After the shrimps were thrown into his fish bucket, Chen Hao continued to work hard and caught another white-scaled fish with a vertical body that looked like a dagger.

"Brother, what kind of fish is this?"

"Knife fish, give it to Lai Fu."

In this era, Bohai knife fish still has a good flood season. It is very common in Bohai Bay and there are many of them.

Knife fish is generally only as wide as a thumb and more than ten centimeters long. The meat is fat and tender, but this kind of fish has many fine thorns and cannot be fed to children, especially children like Xiao Yatou, as it is easy to hurt their throats.

Chen Feng finds it troublesome. He likes to eat fish without bones, such as red stingrays.

Chen Hao was a little reluctant, but still gave it to Lai Fu.


Laifu was very happy, and his tail kept wagging.

But after sniffing it, it didn't want to eat anymore.

Dogs eat fish, but eating raw fish can easily get sick. For example, parasites, etc., but Chen Feng didn't know this.

It's reasonable for a young man who doesn't know how to fish, farm, or raise a dog!

Fortunately, Laifu is a trained dog and knows that some things can't be eaten.

"Brother, Laifu doesn't eat fish." Chen Hao said.

Chen Feng said casually: "Then throw it back into the sea."

With a fishing rod in hand, he can be very willful!

If there is no fishing rod, even if it is a stinky fish, it will not be a problem!

In the next hour or so, Chen Feng caught more than a dozen prawns and five greedy knife fish.

Chen Hao also caught a few knife fish and a few prawns.

But because Chen Feng doesn't like to eat knife fish, he threw them all back into the sea to feed the fish.

Looking at the sun, it felt like it was almost five o'clock. Carrying half a bucket of prawns, I turned around and went to the beach area.

There was no one on the beach.

At the end of September, around 4 to 5 o'clock in Tanggu, Tianjin, it was the peak of high tide.

The surging tide not only brought seawater, but also brought various marine shallow sea resources, especially shellfish.

To put it simply, to go to the sea is to take advantage of the opportunity of low tide after the high tide to quickly pick up seafood.

After finding a slightly higher place, Chen Feng took Chen Hao around.

"Second brother, look, there is a hole here."

Chen Hao nodded with a shovel.

"Dig!" Chen Feng said.

Chen Hao immediately took the shovel and dug, and found a clam in the gravel.

"So that's it."

Chen Hao suddenly realized.

"This is the same as digging eels. First find the hole they drilled."

"Brother, let me try."

After a circle on the beach, he quickly found the second clam hole and dug out the second one.

"Brother, there is another hole here, wait for me."

Chen Feng smiled as he watched him dig excitedly.

Digging clams is a hard labor, probably similar to loosening the soil in farming.

It is very physically demanding, especially on the beach.

Digging on the beach with a shovel is not only physically demanding, but you also have to bend down frequently to find clams.

In later generations, you can dig clams without a shovel, but you must wear rain boots.

Otherwise, your feet will be uncomfortable after digging a few times.

Chen Hao dug for another half an hour before, but he couldn't bear it after digging seven or eight.

"Okay, go home and eat shrimp."

Chen Feng waited until he couldn't dig anymore before he said go, so that he could enjoy the fun of finding food.

Chen Hao walked a few steps, then stopped and poured out the sand in his shoes.

In addition to them, other young fishermen also gave up fishing and chose to go home for dinner.

There were no lights nearby, and once it got dark, it was easy to get into trouble.

Compared to the inland, it is better to live by the sea.

Although there is no food in the fishing village, there is the sea to rely on, so at least they will not starve to death.

Chen Hao took a look at Chen Feng's fish bucket, chased him and whispered: "Brother, let me help you carry it."

Chen Feng did not expose the little boy's vanity and gave him the fish bucket.

On the way back, several Zhoujiagou fishermen who also came out to fish frequently looked at Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng turned around, these girls immediately looked shyly at the path.

Chen Hao followed closely and said confidently: "Brother, they want to steal our shrimp."

"You think too much."

Chen Feng said unhappily.

Some teenagers kept looking at Lai Fu.

I don't know if they want a pet dog or want to eat dog meat.

At the dock of Zhoujiagou, wooden fishing boats came back one after another.

These days, fishermen use boats to fish, which are also collectively owned, not individually.

Because means of production such as boats belong to the commune.

The fishermen were very happy. It seemed that they had made a lot of harvest today. However, when a young man in a Zhongshan suit appeared, the smiles of the fishermen in Zhoujiagou disappeared.

"Lao Li, all

"The fish are taken away by the army. I will send them to the commune as soon as possible."

"Mr. Cao, why should we hand in all the fish we catch?"

"Why do you say that last year your team ate so much grain from the commune and suffered a loss of several thousand yuan. These fish are compensation."

"Fuck you. It's not our grain. You guys always eat fish and meat. We only collected tens of thousands of kilograms of grain, but you reported hundreds of thousands of kilograms. You got promoted, and we eat dirt."

"Zhou Xiaohai, you are so presumptuous..."

Chen Feng took Chen Hao around the dock and returned to the village.

