48 Hours a Day

Chapter 890

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Zhang Heng jumped from the balcony and landed gently on the ground.

On his left-hand side, Lucilla ’s Domus still sings and dances, and the musician dials the strings of the Laiya. The melodious sound of the piano accompanied the happy laughter and cheerful voices of the banquet from the other side of the wall, as if happy It will never end the same.

But by comparison, the streets outside are much quieter,

It is now past midnight, and there are basically no pedestrians staying outside.

This is not good news for Zhang Heng, because assassins prefer chaotic environments, crowded bazaars, arena stands full of guests, and pub tricks by people coming, people going … These places can with no difficulty makes an assassin disappear.

Fortunately, the moonlight tonight is not too bright, and the night can provide some disguise for Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng not at all went to find Attrus immediately, but went back to the southeast city first, and changed to a black suit that was more suitable for the night. He also heard when he added arrows to the quiver Footsteps from outside the corridor.

The footsteps were very quiet. If it weren’t for the apartment’s floor, it would have been in disrepair for years. Even with Zhang Heng’s hearing, it was difficult to hear through a door.

This is the standard assassin’s footsteps.

Zhang Heng was not surprised. It was no secret that he formed a new force in the southeastern urban area. Even more how the hound and honeycomb organization probed their intelligence. Zhang Heng let Marcus in after feeling that his identity might be exposed. The southeastern city has arranged several safe houses for him, but now it seems that the positions of these safe houses are also mastered by the hounds.

In addition to ambushing the assassin in his residence, the hound also arranged staff here.

The footsteps in the hallway finally stopped outside his house door, but Zhang Heng, as if he didn’t hear it, was still counting the arrows in his quiver, and by the way, he packed two figs to eat on the road for a while.

Afterwards, the assassins in the hallway were probably ready, quietly opened the door lock on the door, but when they rushed into the room, they found that there was no one in it, looked at each other in blank dismay. .

In the room opposite the door, Zhang Heng put on the hood without hesitation, and then looked behind him to make sure that nothing had fallen. Then he leaned out of the window and climbed the earthen-colored brick wall upstairs. At the top, he jumped directly from the top of the building to the slightly lower apartment building next door, and then returned to the ground again, flashed into a dark alley, and disappeared completely.

The safe house arranged by Zhang Heng through Marcus was originally intended for the hounds. After that, he asked Soap to find a few trustworthy locals, and rented the opposite door quietly. This is Zhang Heng in A real hiding place in a crisis.

After throwing away the assassin behind him, Zhang Heng set off for the first place tonight.

–Roman Forum.

Just like all cities have a city center, Rome is no exception. Its city center is in the Roman Forum.

It was just a desolate swamp over a century ago, covered with mosquitoes, uninhabited, and even the Romans buried their dead loved ones here, but after a few centuries, a large drainage ditch led the valley The water has turned the water here into a hard ground.

At that time, Rome was still in the Republican era. People paved the way here, built temples and Basilica, and made it more and more prosperous, gradually forming a huge square, and in the era of the Empire, because the territory continued to expand There was also an explosion of the city ’s population, and the original Roman Forum could no longer meet the needs, so 5 new squares were built around it.

But there is no doubt that the Roman Forum is still the most central area. The former emperor Mark Aurelius once commemorated Caesar’s eulogy here. The gilded pillar in front of the lecture platform is the starting point of all roads leaving Rome. . It is also the end point of the proverb “All roads lead to Rome”.

But tonight Zhang Heng did not come here to visit. He walked past the huge arch built by Augustus and through the center of the square, where a vine, an olive tree and a flowerless Fruit Tree were planted, also known as For the Holy Tree in Rome, Zhang Heng looked up and saw the temples on the hills of Capitoline, where the gods of Rome were enshrined.

Among them, the two most magnificent temples stand on the top of the mountain, one left and one right, the temples of Divine King Jupiter and Queen Juno.

Zhang Heng knew that Otterus was in one of the two temples. He did not waste time and walked up the broad stone steps.

In the daytime, the Roman Forum is almost the most lively place in the entire Roman city, crowded, devout believers lined up in front of the large and small temples, and the beggars will take the opportunity to ask them at this time Food or Copper Coin, vendors will sell their products in the all around stalls in the square, and the Basilica will always stage a wonderful battle of lips …

But now, after entering the night world, all of this is reverted to silence, only the flame of the Temple of Vesta is still burning.

Zhang Heng not at all encountered any obstacles along the way and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain.

After hesitating, he first came to the temple of Jupiter on the left. The flame on the altar had been extinguished, leaving only some black bones and garlands all around. Zhang Heng bypassed the altar and came to the closed In front of the bronze gate, stones were picked up on the road.

After a while, the bronze gate opened slowly, and a young priest rubbed his eyes and looked out from the inside. However, he looked around at four places, but not at all saw a silhouette outside, and then looked away. Farther away, I saw an owl standing on the wall and couldn’t help cursing.

Owls have always been a symbol of doom in Rome, so seeing owls is not a good thing.

The young priest dared not look around again, shrunk his body back, and closed the door again. But what he didn’t notice was that just when he and the owl stared at each other, a silhouette above his head slipped silently into the temple.

Zhang Heng has been practicing stealth hard during this time, coupled with the blessing of [Kreus Heart], even if he passes by the ordinary person, it will be hard to find as long as he is not seen.

Zhang Heng not at all was anxious, first staying in the shadow of the ceiling for a moment, until the young priest walked back to his residence before returning to the ground, and then he walked to the marble statue of Jupiter.

Zhang Heng’s eyes were not on the lifelike, art-like idol, but on the stone seat under the idol, he squatted down and felt the vent below.

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