The chicken was eaten in a big pot, but the chicken was still very small.

It took the three of them half an hour to eat a small pheasant, even the bones were gnawed clean.

The old man drank a few glasses of water, not only did he not feel sleepy, but he was refreshed after drinking the Longjing tea poured by Chen Feng. He sealed the remaining wine and started to continue his medical book.

Chen Hao poured all the chicken bones into the dog bowl.

Chen Li was a little sleepy.

Chen Feng took his sister back to the bedroom for a nap.

After sleeping for an hour, he woke up and the little girl was still snoring, with her belly heaving.

First go to the old lady's room, take back her shuttlecock, and put it on her belly.

Then take the ticket and money and prepare to walk to Wangfujing Bicycle Shop to buy a tricycle.

"Brother, where are you going? I'll go with you."

Chen Hao came up and said.

"It's so cold, why go out? Stay at home. If my little sister wakes up, take her to read comic books." Chen Feng ordered.

Chen Feng was in good health and was not affected by the cold, but he could clearly feel that the weather, which had just warmed up, suddenly cooled down again, and a cold wind blew from the north.

He looked up at the sky, and it was still sunny.

When passing by the supply and marketing cooperative, even if he was several meters away, he could hear Guo Chunhua and other aunts gathered together, burning a raging fire of gossip.

"You don't know, today Xu's wife went to see old man Chen to ask for his pulse, and was almost beaten by Chen Feng."

"That's not right, didn't Chen Feng go hunting in the mountains?"

"Uh, Chunhua, how do you know Chen Feng went?"

"Nonsense, Chen Feng went out on a bicycle this morning, either hunting or going to Tianjin."

"That's Chen Hao."

"Why did Chen Hao beat her?"

"What else could it be, not keeping his wife's chastity."

Why should a widow embarrass a widow!

Chen Feng shook his head.

Perhaps because they were of the same kind, Jia Zhangshi and widow Meng didn't see eye to eye with each other for some reason.

First go to the bicycle shop and buy a three-wheeled bicycle with the ticket and money.

"Comrade, this bicycle can seat several people and carry a lot of things. It won't collapse or the chain break, right?"

Chen Feng knocked on the handlebar and found it was solid.

The salesman was a middle-aged man. He smiled and replied, "Steel plants all use this to pull steel ingots. Do you think it will break?"

"Don't worry. It's not over a thousand pounds. There will be absolutely no problem."

Chen Feng was half-believing and half-doubting. Is this thing of such good quality?

In fact, Chen Feng was worrying too much.

The bicycle materials of this era are not as high-end as those of later generations, such as "aluminum alloy", "carbon fiber" and "titanium alloy", but they definitely meet the characteristics of oriental weapons - tough and durable.

In two years, heavy-duty bicycles will be developed, with a cargo capacity of up to 700 pounds.

Important transportation tools such as tricycles are made of the best steel.

I rode my bike to Jiaodaokou Police Station to register for a license. It happened that Tao Song was training a group of young auxiliary police in the yard. Of course, they were not called auxiliary police in this era, but security guards.

"Xiao Feng, did you change the bike?"

"At ease!"

Tao Song asked the auxiliary police to line up in the yard, and he walked over to take a closer look and even sat on it to try it out.

"This new car is good, it's good for transporting goods and people."

Chen Feng was a little speechless.

Can this be called a new car, and it's fucking good?

"Uncle Tao, it's just a tricycle."

Tao Song stared at him and said unhappily: "Isn't a tricycle a new car?"

"But it's still a bicycle." Chen Feng said stubbornly.

"What's wrong with a bicycle? Do you want to drive a car?" Tao Song complained: "Do you know what kind of leaders are qualified to drive a car?"

"Department level!"

"The three-wheeled bicycle is already very good, you should be content!"

Tao Song's voice was a little loud, causing more than 30 auxiliary police officers to turn their heads and look at him at the same time.

This envious gaze, even Chen Feng's face, felt a little overwhelmed, and a little proud.

Chen Feng didn't think much of the tricycle, but in this era, this thing is indeed a good thing.

This bicycle, which can transport goods and people, is made of very strong steel.

Many communes cannot buy it even if they want to.

"Uncle Tao, quickly arrange for someone to get me a certificate."

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'll try riding it for a while."

Tao Song was delighted to see the bicycle. He gave up his beloved tricycle and rode his bicycle around the police station yard for a few laps. He felt very satisfied.

"Uncle Tao, it's not that bad. You already have a tricycle."

"You know nothing!"

Tao Song stopped his bicycle and looked at the tricycle parked in the yard.

He laughed and said, "This thing is a gas guzzler. It's comfortable to drive, but every time I apply for fuel, I beg for help."

"Unlike your car, you can use it however you want."

That's right. Even buses don't use gasoline these days. Cars are very expensive, and fuel is even more expensive.

If Tao Song wants to use a car, he has to rely on fuel distribution.

If you're lucky, you can drive it. If you're unlucky, you can only ride a bicycle.

Tao Song said to Xie Zhenyu, "Xiao Xie, you come to train and take care of Xiao Feng's new car."

"Okay, Tao." Xie Zhenyu saluted.

Because they were all acquaintances, the process was very smooth, and the "certificate" was completed in less than an hour.

When Chen Feng came out, he saw Xie Zhenyu standing next to the car.

"This fool!"

Tao Song shook his head and said, "Wait until I get a bicycle from the branch, I'll give you one."

"Thank you, Tao." Xie Zhenyu said excitedly.

Chen Feng mourned for Xie Zhenyu for three seconds.

It's not that Tao Song was exaggerating, but Xie Zhenyu, a police officer after all, couldn't afford a bicycle.

A second-hand bicycle was really not high for his income!

After collecting the documents, he went to the street office to complete all the formalities.

Director Wang smiled and said, "Our street office wanted to apply for an extra three-wheeled bicycle to transport things, but the application was not successful. You changed to a new one."

Chen Feng responded with a few words.

After completing all the formalities, he went to the street to make a big purchase.

First, he bought more than 100 yuan of mid-to-high-end cigarettes at Wangfujing Department Store, Supply and Marketing Cooperative, etc.

Luoyang City began to print and distribute cigarette tickets in the second half of 1959. The four-nine cities gathered resources from all over the country. It has not been implemented yet. Chen Feng doesn't know when it will be implemented, but it will definitely be implemented.

(It is said that Shanghai implemented the cigarette ticket system in 1962, but some say it was in 1961. I can't find it in the old city, so it is estimated that the time is about the same. The cigarette tickets in various places are formulated according to the supply and demand situation in each place, just like the soda coupons. When the soda supply is sufficient, it will be cancelled.)

All the cloth coupons were changed to cloth.

And at the furniture store, I bought two long benches and two small stools suitable for the tricycle compartment. The long benches used at home are too high and not suitable for sitting in the compartment.

After all the shopping was completed, I rode my bike home.

"Hey, Chen Feng, you bought a new bike."

"A new tricycle. It will be convenient for you to go out on the street in the future. You don't have to squeeze into the bus."

"Ah, Chen Feng, you bought a new bike."

Amid the exclamations of surprise, Chen Feng went from embarrassment to habit.

He really didn't think that a three-wheeled bicycle would attract everyone's attention, as if a Bentley entered the village.

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