48 Hours a Day

Chapter 893

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There is also a reason why Otrus did not escape immediately.

This time Zhang Heng not only put on a black clothed, but also put on a hood. Although Otrus noticed the arrival of Zhang Heng in time, he didn’t know who sent the assassin.

According to the news he got, the blade of balance is over, and there is only one alternate member left. Even if he is still alive, he should be self-careful and will not come to trouble him. Although the hound is now an ally with him, but Otrus was not completely assured of them. The two sides formed an alliance because of a common enemy. Now that the enemy is gone, the relationship between allies will naturally be released.

If this assassin was sent by a hound, Altus would not be too surprised. Apart from this, he also has some other large and small enemies. Atlus needs to determine immediately who his opponent is this time. , Especially how the other party touched his hiding place.

These temples have the biggest secret of Atrus. If things in the stone statue are exposed, let ’s not talk about the impact. From now on, his most important intelligence channel will be cut off. Although the ability of Altrus itself is not bad, it is like the magician has lost his best magic.

If possible, Otterus still wants to keep this secret, which is why he ventured to talk to Zhang Heng.

Otterus has always been a very cautious person, but at the same time he is also a very arrogant person. He is very confident in his voice tricks, plus Ming Sect ’s name, no matter how determined people stand tonight You should feel nervous here.

As a result, Otterus received a small gift from Zhang Heng. Oterus was really furious at first, and he wished to give a bastard scraping a copper pipe with a knife to the broken body for 10000 segments, but with that The side effects of the voice passed, his head gradually calmed down, and Altrus realized that it would be unsafe to stay here again.

He even regretted why he didn’t leave early in the morning.

Fortunately, it should be time to go now. Without any hesitation, Otterus grabbed his cane and said to the guard around him, “Let’s go there.”

The guard hearing this protected him in the middle, and then moved from the side door to the other stone chamber.

However, they only ran out of 2 steps, and the guard who stayed behind the last hall of the team suddenly knelt on the ground. His back was shot through by a sharp arrow, so the remaining guards were also nervous. They spontaneously divided into 2 teams, one team was left to block the enemy, and the remaining 2 continued to protect Otrus toward the authentic stone chamber.

In a panic, Otterus, who had inconvenient legs and feet, also fell and his cane flew aside, but Oterus did not have time to pick it up. Although the copper pipe has a good effect on transmitting sound, but with distance There will still be some losses in the increase of the number. In order to better understand what Zhang Heng is saying, he chose a stone chamber closer to Zhang Heng, but the price is that he cannot directly enter the tunnel from the stone chamber. , Need to take another short distance, but this distance is not long, only about 50 meters.

However, now Altrus feels that this is the longest 50 meters in his life.

Shortly after the fall of Otterus, he was supported by the two guards around him. The next 2 meters was almost the guards running him. Oterus faintly heard the sound of fighting behind him, but That sound not at all lasted too long.

After a few seconds, it disappeared, and there was hope again in Otterus’s heart.

Because there are 6 people left in the team, all of whom he brought from the frontier, it is reasonable that they cannot be solved so quickly, so they have more hope of killing the assassins, but Otruus did not stop there. Stopped and still running towards the stone chamber.

He was less than 2 meters away from the stone chamber, but in the next moment, he felt a stream of air passing over his ears, and then the guard on his left hand fell with an arrow and fell to the ground with Ot Ruth also lost his center of gravity, and the guards on his right hand wanted to draw weapons to resist.

However, the silhouette holding the Persian sword on the opposite side easily opened his chest without much effort.

Zhang Heng then walked to the side of Otrus, who was still climbing forward. The latter had climbed to the door, almost touching the door of the stone chamber, but then he heard the humane behind him, “Your elder sister let I’ll give you her greetings. “

At this moment, Attrus could no longer maintain the calmness and pride of the past, and begged, “No, this is impossible, how much money she paid you, I can double it, not ten times, change you not kill me!”

“I feel your sincerity, but I’m sorry, you can’t pay what she pays for me.” Zhang Heng said while grabbing Otrus’ hair.

And the fear in Altrus’ eyes gradually turned into anger, he repeated non-stop, “No, I have escaped from Death God once! I won’t just die here, I won’t That’s how he died here. “

“It’s a pity, but this time you may be really dying, but the good news is that everyone got your death 5 days ago. I also attended the funeral held by Your Majesty for you, which is pretty good.” Zhang Heng cut Otterus’ throat while talking.

The latter’s fear and anger eventually turned into unwillingness, forever solidified in his eyes.


Zhang Heng solved his first goal tonight, but encountered a little trouble when going out of the stone chamber maze. Because the road he entered had been blocked, Zhang Heng had to take a big lap. Back to the ground again, and it was almost dawn now.

Zhang Heng saw the wanted portrait of him posted on the street. He could only put on a hood while there were not many people. He first returned to the southeast urban area. There was one person left on his stabbing Must Kill List. until now The deepest person hidden.

-The leader of the hound.

Zhang Heng didn’t get any clues about him before. To say that Altus is enough mysterious, but compared with the head of the hound generation, the name of Altus is at least unknown in the upper class. By contrast, the existence of the Hound ’s leader is a problem. If it were not for an accident, Zhang Heng would not know the other party ’s identity.

Zhang Heng originally wanted to assassinate the leader of the hound after killing Oterus, but he was trapped by the maze and accidentally missed the night. When the wanted reward was posted, Zhang Heng’s actions were also greatly affected. Fortunately, since Zhang Heng knows who the hound leader is, it is equivalent to understood the best chance to assassinate each other.

Zhang Heng simply didn’t move at all, just waiting quietly for the other party to take the initiative to come to the door.

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