The next morning, the projection team arrived at the compound on time.

Xu Damao, taking advantage of the power of others, boasted: "Old man, let me tell you, this time our Captain Han spent a lot of effort to convince Section Chief Wang to let your compound show movies in advance."

"Even our compound has to wait until the end of the month, but you have advanced by more than ten days."

The old man smiled and said: "Thank you Comrade Xiao Han."

"That's right."

Xu Damao continued to flatter Captain Han.

"I'm not bragging. If it were an ordinary person, there would be no way to change the order. Do you know where we are going tonight?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you."

Xu Damao looked around.

Chen Feng calmly carved the wood carving, while Chen Li sat on the side and ate a persimmon brought by Wang Cheng.

The old man was pounding Chinese medicine, and some of the Chinese medicine was exposed to the sun.

The old lady had finished sewing clothes and was now teaching Zhou Qing how to use the sewing machine at the door of the side room, where the light was better.

Wang Cheng, the guest, was drinking a cup of sugar water.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

Captain Han shook his head, and saw that Xu Damao also had a bad reputation in the compound.

Of course, he would not blame him.

Old Xu had a relationship with the Lou family. Although the Lou family did not interfere in the direct management of the factory, one or two suggestions would still be adopted by the higher-ups.

"Grandpa, we'll show a movie tonight, and we don't ask for much."

"One pheasant or duck per person is fine."

"The price is as Xiao Chen said, three yuan per bird, nominally to reward and thank the projection team. We dare not charge the common people a penny, so we choose to buy it with money."

"Of course, buying and selling is illegal." The old man smiled and said, "After the screening tonight, on behalf of the more than 20 households in the compound, I thank you for your hard work."

An old man and a middle-aged man smiled at each other.

"Chen Feng, is my collection of good tea ready? Take it out quickly and treat Captain Han to a cup of hot tea."

Chen Feng entered the kitchen, brought out the tea that had been brewed long ago, and gave them each a Zhonghua cigarette, which was obtained by Chen Jianguo from blackmailing Ouyang Jie.

Seeing the tea leaves in the teacup and the cigarettes in their hands, the four were very satisfied.

You give us face, and we will naturally give you face.

Face is given by everyone together.

"Grandpa, that's settled, we'll go back first."

"Don't worry, have a cup of tea first."

After finishing the tea, the old man chatted for a while, and the two sides started their first cooperation.

The projection team often goes to the countryside, and the work tasks are quite large. Most of the movies in the countryside at night need to eat and stay overnight in the commune. The advantage is that you can get a lot of good things from the commune.

But now there is a shortage of supplies everywhere, and the commune is no exception. It is impossible for everyone to send them precious food just to watch movies.

In the past, I often got meat from the commune and brought it home every day. Now even vegetables are less.

It is easy to live in luxury and difficult to live frugally. In order to eat a bite of meat, they have to take the initiative.

"Grandpa, then I will go to work first. Just leave three seats on the side for me at night." Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"That won't work. Don't worry. I'll reserve a middle seat in the fourth row for you. Four seats are enough, right?" The old man said with a smile, "Chen Li, go to the room and get three pheasant eggs for your brother Wang. You eat what others bring every day, and you don't know how to return the favor."

Chen Li ran into the kitchen to get the eggs.

"Grandpa, it's really not necessary. Three seats are enough."

"It's just a few seats, no big deal."

Chen Li quickly came out with the eggs.

Wang Cheng wanted to refuse, but the old man forced it into his hand.

"Take it back to nourish your parents and children."

Wang Cheng thanked and left.

Persimmons and eggs are easy for him to get, and watching movies is also to make his children and wife happy.

The key lies in the joint management and maintenance of friendship between the two sides.

At the beginning, it may be a relationship of interest. Over time, there will be more cooperation between the two sides. When there are good things, there will be more or less feelings, which can be regarded as a network of people.

In the future, when there are good things, the Chen family will naturally be given priority.

"Chen Li, go to the backyard and call Er Gouzi, Ye Zi and the others."

Chen Feng said, "I'll go and tell them."

Chen Li followed him. When Chen Feng was at home, the little girl was his follower, following him around every day.

When he came to the middle courtyard, he said to a group of workers' families chatting and children playing in the mud, "Ladies, my grandfather and the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill are

The projection team of the factory has agreed to show a movie in our compound tonight. Remember to notify everyone. "

"Oh, tonight, is it true?"

A group of family members chatted.

"Let's watch a movie, let's watch a movie!"

The children were the happiest and kept shouting.

They regarded watching movies as the most fun thing.

"Ye Zi, are you going to show a movie?"

The voice of a child came from the next door.

"Yes, Xiao Feng said that we will watch a movie in our compound tonight."

"Great, I will come to your compound to watch a movie too."

"No, this is a movie in our compound."

A group of children talked across a wall and "friendly" discussed how to watch a movie together in the evening.

"Really, I will go to the backyard to notify. "

Chen Feng took the little girl to the backyard again and passed the message to the right person.

In fact, he didn't understand. The projection team would come in the evening. Was it necessary to notify them? /

When it was night, he understood.

This kind of small group activity still requires certain command skills and is not an easy task.

The old man sat on the stool in the middle and chatted with Deputy Director Wang of the Street Office.

The future director of the Street Office is still a deputy now.

However, the old director is old and has survived the war. He is not far from retirement.

"Put it a little further back. It's too crowded. "

Chen Jianjun directed each family to put out the benches, and the three tables in the middle were specially arranged with a plate of peanuts, a plate of pickles and a pot of tea.

This was reserved for the street office, the old man and the propaganda department.

Each bench had the name of each family on it, and it had to be returned afterwards. For this reason, someone was arranged to watch it to prevent it from being stolen.

In addition, the seats were not taken casually.

Each position was full of human relationships.

The elderly were given priority, officials were given priority, senior technicians were given priority, intellectuals were given priority, Chen's relatives and friends were given priority...

All the benches had been arranged with people.

Other families could only bring their own benches and sit on both sides.

"How is it, did you learn it?" Chen Jianguo said with a smile.

"It's really troublesome." Chen Feng shook his head.

Chen Jianguo whispered: "This is something you can't learn in school, but it will be very important in society in the future. Some rules cannot be seen or touched, but they will always exist. We must get used to these rules and comply with them. "

"Unless you stand in a very high position in the future, you can't go against the rules."

Chen Feng said quickly: "Okay, Uncle, I understand, don't say anything more."

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