The song was played in the afternoon, but it was not until the evening that the song was played.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Jianguo came in humming a song and saw Chen Li and Zhang Haixing sitting together. He also listened to the first part of "The East is Red" played by the little girl.

The East is Red was first played in 1944 and was fixed and sung in 1945. The lyrics were changed several times.

In this era, it is one of the songs that most students must learn.

"Uncle, does it sound good?"

After playing, Chen Li looked up at Chen Jianguo.

Chen Jianguo didn't want to discourage his niece's enthusiasm for music, so he tried to comment in a very real way.

"This song is very popular!"

"Big Pot, what do you think?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "This song is very hard!"

This song is not very good, but the lyrics are not very hard!

The little girl became more and more happy and looked at Zhang Haixing actively.

Zhang Haixing couldn't find the words to praise for a while, so she just said it casually.

"Well, this song is very popular and hard!"

The little girl felt that this evaluation didn't seem to be quite right, but it seemed very impressive.

In short, she was very happy!

Chen Jianguo and Chen Feng rolled their eyes together.

Your cultural level seems to need to be improved!

The old man was making tea in the study. During the Spring Festival this year, some relatives and friends in other places sent him a lot of good things, including a pack of Longjing.

The post office in Sijiucheng started working on the sixth day of the first lunar month this year.

Today, the postman sent a pick-up slip and asked their family to pick up the mail. Zhou Qing went there specially in the afternoon and took back the pack of tea.

After hearing the comments of the three people, he looked at them silently.

Then he looked at the happy little girl.

He shook his head.

He took the oolong teapot in a very stylish way and poured seven points of tea into several small cups.

"Do you want to drink tea? Top-grade Longjing tea."

Chen Jianguo sat down and said with a smile: "Dad, you know me, I only like to drink good wine."

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a handful of peanuts, put a few into his mouth, and said: "Grandpa, you know me, I only like to drink water."

Chen Li ran over and imitated Da Guo's words, saying loudly: "Grandpa, you know me, I only like soda."

The old man's hand holding the teapot was a little stiff!

These people don't give face!

He wasted an hour of studying tea-making skills!

It was Zhang Haixing who gave face and got up to take a cup of tea.

"Thank you, old man."

"You're welcome, go slowly, it's a little hot."

The old man glared at the three unfilial descendants, blew the hot air from the teacup, and felt it was still a little hot, so he put it down again.

He actually doesn't like tea.

It's not as good as Erguotou!

It's just that he has always envied scholars since he was a child, and thinks that making tea can improve his status.

"By the way, Jianguo, why did you get off work so early today?"

Chen Jianguo glanced around, held his head high, and said calmly: "Something good has happened, a great thing."

Chen Li said excitedly: "Uncle, do you want to eat meat?"

"Hey, why do you always think about this kind of thing?" Chen Jianguo was almost beaten to death by his little niece.

The little foodie's eyes were a little confused.

Not eating meat, what's a good thing?

Chen Feng touched his chin and asked: "Uncle, are you going to be promoted again?"

Chen Jianguo pouted and said: "Your Uncle Ouyang hasn't died yet!"

The old man lowered his head, as if looking for something.

Chen Jianguo said quickly: "Dad, I proposed to Xiao'e, and she agreed. She asked her parents last night, and her parents agreed."

The old man was shocked at first, and then he was furious!

"Her parents agreed, so you asked me?"

"Xiao Feng, bring a stick, the thickest one, I'm going to beat this unfilial son to death today!"

Uh, old man, you're not serious, are you?

Chen Feng was still in a daze.

Chen Li had already run to find the thickest stick at home.

Chen Jianguo looked at the old man, it didn't look fake.

Is he really angry?

Come to think of it, I did not do it properly.

The old man is a traditional patriarch type of person. He was probably, possibly, or perhaps really angry about me acting on my own without consulting him.

The old man was worried about Lou Xiao'e, not because of her face.

In fact, people of their generation believe in fate, but not all of it.

Three parts are determined by fate, and seven parts are determined by hard work. Some things are ultimately determined by one's own choice.

If you believe in fate completely, then why struggle!

"Grandpa, I found the thickest stick!"

Chen Li proudly dragged a pole thicker than her arm over and gave it to the old man enthusiastically.

Chen Feng looked at Xiao

Girl, your second uncle didn't make her cry these days, did he?

He didn't know that Chen Jianguo didn't make her cry, but he took away a lot of her snacks.

The old man picked up the pole and swung it at Chen Jianguo. The wind was blowing. If he was hit, Chen Jianguo would probably have to take sick leave.

But Chen Jianguo was not stupid. He was not like Chen Hao who would lie down and get beaten.

He was not willing to take the pole for nothing. He was so scared that he immediately dodged and ran away.

"Stop right there!"

"Dad, put down the pole first!"

"Unfilial son, how can I be worthy of my ancestors if I don't beat you to death today!"

"Dad, if you beat me to death, you will be worthy of our ancestors!"


The old man was so angry that he chased after him. Chen Jianguo ran as hard as he could, from the No. 93 compound to the alley. One chased and scolded, and the other ran to persuade.

Soon, everyone in Nanluoguxiang who was at home came out to watch the show.

The old lady and Zhou Qing came out to ask what was going on, while Zhang Haixing stayed in the courtyard to explain.

Chen Feng followed behind, holding Chen Li.

"Hey, old man, what are you doing? It's New Year's Day."

"Catch this unfilial son, I'm going to beat him to death!"

Who dares to catch Chen Jianguo!

They stood by the door laughing and watching the father and son continue to quarrel.

"Xiaofeng, what's wrong? What did your second uncle do to make the old man so angry?"

Guo Chunhua came out of the supply and marketing cooperative and gave Chen Li a soft candy.

A group of spectators immediately pricked up their ears.









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