48 Hours a Day

Chapter 858

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Regardless of the tone or the expression on his face, Clinder seemed very sincere, and there were 2 letters held by Zhang Heng in his hand as evidence. He changed the other person here, even if he could not believe Clint completely. At least 70% of them should be believed, but unfortunately the person sitting in the car is Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng knew what kind of abacus the latter played from the first appearance of Klind, and from the words of Klind just now, Zhang Heng can also confirm that Kang Maode is regarded as the two most important consultants Their relationship is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface. Otherwise, even if they have common interests, Clint may not be willing to help him through such a happy shot.

In addition, Clint’s intentions are also very obvious now. He obviously hopes to attract Zhang Heng to deal with Otterus.

To be fair, Clin’s method was quite powerful. Not only did he dismiss his suspicion through two letters, he also directed his spear to his political enemy, Otruus, and also dug Zhang Heng. There was a pit.

However, the smile on his face did not all last for as long as the next moment froze there.

Because he saw Zhang Heng pulling out flint from his pocket, he slowly lit the two papyruses.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“Let the past things let him go, there is an old saying in my country, the enemy should be resolved and not tied, I think it makes a lot of sense.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

Clint ’s goal and Zhang Heng ’s goal speaking from a certain perspective are coincident, which is why Zhang Heng told the slave girl that he and Clint have room for cooperation in the future, but this does not mean Zhang Heng is about to choose a side stand so quickly. In fact, Clint’s intention to give this evidence to Zhang Heng is quite sinister.

If Zhang Heng couldn’t hold back and handed over 2 letters to Commodity, it means that the war between him and Otterus has officially started. Although Kang Maode now has a good opinion of him, because things in the southeast city also value him, Zhang Heng believes that in terms of emotional tendencies, Kang Maode will still be more inclined to follow his Otrus, and to Ot Ruth now has the political resources in his hands, and he can never be overthrown by a letter from District 2. The person who suffers from this matter must be Zhang Heng.

And as soon as it is reused, the first thing is to report to colleagues. Whether it is true or not, this will undoubtedly give the young emperor an impression of infighting. As an advisory group around Kang Maode, his performance and ability are second. Yes, what really matters is Kang Maode’s attitude towards you.

The attitude of the Emperor Your Majesty will change, and maybe I still like you in the first second, and the next second will be because of something sharply turned down. There have been more such things in history, even if the petty officials can end their lives. Not much.

When Kang Maode’s impression of Zhang Heng becomes worse, Klind comes out to say a few good words, maybe he can let Zhang Heng stay with Kang Maode, but from now on, Zhang Heng probably needs to see Klinde’s His face was alive, like Pannox.

And if Zhang Heng received the letter and put it away, he did n’t give it to Kang Maode, then he passed the first test, but this is still not a good decision, because Clint will definitely find a way to take this The matter was leaked to Altrus, and then whether Zhang Heng would like it or not, he would become the enemy of Altrus because of these 2 letters.

Clinder had a good abacus, but Zhang Heng didn’t expect him to burn these two letters directly in front of him, which turned out to be absolutely unexpected.

“Aren’t you saying that the Emperor Your Majesty is very anxious to see me, then we shouldn’t let him wait too well.” Zhang Heng stamped the last cluster of fire stars with his soles and said with a slight smile.


Kang Maode did wait Zhang Heng for a long time, but he didn’t just do it and wait for nothing. As the emperor of the empire, he ruled a vast territory and had a population of 10000000 million, which also meant that Commodus could never do nothing, especially when he succeeded to the throne, he was still very young. The huge political heritage, not everyone wholeheartedly wants to help the young emperor.

This is why Commodus is so anxious to expand its manpower, because he found that when he returned to Rome, the situation he faced was no easier than when he battled those Germanic tribes on the banks of the Rhine.

Before Zhang Heng walked into Kang Maode’s study, he heard the roar of the young emperor in the hallway, “How did Dior promise me, he told me that Elder’s Council would handle this matter, did they handle it that way, I kicked the emperor aside in the matter of paying for the army, and then counted all the gifts on Elder’s Council himself. Now, my soldiers thought that their emperor simply did not pay attention to them, oh my god, because and As for the German peace talks, many people at the top of the military have been eager to point at my nose and scold, and now Elder’s Council has given them an excuse to cut my neck while I was asleep … “

Clint and Zhang Heng knew that Kang Maode was getting angry, so they also chose not to touch Kang Maode’s mold at this time. Until the conversation in the study came to an end, Klind reached out and knocked on the door.

The sound of panting with rage came from inside, “Come in.”

Clinder pushed the door, walked in with Zhang Heng, and bowed, “Your Majesty, Zhang Heng is here.”

Kang Maode looked better after seeing Zhang Heng and squeezed out a smile, “long time no see, you really will never be disappointed, will you?”

When Zhang Heng stepped into the house, he took a full view of the scene, but to his surprise, there was only Kang Maode in the whole house. In other words, if not the young emperor, what is the nerve? The problem, a person loses his temper in the air, it means that there was another person in the room not long ago, just when the knock on the door sounded and Kang Mood allowed them to enter the door, the person left the study.

Is it from the window?

Zhang Heng noticed that Kang Maode ’s study window was open, and the curtains moved with the wind. However, Zhang Heng did not think that the people who had stayed in the house had left through the window because the study room was under a small garden. Zhang Heng saw two gardeners cutting flowers and plants.

Since the other party chose to avoid meeting somebody against them, they should also not want to be seen by the gardeners in the garden, so Zhang Heng prefers to have a secret passage in Kang Maode’s study room for the second person to come and go, consider To the suspicious personality of successive Imperial Capital, this trust has already explained many problems.

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