"Brother, they are fighting!"

Chen Hao looked at the direction of the dock excitedly.

"Many people beat the official."

"Don't look at it. Go home and eat."

Chen Feng said indifferently.

He was just a small person. He couldn't bear to see it, but he couldn't save it either. He could only turn a blind eye.

"Dad, we are back! "

Chen Hao rushed into the main room with the bucket, eager to show off.

"Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, look, we caught a lot of big shrimps."

"Erguo, roasted bugs!"

The little girl pulled Chen Hao, wanting to eat roasted clams.

Chen Hao was in no mood to roast them, so he held the fish bucket and showed them to the two old people, his parents.

"Did you catch this?" Chen Jianjun asked in surprise.

"My eldest brother and I caught it together." Chen Hao said with a guilty conscience.

Grandpa Zhou lay on the bed, staring at the fish bucket for a long time.

When Chen Hao sent the fish bucket to the kitchen and prepared to roast clams in the yard, he came back to his senses.

"There are so many big shrimps over the reef?"

Grandma Zhou smiled and said, "Didn't you hear Ah Qing say that Xiaofeng can even catch mallards in the North Sea? He is a lucky and good child. "

Chen Jianjun took the bottle, poured wine into his palm, and then kneaded the old man's joints.

This time he also brought some medicinal wine to treat fishermen's rheumatoid arthritis.

But this can only relieve pain. There is no specific medicine for complete recovery, unless it is traumatic arthritis.

"Big pot, come and roast insects!"

Chen Feng felt that the little girl didn't like to eat clams, but obviously liked to play with fire.

Chen Hao used a kitchen knife to cut branches, put clams on them, soaked them in salt water in a bowl, and then lit a small fire in the yard and roasted them slowly.

"You are, little mouse?"

Zhou Jing and his wife, who came back from the dock, saw Chen Hao squatting by the fire in the yard. After being surprised, they were not very sure.

"Brother Jing, you're back!"

Chen Jianjun came out of the main room.

"Jianjun! "

Zhou Jing walked forward quickly, wanting to hug him, but then put him down.

He had been working on the fishing boat for a day, and his hands were dirty.

"Wait a minute, I'll go wash my hands."

Zhou Jing got married much later than Chen Jianjun, because the Zhou family was poor and used to live in a thatched house, and Zhoujiagou was a notoriously poor village.

By chance, Chen Jianjun met Zhou Qing, and took out a ten-yuan betrothal gift, so Zhou Jing got married.

His wife was from a nearby fishing village, and she was also an experienced fisherman.

Chen Feng glanced at his uncle and aunt, who were the same age as Chen Jianjun but looked twenty years older, and walked quickly to the kitchen to pour water for them.

In fact, he quietly took out the solar water mixed with boiled hot water, and deliberately put a piece of White Rabbit milk candy.

This thing can drive away all diseases.

The effect is unknown, but the fish, loaches, and wild ducks in the space are alive and kicking, and the energy is high. Very abundant.

In the old times, the average life expectancy of fishermen was shorter than that of rickshaw drivers, less than 20 years old. After liberation, the average life expectancy gradually increased, but it was only 37 years old (the rickshaw drivers in the old times were miserable, many of them died of exhaustion while pulling rickshaws, but fishermen were even more miserable).

Chen Feng thought he could give it a try, it was better than his uncle who was in his thirties but had the frost of fifty years old!

If the old man had not specially prepared health-preserving medicine more than ten years ago, it would be difficult for grandpa to live to this day.

Zhou Qing was cooking and did not pay attention to his son's behavior.

Stirring it with chopsticks, he waited for the milk sugar to melt, then he brought the wooden food plate and put in four cups of water.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, drink some hot water."


"Xiao Feng has grown up so big, I don't know how many girls he will charm in the future."

Chen Feng smiled.

Grandpa Zhou took a sip of warm water.

"Xiao Feng, did you put sugar?"

"It's a waste. "

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Grandpa, just drink it. Little Lily drinks it every day at home. She cries if she doesn't drink it. I exchanged a lot of sugar for it."

When Zhou Jing and his wife finished drinking and were about to go to the kitchen to help.

The old man was a little surprised and said, "Jianjun, what kind of medicinal wine did you buy this time? I don't feel any pain anymore."

The old lady realized it later.

"Yes, my body is better and my joints don't hurt anymore."

Chen Jianjun was a little surprised and said, "This is the medicinal wine that my father made himself. He said it can relieve rheumatism."


Are you really well?"

The two old men nodded together.

Chen Jianjun felt a little unbelievable.

Although the old man was a military doctor, he knew very well that his father could only treat typhoid fever, stop bleeding, remove bullets, etc., and rheumatism was a difficult disease with few specific medicines.

'Is he really a miracle doctor?'

Zhou Jing asked hurriedly: "Jianjun, is this medicinal wine expensive?"

Chen Jianjun waved his hand and said: "It's not much, don't worry, I can make it myself, how much it costs."

In fact, medicinal wine costs a lot of money, but the old man is really not short of money.

It's just that this kind of thing doesn't need to be said.

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