol are seen by many residents.

The main reason is that they have changed their spirits. When patrolling, they are no longer listless and fearful. Instead, each and everyone has their heads up and replaced their new weapons and armor. It seems that they are finally patrolling.

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