48 Hours a Day

Chapter 870

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The city officials originated in the Roman Republican era. At first, they could only be served by civilians. They were mainly responsible for the maintenance of temples and the management of archives. Later, with the development, nobles can also become city officials. At the same time, the powers and responsibilities of city officials have also occurred. The change.

From managing archives to maintain temples, to being responsible for the maintenance of municipalities, public facilities and even part of the security work of the entire city. In the Republican era, municipal officials were not paid, and they often had to post a lot of money for themselves. He went bankrupt, owed a lot of debt, and was even blocked by the creditor to prevent him from leaving the city of Rome.

Of course, Caesar is not a fool, of course, he will not do anything that is not good.

City officials are one of the most effective ways to gain public opinion and obtain political capital. For example, if you pay yourself to build a way for everyone, of course everyone will thank you. Caesar has accumulated considerable prestige while serving as a city officer. Prestige was smashed by real gold, white silver, it is not difficult to understand why Caesar went bankrupt at that time.

In addition, the municipal officer is the predecessor of the finance officer and the referee officer. Although it does not mean that a financial officer or referee officer must first become a municipal officer, according to statistics, the financial officer and referee officer from the municipal officer are indeed the mainstream of the political arena.

Andrea has been a municipal officer for three years, and this year he is expected to be promoted to financial officer. At this most critical point, of course, he does not want to make any mistakes.

So after hearing that the sewer pipe was damaged, he rushed to the scene immediately. The good news is that the damage is not serious. It can be repaired within 2 days. The bad news is that he needs himself if he does not want this to be a stain. Pay for it.

Of course, he can afford this amount of money, but the problem is that Andrea does n’t know who broke the sewer, or whether the group will continue to destroy it after repair, as a city officer, he can. Some people were mobilized, but the area he was in charge of was very large, almost half of the city, it was impossible to arrange for every section of the sewer to be guarded. It is not stupid to do so, and besides the sewer, there are many public facilities in the city .

Andrea is most worried about who is targeting him. In this case, the opponent will have more goals to go. The passive defense cannot be defended. Now Andrea is facing the same problem as Zhang Heng before. He needs to find out who the secret player is before he can find a way to formulate the next strategy.

Andrea spent the whole afternoon putting a list of people who might be offended, and found that some recently famous Oriental has topped the list, plus Zhang Heng just visited Di yesterday Elder Voblaye turned his head and went straight to Cobb ’s house. Andrea had to start accepting the reality that his hands and feet on the side of the mine had been exposed.

And now the way someone dealt with him also made him feel very familiar, exactly the same as the situation at the Binota mine.

Did the old fox of Divoblaye also stand on his own initiative?

If Andrea had only doubted before, after receiving Dekius ’“ secret report ”, he had already believed 70%, because Dekius said that Zhang Heng did not take him with him when he went to Divoblaye. Tell him before leaving that there are some things he should not participate in such a small role.

This is also the real reason why Andrea feels that he was sold by Divoblaye. With the old fox ’s usual style, if he really collaborates with Zhang Heng, he certainly does not want to make a big difference, all not Everyone knows that it is more in his interest to exclude Daikius from the side.

As if to confirm his guess, Zhang Heng came outside his Domus in the afternoon.

The opponent is no longer what he used to be. He is no longer the original gladiator who used his life to entertain people in the arena. Being an adviser to Commodity means that he has set foot in the empire’s power, even if the two sides are in a hostile state. Deya had no choice but to welcome Zhang Heng into the house.

The city official wanted to greet him casually, but didn’t expect Zhang Heng directly opened the mouth and said, “Let’s go to your study?”

Andrea subconsciously wanted to refuse, but at this time his head flashed the accident of the sewer pipe not long ago, and was eventually nodded.

So the two came to Andrea ’s study, Andrea closed the door, and only two of them were left in the room. After a while, the city officer spoke first, breaking the somewhat silent atmosphere, “I do n’t know What do Zhang Heng consultants come to see me? “

“Oh, I heard that there was an accident in the sewer pipeline not long ago, and I was deeply shocked. I happened to pass by nearby and thought about visiting the house to see if there was any way to do my best.” Zhang Heng not at all Waiting for Andrea’s invitation, he directly opened the chair and sat in.

“Consultant Zhang Heng is really too kind.” There was a flash in the eyes of the city official, coldly said, “My people have controlled the situation and I believe it will be fixed soon, and there is nothing to help.” “

“That’s good. Soon after I came to Rome, I was just a gladiator more than 2 months ago, so many things are still being studied … so if I say something wrong afterwards, I hope Mr. City Officer can understand.” Zhang Heng paused, and then said, “A friend told me that trying to gain a foothold in Rome ’s political arena is not at all complicated. Just do one thing well, that is to make friends. Today, your friends are in trouble , You give him a helping hand, then tomorrow when you are in trouble, there will naturally be friends to help you, everyone is for me, I am for everyone. “

“What do you want to say?” The city official frowned.

“I’m trying to make friends as he said,” Zhang Heng spread his hand. “You should also know that I am now in charge of the copper statue casting, but there was a little trouble in the process, the Binota mine happened After the collapse, our ore supply was cut off and it has been suspended for some time. I want to resume work soon. “

Zhang Heng looked towards Anda ’s eyes while speaking.

The city officer sneered, “This matter has nothing to do with me. Besides, don’t you already have friends? Did Diwoblaye take a word to solve it soon?”

“I didn’t say that you have anything to do with this matter. As for Divoblaye, I am not familiar with him. I went to him yesterday, but he refused me.” Zhang Heng shook his head, “So I can only come to you Try one one’s luck here. “

Andrea hearing this almost did not break the curse, all arrived at this time, Zhang Heng actually did not recognize the relationship between Divoblaye and him, without Divoblaye help, how could he feel himself on 2nd day Domus.

If Andrea ’s suspicion of Divoblaye ’s involvement was only 70%, then after Zhang Heng ’s denial, it ’s now ten percent, because it ’s full of dives that are unique to Divoblaye. to do, but not acknowledge, no one wants to offend the unique temperament.

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