The street was crowded with people, and dim kerosene lamps flickered.

Each vendor spread out their goods on a piece of cloth, allowing customers to choose. Several customers and vendors also secretly used their fingers to negotiate the price, and did not talk at all, either nodding or shaking their heads.

Occasionally, someone spoke, but the voice was very low.

The whole street was a bit quiet, and with the dim kerosene lights and human figures, it was really a bit weird like a ghost market.

"Is that a pillar?"

Noticing a figure in front of him, he felt like a silly pillar.

This is normal!

There were many participants in the ghost market in Sijiu City, and it became bigger and bigger. At its peak, the authorities took heavy measures. In one night in October 1961, nearly 70,000 people were arrested, and 10,000 people were sentenced to heavy sentences.

"How much is a pound of pork?"

Hearing the voice in front, Chen Feng immediately walked over quickly.

As a result, he saw wild boar meat on display by a vendor.

He stopped and stood by without saying anything.

According to the rules of the ghost market his grandfather said, if someone is learning about a certain object, even if you want it very much, you cannot make a fuss, snatch it directly from others, or directly increase the price to buy it.

The buyer quickly picked a pound of hind leg meat, did not bargain, took out the money and bought it, and then carried the meat to the vendor next to him.

Chen Feng followed him and whispered to sell his things.

"Uncle, wild boar meat may have parasites. Eating too much is not good. Wild boar meat smells bad, with a strong fishy and smelly smell. Moreover, the meat is hard and woody, and tastes like chewing wax. Otherwise, why don't you buy a duck and take it back?"

The other party was a little speechless.

Young man, if you do business like this, you will definitely be beaten to death by the neighbor!

"Do you want to sell your wild duck?"

Chen Feng nodded. The middle-aged man had tickets in his hand, and there were quite a few.

More importantly, the other party didn't bargain!

The middle-aged man took a kerosene lamp and looked in the fish bucket.

"Caught with drugs?"

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "Uncle, you are wrong. Don't ask where things come from."

Ghost market transactions do not ask the source. Once you buy, you will not return or exchange.

The middle-aged man reached out to check the wild duck and found that although the duck did not call, it was different from the wild duck caught by the old hunter. The eyeballs were still very smart, and it didn't look like the kind of duck that was drugged.

Chen Feng took out three wild duck eggs from his pocket, showed them under the other party's kerosene lamp, then put the eggs in the other party's hand, and took out three, three, and three more.

"Don't worry, this is not caught with drugs, look, they all laid eggs."

The middle-aged man's eyes were instantly straight.

Old hunters in the countryside can use drugs to catch wild ducks, but it is not easy to pick up so many duck eggs.

Because everyone is picking them up!

"How about 5 yuan?"


Chen Feng did not raise the price. A two-pound mallard duck more than doubled in the ghost market, and it was already profitable.

Now is 59, just beginning, wait until 61, the price of materials will soar.

The ducks don't call, others suspect that they are sick, and the price can't be raised high.

This is his problem.

His life breath seems to have a special deterrent to animals.

Calling the ducks and duck eggs over, the middle-aged man gave him the money and couldn't help asking more: "Why don't your ducks quack?"

Chen Feng threatened him: "Before I came, I pierced their throats."

The middle-aged man shuddered and left in a hurry.

After walking away, he said "pervert".

Chen Feng smiled secretly, put the money away, found a deserted place, took out ten duck eggs again, and continued to look for wealthy customers with the remaining eight.

He came here tonight more to familiarize himself with the situation here, collect information and intelligence, and see the legendary ghost market.

There is everything on Guijie Street, from various bills to industrial commodities, etc., and there are many stalls of old people, on which various real and fake antiques are displayed.

The counterfeiting industry in Sijiu City has a long history, and there are many masters in Liulichang, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, there was a wave of cultural relic counterfeiting. The most serious counterfeiting of cultural relics was in the bronze wares of the Three Dynasties and the fields of calligraphy and painting. Now many bronze wares are fake cultural relics made during the Tang and Song dynasties.

Interestingly, the fake cultural relics of the Tang and Song dynasties that killed people in those days have become treasures today.

"Mallard, are you selling it?"

After walking for more than ten meters, another person passed by with a lantern, noticed the duck in the fish bucket, and asked proactively.

"3 yuan."

Chen Feng shook his head, grabbed the wild duck, exposed the duck eggs underneath, and then put it down, opened his mouth, and said, "I'll buy it."

Right hand, thumb and pinky extended.

"6 yuan, you are too black."

The other party was a little reluctant.

Chen Feng whispered: "This is not a drugged duck, it is a wild duck that was caught, and the duck eggs are all laid by itself."

The other party was immediately interested.

"Really, you didn't lie to me?"

Chen Feng wondered: "Auntie, you won't keep it, will you? Do you have food at home?"

The other party was stuck.

Food is also precious.

According to regulations, infants have 3 jin of food rations per month, children have 6 jin, children have 8 jin, and adults have 21 jin.

They must also be registered in the city, not in the rural area.

Among them, flour accounts for one-fifth, rice accounts for one-tenth, and the rest is cornmeal, sweet potato chips, bran, etc., which is not enough to eat.

Although the current two jin of food coupons in the 49th city are not as horrible as the price of 3 yuan in 1961, they are also very expensive.

It is more cost-effective to raise ducks with food than to buy one directly.

"5 yuan."



The old lady was a little upset.

Chen Feng agreed immediately, which made her feel that she had lost out.

However, the old lady did not regret it and still paid for it.

"Do you want a ticket? A sesame paste ticket."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Sesame paste is extremely scarce. Since the beginning of this year, only one or two (50 grams) is supplied to each household during the Spring Festival, May Day, and National Day, and there is no guarantee. Bring your own utensils and purchase with the "Nine City Residents' Non-staple Food Purchase Certificate".

"I have sweet potatoes, do you want them?"

He didn't want to pay either.

The old lady met a good match and shook her head after thinking.

Her family didn't lack sweet potatoes, but meat.

Chen Feng immediately left and continued to wander around.

As a result, he met a vendor selling pork, although he only had a piece of pork belly.

Chen Feng arrived late and had to queue.

In the first half of the year, every person with a registered permanent residence in the city received three meat coupons per month (1-3 taels, depending on the amount of meat provided). At most, the Chen family only had 20 taels of meat per month.

How much is two jin of meat? It's about the same as a meal.

Even so, they couldn't buy it.

The Chen family could eat meat thanks to Chen Jianguo's connections.

Chen Jianguo had many friends in Dongcheng District. When the supply and marketing cooperative had meat, he would receive the news first, and then - rush to buy pork!

In the second half of the year, three coupons became two, a third less.

When it was his turn, Chen Feng drew a line at the lean meat and made a three-yuan gesture.

The market price of pork had risen. As the third-grade meat, the price of lean meat was about 50 cents.

Even if the price of Guijie tripled, three yuan could still buy two jin.

Unexpectedly, the other party shook his head and pointed to his stomach.

'Meat for food? '

Chen Feng was ecstatic. He wished it would be so.

The other party had earned enough money, but he was short of money, but he had no shortage of food.

He pretended to take something out of the dark fish bucket, but actually took out seven big sweet potatoes from the space.

The vendor nodded and cut the meat with a kitchen knife.

About half a pound of lean meat, no fat at all.

Chen Feng nodded.

Anyway, he had too many sweet potatoes to finish.

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