After breakfast, Chen Jianjun and Zhou Qing went to work.

Niu Gengshen promised that Zhou Qing didn't have to go, as long as he completed the task on time.

However, Zhou Qing didn't want to be unique, but chose to follow the crowd and keep a low profile.

There was also attendance in this era. Although the state-owned factories cancelled the automatic clock-in machine, there was a human attendance machine - the leader!

(In 1855, in Britain, the center of the two industrial revolutions, John Adams invented the world's first "punch card machine". During the Republic of China, many large domestic enterprises adopted the punch card attendance mechanism to prevent people from stealing wages.)

Before nationalization, the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill adopted the punch card system, and the punch card machine was imported from abroad.

Under the trend of political correctness and the "general dissatisfaction" of the workers, the first "big reform" was carried out in a factory in Shanghai.

The factory leaders were very happy to announce that they had abolished the punch card system, but activated the workers' enthusiasm for work and greatly increased production.

As a subordinate enterprise, the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill naturally keeps up with social trends.

Such an advanced production model was adopted and promoted as soon as possible.

"Comrade Chen Xiao, Happy New Year!"

Ye Jin brought his employee Wang Cheng to visit the Chen family with large and small bags.

Chen Hao, who was playing basketball in the yard, called out Uncle Ye and Brother Wang, and then shouted to the study: "Brother, Uncle Ye from the cannery is here."

"Brother Wang is here too."

Chen Li reacted the fastest!

Without waiting for Chen Feng to get up, she ran to Ye Jin.

Ye Jin smiled and gave her a handful of candy.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Chen Hao immediately came up, as did Fatty Wang, Jiang Hongjun and other children.

"Wang Cheng, one candy each."


Chen Feng smiled and came out to pick them up.

The old man was also in the study. When he saw the package brought by Ye Jin, he quickly said: "Comrade Ye, you are also a soldier who has been tested, so you can't make mistakes."

Although he has retired, even if Ye Jin bribes, it won't work on him.

But the polite words must be said, disinfected in advance.

Just like the Hong Kong police must say a classic sentence before catching a thief and shooting, "You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be used as evidence in court."

This is not to remind the suspect, but to ensure that the law enforcement is legal.

Ye Jin smiled and opened the package, revealing the contents - mushrooms.

"Grandpa, this is the dried tangzi mushroom that my family found in the mountains. It is not worth much. In our place, it costs less than 20 cents per pound."

Tangzi mushroom is mushroom, specifically the red mushroom wax umbrella in the Northeast.

There are many specialties in the Northeast, and various edible mushrooms are also one of them. Mudanjiang City is the only city in the country that has been approved to have the two golden signs of "World Black Fungus Capital" and "China Edible Fungus City" and the reputation of the material.

"Is Team Leader Ye from the Northeast?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Yes, I followed the army into the pass, and I was a little scout at that time." Ye Jin said with some nostalgia: "We were a scout platoon back then, but now we are all in different places, and I don't know if we will have the chance to reunite in the future."

Chen Feng looked at him in surprise.

Although Ye Jin is not very fat, he doesn't look like a scout at all.

In a normal army, scouts are basically made up of elite soldiers, or even special forces, who are very smart and good at fighting.

"Where are you from in the Northeast?"

The old man has naturally been to the Northeast, but he is from the south and really can't stand the cold in the Northeast.

"Xinbin County, Liaoning, a mountainous area." Ye Jin said with great honor.

His hometown is very poor, but he is proud of it.

"No wonder."

The old man sighed.

"Grandpa knows my hometown?" Ye Jin said happily.

"I've been there to buy herbs. The most abundant thing in Xinbin is mushrooms. Our medical team stayed here for half a month and ate all kinds of mushrooms for fifteen days."

The old man licked his lips and said, "You know what, that was the most comfortable time for me in the Northeast."


Seeing the old man's nostalgic look, Ye Jin couldn't help but feel proud of his hometown.

The old man suddenly asked, "So, you are Manchu?"

Ye Jin's smile stopped immediately, and he hurriedly said, "Han, I am Han!"

Xinbin County is located in the northeast of Shenyang, belongs to the Changbai Mountain area, and is also a Manchu Autonomous County.

"The old man

, my father is Han, my mother is Manchu, according to the nationality law, I am Han!"

Ye Jin's reaction was a bit extreme, which made several people present a little stunned.

Chen Feng poured the hot tea and gave it to the three of them.

He felt a little strange. Isn't it good for ethnic minorities? Isn't it said that ethnic minorities have more advantages and special care?

For example, the college entrance examination!

The policy of adding points to ethnic minorities in the college entrance examination has been implemented since 1950. In 1956, the Student Management Department of the Ministry of Higher Education further stipulated the score control range for priority admission.

"Uncle Ye, why don't you use Manchu? This will give you extra points."

Ye Jin also found that he overreacted. The old man was not one of those ignorant people. He quickly calmed down and explained: "The extra points are true, but the disgust is also true!"

He said helplessly: "The Qing Dynasty was incompetent and scourged the world. Puyi, that fool, was stupid and incompetent, but he just won over a large group of people to betray the nation and the country. ”

“Nowadays, let alone mixed-bloods like me, even pure-bloods in the mountains are ashamed of the Manchus and wish they could all change to Han nationality.”

“My mother didn’t want to move to the city because she was afraid of embarrassing me.”

Speaking of this, Old Ye was a little depressed.

Why should the lower class be scolded for the evil done by the emperor?

“My daughter told me that a child in their school accidentally said that he was the descendant of a princess, and the children thought he was the descendant of a traitor, forcing their parents to transfer schools in less than three days. "

The old man was stunned at first, then laughed and shook his head.

Chen Feng also smiled.

He finally understood why those old and young people were like rats crossing the street, not daring to show their heads at all, and even had to change their ancestral surnames.

If you are pointed at by thousands of people, you will die even if you are not sick!

The Qing Dynasty was destroyed, after all, it was overthrown by its own people.

But Puyi led the remnants to join the devils, which aroused public anger.

This kind of extreme nationalist trend is naturally wrong, but he likes it inexplicably.

"Come, please have tea!" The old man raised his teacup and said.

Ye Jin was obviously not the kind of elegant person who knew how to taste tea, but he had worked in the system for more than ten years after all.

Holding the teacup, he drank it as a toast.

"Good tea, this aroma is really good. "

Wang Cheng took a look at the tea leaves, all of which were intact leaves, so they must be good tea!

After chatting for a while, they felt that the friendship between the two sides was consolidated after the Spring Festival.

After sitting for half an hour, Ye Jin took Wang Cheng to say goodbye.

Emotions are formed by daily exchanges and accumulation.

Chen Feng personally sent Ye Jin out. When he was at the door, he thought of something and asked hurriedly: "Uncle Ye, do you have a flashlight ticket?"

"That's easy. I'll ask Wang Cheng to bring you one tomorrow." Ye Jin agreed very happily.

"Thank you."

It is early February now, spring is coming soon, and frogs are coming back. From April to June, it is the time for frogs in Sijiucheng to appear in large numbers.

There will be many frogs along the Yongding River and the Tongzhou Grand Canal.

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