48 Hours a Day

Chapter 896

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“You are lying,” Lucila took a deep breath. “You said that just to make me forgive those things you did, and then spare you.”

“Maybe it may or may not be.” Pompeanus not at all argued too much on this issue, and there was no panic on his face, in fact, from the moment his identity was revealed to the present. His soul is very calm, just like not seeing the dagger against his chest, leisurely said, “No matter how much you hate me, but at least one thing you ca n’t deny, it ’s me. It ’s the best person in this world for you. “

“No, you’re just a liar full of lies.” Lucila looked towards Zhang Heng, who was eating melon and watching the bustling Zhang Heng. It seemed that she finally made up her mind and gritted her teeth. “Kill him! If you kill him, I will tell you the balance. Where is the Blade ’s library. “


Zhang Heng is also very simple, he has been waiting for this sentence, hearing this neatly pushed the dagger into Pompeanus’ chest.

“That’s why I like you,” Pompeanus looked at Lucilla at the last moment of his life, said with a smile, “but don’t worry, dear, even death can’t separate us.”

“What does that mean?” Lucila expression changed slightly.

However, Pompeianus would no longer answer, because he had no breathing.

Zhang Heng drew his dagger, “He is dead, I have completed the agreement with you, and it is your turn to perform your part.”

“Wait, what does the last sentence he said mean?” Lucila frowns saying.

“I can’t answer your question. My understanding of him is limited to the parts related to hounds.” Zhang Heng said, “Maybe you should ask yourself, after all, you and he have been the husband and wife for so long.”

Lucilla ’s expression was somewhat gloomy and uncertain, but she finally no longer struggled with this issue and instead said, “You seem to have a way to hide in the city. Can I hire you to be my assassin in this war?” I lost all the Assassins of the Blade of Balance, but we can recruit new staff, you can become the Assassin Speaker, all the resources left by the Blade of Balance can be deployed by you, apart from this I will pay you , A lot of money. “

Zhang Heng hearing this was completely indifferent. He wiped the blood from the dagger and then took it back into his arms. “Sorry, I am only interested in the library where you are interested.”

Lucilla hearing this had a sullen expression on her face, but she soon sorted out her emotions.

Although she still has many allies politically and has the status of a queen, the destruction of the Balance Blade did weaken the power she possessed, and Zhang Heng was able to get rid of Otruus and discovered It is a pity that Pompeanus ’s hidden identity cannot be used by her, but at this time Lucila does not want to set up strong enemies again.

So she nodded, “That’s a pity, you wait.”

After speaking, Lucila went to her dressing table again, took out one of her dressing boxes, and then took out a map from the mezzanine below.

“Where is this?” Zhang Heng took the map, opened his eyes, and wondered.

“Egypt.” Lucila said, “The secret library of the Blade of Balance was originally located in Greece, but because of the appearance of the traitor 200 years ago, it had to be relocated and was considered for security reasons. The library is in a desert in Egypt. “

“Hah, then it seems that I can enjoy my long-distance travel next. I hope the scenery along the way is not bad.” Zhang Heng eyebrows raised.


After killing Pompeanus, Zhang Heng basically finished all the things in the city of Rome, and then he returned to the southeast city, mainly to arrange things after he left.

As for why Lucilla ’s curious Marcus, Soap and the others did n’t sell him for high bounty, the reason is also very simple, not because Zhang Heng ’s charm is big enough, but Zhang Heng used his small The cheater showed his pair of shadow wings in front of Marcus and Soap and the others, which had a huge impact on the spirit of several people. It is hard to say how long the effective period of this trick is effective, but it is enough for Zhang Heng I have survived the difficult situation at that time.

The last place that Zhang Heng went to was the Red Nose Blacksmith Shop. He took out the props that were temporarily unavailable there because he would not return to the city after the accident, and then Zhang Heng I used my lv2 makeup technique to mix in the team out of the city, successfully passed the city gate, and then looked back at Rome behind my eyes.

In just six months here, from slave to gladiator champion to being favored by the emperor, he gave the status of free man step by step to become a noble with Fiefdom, and eventually became a prisoner wanted by the entire empire, probably no one could Bigger ups and downs than his life experience.

However, Zhang Heng himself was not at all too emotionally volatile, because for Rome in the 2nd century AD, he was just a passerby. For him, whether he is a nobility here or not has not even appreciated the scenery and charm of the city. interesting.

Zhang Heng then looked back. He had less than one year left in this copy of the game. It seemed to be quite long, but considering the traffic conditions on the road at this time, he might have to spend it from Rome to Egypt. It takes a lot of time. If you go by land, you may not be able to reach your destination within a few months.

But fortunately, you can also take a boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea directly, and the current wind direction is suitable for this voyage. Zhang Heng found a grain transport ship that will return to the pier. Do n’t be surprised. Modern people look at Egypt and think that there are Desert and Pyramid, but in the 2nd century AD, Egypt was hailed as the granary of the Nile, and the grain that was transported from here every year fed half the population of the Roman Empire.

After paying a Gold Coin ticket, Zhang Heng successfully found a bed for himself on the boat, and returned to the sea again, which also made Zhang Heng feel a touch of kindness. He did n’t spend much time with the boat. The sailors were so mixed that, after arriving in Egypt, the captain wanted to retain Zhang Heng and let him stay on the ship to work, but was eventually rejected by the latter.

Zhang Heng did not forget the purpose of his trip. Of course, he spent 2 weeks after docking to get a card under the pyramid. After that, Zhang Heng spent 30 more camels and prepared enough for himself to eat. In the last 7 months of food and water, I hired a few guides in the local area and made sufficient preparations before starting to march towards the desert marked on the map.

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