48 Hours a Day

Chapter 843

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The person who assassinated him came from the Guard Army side and made Zhang Heng a little surprised.

Considering that he has been engaged in 7 and 8 all the time during this period, it is not surprising that there is a big force staring at him in advance to solve this trouble, but the Guard army …

The biggest suspicion is, of course, Clint. After all, Clind has a direct conflict of interest with Zhang Heng. Kang Maode is now favoring him. If he is hired to do things around him, it will undoubtedly affect Clint Of course, if he died here, it would be a good thing for Clinder.

And Clint himself has a conviction. The Pannonax who sent him to trouble him was from the Guard army.

So this time it looked like Clint decided to get rid of his threat after seeing him pick up the patrol.

However, Zhang Heng himself has reservations about this point. Although assassination is the simplest and most direct method, but in the political struggle, no one will adopt this method at the end of either the fish dies or the net splits. Because once this is done, it means irreconcilable, and 10000 will survive the same risk once the other party survives.

Clint, Zhang Heng also profiled him after contacting him. He is indeed full of jealousy and desire for power. Once the situation has reached a certain level, he may indeed not refuse to use such assassination. Means, but before that he was still a relatively cautious and conservative politician.

This can also be seen from his means of dealing with Zhang Heng. He is more accustomed to hiding himself behind the scenes, using some means within the rules to play this game of power. The assassination is not in line with his style of action, and this Once this kind of thing is done, it is easy to leave the handle. As far as Zhang Heng is now threatening him, it is not worth taking such a big risk.

Moreover, Zhang Heng also got the portrait given by the Samaritans, and found that the person in the portrait was not Pannox, but a guy he had never seen.

Things can’t be checked anymore. Zhang Heng can only let the Samaritans pay attention to whether the other party will come to see him again, but Zhang Heng doesn’t actually have much hope for this line, no matter who the main messenger is behind the scenes. Obviously, they all want to try their best to clarify their relationship, and it is estimated that after the assassin misses, the Samaritan will not be contacted.

And if you want to check it, you can only wait for him to come to the side of Commod, then he should have more opportunities to contact the Guards.

Although the assassination encountered did not bring any danger to Zhang Heng, it reminded Zhang Heng that it was likely that other people were staring at him, but this thing not at all changed his next Plan, Zhang Heng’s plan to integrate forces of all sizes is still steadily advancing.

After the bottom forces were all standing in line, Zhang Heng quickly provoked a new round of war. This time he used the pretext to investigate the fact that the patrol team members were beaten on the street and directly led a surprise attack on a medium-sized force.

Of course Zhang Heng knew that it was not that force, because the previous assassin had confessed, how the assassination was planned, and after the assassination failed, the bakery ’s murderous helpers also escaped, and the patrol team members were only slightly injured. , Not at all.

However, it would be a pity if this matter is not used, especially after Zhang Heng noticed that one of the accomplices belonged to that medium-sized force, he directly found the other party and planned out the following revenge drama.

After the patrol failed to ask for delivery, it directly attacked the medium-sized force’s site, and the latter was still thinking about how to clarify the situation. Didn’t expect the patrol on the other side has come to the door.

The current patrol is no longer a mascot a month and a half ago. Not only has everyone seen blood, but they have also been recruiting and buying horses. Counting those who have spent more than 50 people on hire, Zhang Heng took the lead. battle strength is quite powerful.

The medium-sized force has a large number of people, and it has more than 100 people, but basically each has its own work, scattered in various places, and it is difficult to gather people together at one time.

At the same time, Zhang Heng had already stated that it was a grudge between the two parties, not at all who called soap, so according to the rules, it was difficult for other forces outside to intervene. In the end, he could only watch the medium force being defeated by the patrol team. Fortunately, this time Zhang Heng didn’t do too much, and left a big life to Old Feng.

But even so, he was still invited later, asking him to go to a pub to drink five days later.

Zhang Heng could n’t refuse this invitation, because behind it was one of the three Peak Great Influences in the surrounding area, and Zhang Heng estimated that the other Two Great Influences were also there, which also meant that the opposite side had stirred up the wind and rain for him during this time. The patience has reached its limit, and no surprise should show him tonight.

Whether or not they can pass this level means that the patrol’s forces can continue to develop in the future.

Of course, strictly speaking, his current goal has also been achieved for the most part. With the patrols and the small forces under his control, he can already deal with the assessment after 2 weeks, but he needs to do it again to complete all his plans. Order other work.

Zhang Heng went to visit Clinder unexpectedly.

2 people talked in Clin ’s study for about an hour, which made Clin ’s wife a little surprised, because she rarely saw Clin who was famous for efficiency chatting with a person for so long, and Zhang Heng was delivered to the door in person.

Clint then asked an old servant who had just served 2 people in the room, “What do you think of this?”

“Don’t you decide to suppress him?” The old servant asked. “If that’s the case, why would you help him?”

“Because I only found out now that he was such an interesting person,” Clin laughed, “And it’s hard for me to refuse the chips he gave.”

“Why, isn’t he asking for you now?”

“Yes, but not all. I believe he has backup options.” Clinder said. “People like him don’t put all their chips on one person.”

“But you have suppressed him before, and there is that matter. Don’t you worry that he will retaliate against you when he is in power? In addition, you have always said how much Emperor Your Majesty values ​​him. Haven’t you asked you about his current situation before? “

“There are no absolute friends in politics, and there are no absolute enemies.” Clin said with a smile. “I now begin to feel that there is nothing wrong with one more competitor. After all, we still have the same opponent-Austria. Truss, Your Majesty The person I trust most now is actually Truss, and even gave my ring to Outruss, these two years, my position is not easy to sit, it is better to support it. Put in a new guy and muddy the water. He looks like a smart guy and he should know who his real opponent is.

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