48 Hours a Day

Chapter 883

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Without the introduction of Commod, everyone knows that the person under the helmet of the pursuer is Altrus.

Although the appearance of Atrus can not be seen with the shield of the helmet, there is no doubt that this is the most recent mysterious advisor from now now, the most mysterious advisor near Commod, to the crowd.

Among all the people present, probably only Zhang Heng knew that this was not the deity of Altus.

It’s not that no one can think of the possibility that Altus will use a substitute, but at this time, on this occasion, no one believes that Altus will use a substitute.

Because this is the day when he walks from the darkness to the front desk, he is about to reap the right to be incomparable.

It seems to be the crown prince who took the throne on the throne, and it seems to be the bridegroom on the wedding night … There are always moments in life that are impossible and unwilling to fake others. Clinder knew this very well. If he changed his position at Altrus, he would have to be present in person anyway today.

Even more how Otterus is just a name, whoever appears at this time, standing next to Commodity, will naturally become Oterus, everyone recognizes Oterus, even if he is Fake, will become true from now on, become the No. 2 character standing on top of power, second only to Kang Maode.

Clint clenched his fists and looked at that silhouette with a complicated look, because he knew that once Altrus appeared and stood in the sun, it meant that he had basically lost the battle in this fight for power.

Do n’t look at the fact that the people standing next to him still account for the majority. Clint knows why everyone is standing beside him, because Altrus never shows up, so the closer he stands to him, the more meaning The closer it can be to the center of power, Clinder represents Kang Maode’s will in a sense.

But from today, things will no longer be like this, because there is another person who can more exemplify Kang Maode’s will, and all power will always have only one center, and it will not be long before this behind him. The group of followers will all become Altrus’ suitors.

It is precisely because of this that Clinder is more fearful of Attrus coming to the stage than anyone else.

But now it seems that he still failed to prevent this from happening.

And Zhang Heng on the other side had long guessed that Althus might use a substitute, but when the substitute actually appeared, Zhang Heng also felt a strange feeling in his heart. He found that he could not see the Olympics. How did Truss plan to play this game?

In the physical state of Otrus, he did not want to but could not appear in front of the public at all. This is destined to be the person standing next to Kang Maode today, even more how if Zhang Heng ’s guess is correct, As the dead of Altrus, there is no way to live again.

However, the use of avatars also has side effects. As everyone on the scene thinks, once the avatar of Altus comes into the sun, and with the endorsement of Commodus, it will become a real Altus. Truss never jumped out of his identity and would not believe it. Of course, Commodity would not be too bad in the situation.

Because all the power of Altus comes from Commodity, then Commodity can naturally recover these powers, which will be a great constraint on the avatar, but the problem is that once the avatar appears, Atlus will think like before It is not easy to use his power smoothly. He needs to contact his substitute first, and then the substitute will issue orders for him.

Don’t underestimate the extra link in the middle, it’s like suddenly doubling the stick of Altus, and it will certainly not be comfortable to use it again.

Zhang Heng didn’t know how Altrus was going to end this big show, and there was another thing that attracted his attention. The person who assassinated him was Lucilla’s husband Pompeanus, which surprised Zhang Heng.

Because Pompeanus was very low-key, he had always followed Aureliu’s southern battle, and he gradually emerged in the army until he became the general of Aureliu. After marrying the wife of Lucila, although the latter Not a qualified wife, there are a lot of gossip about her in the city of Rome, but this relationship does make Pompeanus become Aurelio’s own.

As a result, he became more and more reusable, and by the time Oreliu passed away, Pompeanus had basically become the number one figure in the military. But even sitting in this position, he has not changed in the whole person. He is still as hard-working, gentle and gentle as before. At the same time, he still respects his wife Lucila and allows the latter to do 7 and 8 everywhere. Pompeanus As if he hadn’t seen it at all, he was exactly the same as Oller at this point.

What Zhang Heng doesn’t understand is why the military gangster would suddenly kill him for no reason. To know that he and Pompeanus have almost no intersection, he should have never done anything that harms the interests of Pompeanus. …

Just when Zhang Heng 100 was puzzled, Commodus finally introduced the “Atruus” around him to the people present, but he not at all gave everyone and “Atruus” to leave each other Knowing the time, I went directly to the military camp outside the city.

So Sabure also quickly teamed up to protect Commodity’s carriage.

As for “Atruus”, instead of taking a carriage with Commod, he chose to ride a horse. After following the carriage of Commod, considering his special identity, the Guard Army also assigned him a squad to protect him. Safe, while the rest are escorted by 2 other teams.

It is now Commod ’s rule of Early-Stage, which just ended the war, and the young emperor gave a lot of gifts in order to attract the hearts of the people when he ascended the throne, resulting in the city ’s civilians generally living well, public order has improved, natural No one wants to trouble the emperor.

When I learned that the emperor was traveling, a large group of civilians cheered on the 2nd side of the street, and Kang Maode also waved to the cheering people on the carriage at this time, trying to create an image of being close to the people, but the side effect was that the team walked slowly. It didn’t leave the city until noon.

Fortunately, after leaving the city, the speed can finally be raised.

The military escort officer was relaxed, and the previous people were too enthusiastic to make the scene a little chaotic, and Commodity did not let him use more fierce means to disperse the civilians. Therefore, Sabutel ’s heart also hung up. Fortunately, finally If something went wrong, it was safe to leave the city. There are several military camps nearby, and this area is basically under control.

The military escort officer was thinking this way, but when the team stopped suddenly, he drove the horse to the front and found that a donkey cart pulling smoked fish had overturned, by chance blocking a section in front of the bridge The road, besides them, a few passers-by, and a group of Jews were stopped here.

The military escort officer knew that the young emperor liked to show his compassion, so he asked several Guard army soldiers to help the owner of the donkey cart reload, but just in this gap, his eyes fell on the group of Jews Suddenly felt something was not right.

Because this group of Jews wears strictly, and also has a waistline, Sebtur still has some military experience. Upon seeing this, he immediately wants to speak to remind the guards around him, but the movement of the Jews Faster, they took off their coats directly, exposing the armor inside, and also took out their weapons.

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