The old lady saw that the turtle had been cut up and exchanged for food.

"Grandson, why did you cut up the turtle again and exchange it for food?"

The old lady felt a little distressed when she saw that the turtle had been cut up.

This is all food!

Looking at Chen Feng, who was nimble and skillful, she gave up.

Eat if you like, grandson is the most important.

"Grandma, you are almost too weak to walk, you must take good care of yourself, I am still thinking about you taking care of my great-grandson in the future."

Chen Feng said something that she didn't know whether it was true or false.

"Okay, okay."

The old lady said happily.

"I have suffered for decades with your grandfather, but I have not enjoyed the blessings of your grandfather and your father. Now that I am old, I am enjoying the blessings of my eldest grandson."

Chen Feng asked in a low voice: "Grandma, what did our Chen family do before?"

The old lady shook her head and said ambiguously: "We worked in the fields and mountains."

Chen Feng only knew that his family was a small farmer, and that his father had fought against the Japanese and was a military doctor, so he had a wide network of contacts.

But he was content with the market and did not have much utilitarianism.

The only activity was probably to save his eldest son who joined the army from the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The turtle was cut and the coal stove was at the right temperature.

The old lady watched Chen Feng wash the shrimps and small fish, and raised her hand to put a spoonful of oil in the pot, and she was immediately anxious.

"Xiaofeng, you go and rest for a while, I will cook."

These days, oil is extremely precious, and oil tickets and meat tickets are second only to the three big tickets, and are more scarce than cloth tickets.

Seeing her grandson's generosity, the old lady couldn't bear to give up.

Chen Feng didn't give up his seat.

Just kidding, if the old lady came, she would definitely save a little here and a little there. In the end, it was edible, but definitely not very delicious.

Why no one eats soft-shelled turtles, crabs, loaches, etc. now? Because these things don't use oil or seasonings, they are really unpalatable!

"Grandma, just take a good rest and leave it to me."

"It's just a little oil. I'll change a few pots for you tomorrow."

The old lady was happy and distressed.

The eldest grandson was sensible, but he didn't seem to be able to live at home.

"Put less when you fry the soft-shelled turtle later."

Seeing Chen Feng's lavish spending, the old lady simply walked out.

"When did the lake in Sijiu City have so many turtles and fish?"

"Grandma, there are many turtle eggs in Sijiu City, but there are really not many turtles."

Chen Feng laughed.

Zhou Qing didn't have a job. He came back with a basket of wild vegetables at around 12 o'clock. He saw the little girl sitting on a stool in the kitchen waiting for dinner, sipping slightly sweet sugar water.

Chen Hao had already prepared chopsticks.

Chen Feng was using the remaining seasonings from the steamed soft-shelled turtle to stir-fry shrimps and small fish. Deep-frying was originally the best.

But unfortunately, in an era when oil was calculated by grams, deep-frying was absolutely an extremely luxurious behavior.

The Chen family simply didn't have enough oil and starch.

He Yushui watched from the side.

"Xiao Feng, what a waste of oil!"

Smelling the fragrant aroma, Zhou Qing's appetite was whetted, but looking at the oil, shrimps, and fish in the pot, he felt that a lot of money was gone.

"Mom, if you feel heartbroken, go out and wait."

Chen Feng smiled evilly. The old man and the old lady were heartbroken, but they couldn't control him, so they simply turned a blind eye.

Only the three little ones didn't care about the oil, and they wished it would be more fragrant.

Of course, it would be better if it cooked faster.

Soon lunch was ready, and the family was ready to eat.

"It smells so good!"

He Yushui smelled the aroma of the dishes, fascinated.

Noticing Zhou Qing's sigh, he quickly changed his words and said, "It's just a waste of oil, Brother Feng, you should learn from my brother to use oil properly."

"Eat yours!"

Chen Feng picked up a piece of half-fried fish, removed the fish bones, and gave it to the little girl.

"Why is it so generous, just like the foreigners eating?" The old man looked at the small bowls and said in surprise.

In order to prevent Chen Hao and others from grabbing, Chen Feng deliberately divided the meat and vegetables into several small bowls, one bowl for each person.

Although he had to wash more bowls, it reduced the chances of the elders giving up their dishes.

"Grandpa, let's make it clear first, everyone eats their own, and you are not allowed to pick up dishes for others."

Chen Hao looked at the same portion in his bowl as his third sister, and was so happy that he ate much slower.

He didn't have to grab, so he naturally had to taste it well.

He Yushui was also very happy. The fish and shrimp in her bowl were the same as those of Chen Hao and Chen Feng, but a little less than that of the old man, the old lady, and Little Lily.

Zhou Qing glanced at the glass bottle of oil. In the morning, there was still half a bottle of small wine bottle.

Now there is only a little left at the bottom.

"Xiao Feng, you are still young now, you must develop the habit of saving.

"We use so much oil in one day, what will we do in the future?" "You know, one ounce of oil costs about ten cents, and our family can only get one or two pounds every month." "Dongdong!" The old man knocked on the table twice, and Zhou Qing had to stop talking. The little ones didn't care about so much, they just kept their mouths. "Mom, don't worry, I'll go fishing at the beach and I'll definitely get you enough oil." Chen Feng comforted him. Today is Friday, and if nothing unexpected happens, the second uncle should be able to hire a horse-drawn carriage or a donkey cart. His father Chen Jianjun is too serious and is suitable for the factory's armed department, where there are retired soldiers with similar personalities and hobbies. The second uncle Chen Jianguo is slick and gets along well with all parties, and has a certain network of relationships among all kinds of people in the city. "Erguo, don't you like eating turtles? ”

The little girl finished the turtle in her bowl and saw that Chen Hao only ate the small fish, leaving the turtle pieces and a prawn. She said naively: "Er Guo, I'll give you the fish, you give me the turtle, I'll help you eat it."

"Don't even think about it!"

Chen Hao snorted: "The best food should be saved for last, you don't understand."

The little girl looked at the turtle in his bowl and was greedy.

Zhou Qing smiled and gave her the turtle in his bowl.

The little girl looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said helplessly: "Eat it, but you have to give the fish to mother."

"Okay, big pot! "

The little girl pushed the remaining half bowl of small fish to Zhou Qing.

Compared to the tender and smooth taste of turtle meat, the small fish is naturally inferior.

Because of the separate meals, Chen Feng was the first to finish this time. Chen Hao, who used to eat the fastest, was still slowly savoring his turtle.

Thinking of the lack of nutrition for the elderly, he made them another bowl of sugar water.

"It's not good to drink water after just eating."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Grandpa, without fruit to help digestion, a bowl of sugar water is just right."

"Is Mr. Chen here? "

There was a shout outside the door.

Chen Feng helped the old man out.

Outside the door was a middle-aged man he didn't know, holding a thin black and white spotted dog in his hands.

Chen Feng recognized it at a glance. It was a Chinese pastoral dog.

Its head features are similar to those of a gray wolf, with a pointed mouth, mainly brown hair, coarse hair, and an average lifespan of about 15 years.

Its personality is gentle, easy to raise, and loyal; it adapts to group life, has a strong regionality, and almost no skin diseases.

They are the product of China's thousands of years of agricultural society, a living fossil of history and culture, and are called "Chinese National Dogs."

This is one of the best hunting dogs in the world, enough to rank in the top five.

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