48 Hours a Day

Chapter 853

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The streets of Southeastern China still look as bad as ever.

The muddy and dirty road, mixed with urine and feces of humans and animals, smelly, the ragged little children running around barefoot, and their father did not know what to work in a more harsh environment, Their mother will stand on the street after busy with housework to see if they can receive any business.

Fabino took out the handkerchief he had prepared and covered his mouth and nose to avoid being overturned. The Empire ’s decree prohibiting dumping of excrement was obviously not enforced here.

Fabino remembered that just 5-6 years ago, a serious plague broke out here, taking away about one third of his life. Fabino originally thought that the number of people here would become a little less. At that time, some places It does look a little lifeless, but didn’t expect soon after the influx of new immigrants and the birth of a group of newborns, it has become more lively than before.

Fabino also has to admit that in terms of Life Strength, this ghost place is quite tenacious.

But when he looked at the street in the distance, his mood became worse.

Because it was the place where he was robbed and beaten for the first time in the southeastern urban area. Since Fabino was the only child in his family, he had been held in his palm before, and he had never heard a serious sentence from Dalian to Dalian, let alone being beaten According to the beating in the ground, he seemed to have eaten a few bites of mud in a panic. It took Fambino half a year to convince him that he no longer struggled with the ingredients contained in the bitter mud.

But every time he visited an old haunt, some shadows still appeared in his heart.

But fortunately, when he feels uncomfortable, he just needs to turn around and look at the guards behind him to recover his lost sense of security.

However, the next moment waited for him to turn his head, and then just found the sense of security that hadn’t had time to cover the heat, and was thrown to beyond the topmost clouds.

“What’s the situation?” Fabino expression changed drastically. “Is the law and order in the southeast urban area deteriorating to this degree? Highway Robbery has been upgraded to an army. As for just to rob me?”

I saw a group of people dressed in armor and arms armed to their teeth appeared from the other side of the street and approached steadily towards Fabino.

With the words of Fabino, the guards around him were all tense, and they all pulled out their weapons, and they looked like the enemy. They can become the guards of the Fabino family, and naturally they are not a mediocre. Many people have military experience, but because of this, they can better see how not to be trifled with the opposite group.

The opponent is not only excellent in weapons and equipment, but also very unusual in temperament. Obviously they are all people who have seen blood. Although the number is similar to them, it is still unclear if they want to win.

The Captain of the escort team was very conscientious. He lowered his voice to the guards of the two patrols. “You two will take the adults away, and we will help you drag the rest.”

Afterwards, Fabino, who was in a daze, was caught between the two guards, and he was about to escape. Fabino even started to draft a draft in the heart. The family did n’t want to go back, and planned to go directly to Elder’s. The Council went to complain, saying that the forces of the southeast urban area were ready to rebel.

After the result, I saw one of the bad guys coming out and respectfully said, “Master Fabino, where are you going?”

“Ah … Aris?” Fabino hearing this was stunned for a while, and finally recognized the coming person.

The main reason was that the sunlight on the armor was too dazzling before, so that he could n’t see clearly the appearance of the group of people on the other side, and Fabino did n’t even think about the patrol. How familiar is the group of Aris, each and everyone looks bitter and hatred deeper than him, no one wants no money, no money, no armor, it looks like a group called Hanako, and this team is very elite at first glance It has nothing to do with it.

But didn’t expect for 2 months, the man who was helpless about the situation in the southeastern city and could only sigh for a long time actually regained his style when he was in the army, and what surprised Fabino was the others on the patrol. There have also been great changes, and I ca n’t see the appearance of the cowering again. Instead, each and everyone are full of confidence, which actually made Fabino feel a little like they look very reliable.

Fabino shook his head and quickly drove this absurd thought out of his head. No no no, this is an illusion, it must be an illusion.

It ’s not that he looks down on the group of Aris, but because he as the assessor is also aware of the difficulties they face, and in Fabino ’s eyes, he ca n’t blame Aris. There is no way to deal with the bad situation. How long has the southeastern city been chaotic, and several imperial Imperial Capitals have made no mistake. It is also unrealistic to point to the group of Aris to save the World.

But sympathy is sympathetic, Fabino still scores the patrol according to the actual situation. As for the allocation of funds and manpower to the patrol, he does not belong to him, nor can he.

So Fabino is very strange now. After recognizing the person, he is not going to run anymore, but he ca n’t help but ask, “What the hell is happening, where did you get the armor stolen from? That ’s not how to deal with inspections, and I do n’t know your situation. ”

“Master Fabino misunderstood, this is our own armor.” Zhang Heng also came out of the crowd at this time.

“Oh, you are the gladiator who came to help the patrol team. I have seen your performance. You are really good.” Fabino did not hesitate to praise Zhang Heng. “Especially you are dealing with that hair. When the mad bison was able to win the final victory with only one rope, it was better than all the gladiators I had seen, but did you offend anyone, or why was the first errand assigned here? “

“No, I volunteered to come here because I learned about the situation in the southwest urban area from Clint and wanted to do something for it.” Zhang Heng said.

“Do you want to do something for this place, what do you do, have a handful of torch burned here?” Fabino said strangely, “This can cleanse the sins of this place.”

“No, I want to bring order back to this neighborhood.”

“Hahaha, I still want to build a pyramid for myself,” Fabino smiled halfway and closed his cracked mouth. “Wait, are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Zhang Heng took a wooden box from his arms and handed it to Fabino.

The latter complexion sank, waved his hand, “No, no, I ’m not the same as the others in Elder ’s Council. Did n’t Aris tell you? I do n’t want to eat this set. See you for the first time. I wo n’t hold you accountable, but if you dare to pay a bribe next time, I will definitely let someone catch you. “

“No, you misunderstood, this is not a bribe, I just give you back what was yours.” Zhang Heng said,

“En?” Fabino raised his eyebrows and took the letter suspiciously to the wooden box. After opening it, he couldn’t help being surprised, because he actually saw the engagement ring he had lost 6 years ago in the wooden box, as well as some miscellaneous 7 The 8 gadgets were all lost in that robbery that was a shadow of life.

“Apart from this we also caught the robbers who robbed you, but unfortunately three of them were already dead, but the first criminal was still there, so he was locked in the big cell where the patrol station was stationed.” Zhang Heng added, “Do you want to see it?”

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