After helping the old man get rid of all the fish, Chen Feng rode his bicycle to a small town a few miles away. He first used a few fish to secretly exchange some tickets to Tianjin outside the vegetable market. Then he took the tickets and bought three taels of oil from the supply and marketing cooperative with an empty soda bottle. On the way back, he passed the intersection of a village on the side of the road and saw an aunt standing with a duck cage under her feet, which was a cage made of bamboo strips with six ducks in it. Two children were holding her legs, and a middle-aged man was squatting on the ground. When she found Chen Feng looking over here, the aunt quickly spoke. "Comrade, do you want ducks? My family raises them ourselves. We eat small fish and shrimps. They are all female ducks and can lay eggs."

Chen Feng asked curiously, "Does the commune allow families to raise ducks now?"

In the past few years, rural cooperatives have emerged. Not only have the fields been confiscated, but even the chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep raised by many families have become the collective property of the commune.

Under such circumstances, everyone is naturally unwilling to raise them privately, which would benefit the commune for nothing.

The woman replied, "Yes, the order issued in June this year said that the central government agreed that each family could raise chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep privately, and once they were raised, they would belong to each family and would not have to be handed over to the commune."

In June 1959, in order to alleviate the huge meat shortage in the city, the top leaders changed many of the previous policies.

For example, members were allowed to raise poultry and livestock privately, and the income would belong entirely to the members; the private plot system (small pieces of collective land that members could use for a long time) was restored; the products produced by members' families and individuals could be sold to supply and marketing cooperatives, etc.

However, given the previous commune policies, many farmers were skeptical.

Those who dare to be the first to raise chickens and ducks are all bold.

Chen Feng looked at the aunt with admiration. She was really adventurous.

And she was willing to do so. You know, a four-month-old duck can really lay eggs.

"How about I trade rice with you?"

"No rice, just cloth coupons and cotton coupons." The aunt shook her head.

It is the end of October now. It will be November soon. The temperature in the north will start to drop sharply and gradually enter the cold winter.

This aunt sold the ducks to buy some warm clothes for her children. It is hard work.

Chen Feng thought about it and said, "Do you want rabbit skin?"

"Yes, can it be two rabbit skins? I have two children, a daughter and a son."

The aunt's worries disappeared, and she said happily, "I will give you all six ducks."


Chen Feng pretended to open his backpack, but he actually killed two fat rabbits from the space and peeled off two rabbit skins.

Because of the abundant food and the fact that they had grown in space for several days, the hares grew very fat, with a body length of nearly 60 cm, which was enough for the two little guys to wear warm winter clothes and have two more pairs of shoes.

Domestic rabbits still don't grow big, unlike foreign rabbits, which can grow to 1.5 meters, the same size as calves and domestic pigs.

The price of two big rabbit skins should be more expensive than six ducks.

But the advantage is that the ducks directly exchanged have an outlet for explanation, even if the people in Zhoujiagou ask, there is a source.


Seeing two complete big rabbit skins, the middle-aged man immediately stood up and took them, took a special look, and said in surprise: "Just peeled off?"

Chen Feng said calmly: "Yes, I just passed a field and ran into two rabbits, and I caught them."

The middle-aged man wanted to ask which field actually raised such fat rabbits, but his wife pulled his clothes.

"Thank you. If you still want ducks, you can come to Caojiawan to find our family and say Cao San who raises ducks!"


Chen Feng picked up the duck cage in his hand and went back with one hand holding the bicycle.

An idea suddenly occurred to him.

His family in Sijiucheng couldn't raise ducks because they lacked food and small fish, but his uncle's family could.

At most, he could catch dozens or hundreds of kilograms of small fish and shrimp to feed them.

Seeing Chen Feng carrying the cage into the village, several elderly people asked a few questions.

"Cao San from Caojiawan, I exchanged it for rabbit skin."

When he returned home, he found that there were a lot more firewood in the yard. The children were waiting for him to come back, and they cheered when they saw his bicycle from a distance.

"Brother, the candy is here."

"The candy is here."

Chen Feng's face was dark.

Good fellow, feelings are in your eyes, I am a walking candy man?

Zhou Dinghai and Zhou Fubo put away the comic books, and a group of five or six-year-old children were very disappointed.


After stopping the car, Chen Feng put down the duck cage and said, "Take some small fish to feed them.

Well, use yellow croakers, not prawns. I want to fry prawns tonight. "

There are many yellow croakers, so you can feed them as much as you can, but there are not many prawns.

"Okay, stand still. Is this your firewood?"


"Not bad, I'll give you three."

"This is mine."

"Not bad, two."

Chen Feng found that he had underestimated the fighting power of these little guys. In less than an hour, they picked up enough firewood for ten days, and many of them were even shrubs that had not withered.

Seeing the small wounds on the hands of some children, he was silent.

Originally, he just wanted to give them some candy and save some firewood for the Zhou family, but he couldn't bear to see their little hands.

But they were very happy.

"Come here and line up."

Relying on the two candies, Chen Feng had a great prestige in their eyes.

"Wait for me to come out. ”

Enter the kitchen, use a large bowl to fill a bowl of well water, then add some sugar to it, take the large bowl and take out the ladle from the kitchen water tank.

“This is sugar water, one sip per person.”

Personally took the ladle and began to feed each person a big sip.

“Is it delicious?” asked the little guy at the back of the line.

“It’s delicious, sweet.”

Hearing this, the back immediately squeezed to the front.

“Line up, whoever squeezes, no one will be given.”

Chen Feng glared at an anxious little kid and said, “If you move around, no one will be given.”

“I won’t move, I just want to drink water.” The little boy said aggrievedly.

Chen Feng said, “If you want to drink sugar water, stand still. "

He gave the ladle to the little girl, who drank for half a minute, which made Chen Feng a little anxious.

Three sips of water, why did you take so long to drink?

Grandpa stood at the door of the main room, watching Chen Feng and a group of children playing with a smile.

Auntie felt sorry for the candy, or more precisely, she felt sorry for the money.

"With such a small amount of firewood, it's so expensive to send candy. Let Dinghai and Fubo go to the back mountain to pick them up by themselves."

"The village is poor, so it's good to let them taste the candy." Grandpa sighed.

He fed the children a big mouthful of sugar water, and they left Zhou's house happily.

There was still a little left, and Chen Feng was going to feed it to the ducks to prevent them from getting sick and dying.

Zhou Dinghai and Zhou Fubo came up.

"Cousin, give me some."

"Go, if you want to drink it, I'll make it for you later and feed it to the ducks."

"Ah, this is sugar water. ”

“It’s just a few sips, what’s the big deal? I’ll make you a big bowl again.”

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