"Still cursing!"

When Chen Feng came back, the neighbors were still cursing.

He also thanked this auntie for not being surrounded by a group of aunties like a national treasure.

Calculating the time, it lasted for more than half an hour.

Hearing her strong voice, he estimated that she could curse for more than a day.

The elders of the old Jia family and the younger generations of the Jia family are going to suffer!

"I'm back."

The old lady was in the front yard, watering the cabbages planted in the courtyard.

Other courtyards were similar, leaving an aisle and planting vegetables in the open space as much as possible, and then children or the elderly would guard at home to prevent theft.

The cabbage in the front yard was planted in late August. After the germination and seedling stages, it has almost formed a ball and will mature in a dozen days.

In winter, eating pickles and kimchi has been a way of life in the north for thousands of years.

The history of pickling sauerkraut in China is long. As early as the Shang Dynasty, there was sauerkraut.

In the Book of Songs, there is "There is a hut in the field, and there are melons on the battlefield. They are peeled and pickled, and presented to the emperor's ancestors." Pickles (zū) are sour cabbage.

Jia Sixie's "Qimin Yaoshu" describes in detail the method of making sauerkraut.

(Pickles and kimchi are both pickled foods, and both are a kind of sauerkraut, but in terms of taste, kimchi is better, sour, spicy, crispy, tender and chewy.)

"Grandma, don't make pickles this year, just make kimchi."

Chen Feng doesn't quite understand the technical difference between pickles and kimchi, but he knows that sauerkraut fish is delicious.

Besides, the dry and salty pickles are really unpalatable (in fact, pickled vegetables and bamboo shoots are also a famous dish).

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

The old lady said dotingly.

Chen Feng took a look at the vegetable field and thought it would be better to plant fruit trees, such as apple trees, jujube trees, peach trees, pear trees, etc.

The entire front yard is owned by the Chen family. Most of the neighbors and their families in the No. 93 compound are chatting in the middle yard. In theory, the Chen family can separate a passage and turn this place into a private yard.

I don't know why the old man didn't buy a single-door single-family compound, but bought this military control committee-transformed compound.

Isn't it more troublesome with so many people and so many mouths?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

Could it be that this garden has a secret that he doesn't know?

"Grandma, I put the peanut oil in the cabinet, remember to use it for cooking!"

"Okay, it can be used for a week." The old lady said happily.

Chen Feng's mouth twitched.

The Chen family, with eight people from three households, received a total of 24 liang of oil every month, which was just enough to meet their living needs.

People who lack oil, water and fat will look a little skinny, and are prone to illness, resulting in physical exhaustion, etc.

No, more oil must be obtained.

Chen Jianguo, Chen Hao and Chen Li were not at home.

In all likelihood, it was their second uncle who took them out to play.

Chen Jianguo was willing to spend money on his three nephews. Most of the comic books for Chen Feng and his friends were paid for by him.

At the same time, he sometimes brought them some steamed buns to prevent the three from going hungry.

When they arrived at the main room, the old man was holding a dagger in a daze.

"Grandpa, what kind of antique is this?"

Chen Feng walked forward and saw the patterns on the dagger, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

There were many patterned steel refrigeration weapons in ancient China, and each one that remained was a national treasure.

Because the patterned blade casting technology is extremely complex and difficult, and the manufacturer is extremely secretive, only a few people have been lucky enough to get it since ancient times, so it is extremely precious.

"Grandpa, let me see it."

The old man smiled and gave him the dagger.

Chen Feng looked at the blade and said in surprise: "The blade is so well preserved, is it newly made?"

The old man pointed at the handle and said: "Look at the color of the handle. The color of golden nanmu within a hundred years will be relatively bright, and deep gold like this means it has existed for at least hundreds of years."

"The pattern of golden nanmu will grow over time. The fragrance will dissipate in a few years for ordinary nanmu. The more exquisite it is, the longer the fragrance will last. Like this piece of nanmu, the fragrance will not dissipate for six hundred years. It is the best of the best."

Chen Feng was skeptical. He did smell the fragrance, but he was skeptical about the old man's claim that the handle had a history of six hundred years.

Because as far as he knows, the longer the golden nanmu is, the more crystals (golden threads) on the surface, the thicker the patina, and the lighter the fragrance.

This rich and refreshing fragrance is more like golden nanmu that is about one year old.

On the other hand, the patterned steel with such a good blade cannot be an ancient item.

Stainless steel will rust, let alone ancient smelting

Iron technology.

"Grandpa, is this thing expensive? If it's not expensive, give it to me for self-defense."

The old man hesitated for a few seconds, but still nodded with a smile and reminded him: "This is my Chen family heirloom, you must not lose it."

Seeing his serious look, Chen Feng agreed.

Put the dagger in the knife sheath and prepare to go back to his room to test the blade.

Just cut it with a few pieces of paper and cut it easily.

Put it in the space and put it on the sun tree.

Receiving a message in his consciousness, he was stunned.

[Meteorite steel dagger/1 piece]

[Comment: Born 569 years ago, although it is mixed with some ordinary metals, it still has the potential to become a super cold weapon. 】

"It's really an heirloom!"

Muttered to himself, and took it out again to take a closer look.

The blade of the dagger is very exquisite, with clusters of textures like patterns.

After studying for more than ten minutes, he guessed a conclusion: "It is very suitable for killing fish, peeling and barbecue in the wild!"

Fighting and killing are not suitable for him.

The most important thing for a person to do in life is to eat well, drink well and sleep well.

The first small goal: eat well (completed).

The next goal: make money (to be done)!

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, Chen Jianguo came back with Chen Li and Chen Hao.

"Mom, I have half a bottle of Luzhou Laojiao and half a catty of braised meat. At noon, you can fry some duck meat, knife fish and some shrimps, and I will have a drink with my dad."

The old lady said unhappily: "You are drunk after one drink, and you still drink with your dad?"

"Mom, I can't do it. You can have a few drinks with my dad." Chen Jianguo said with a smirk.

"You are itching, right!" The old lady scolded angrily.

The old man asked in the room with full energy: "How many years is the old cellar?"

Luzhou Laojiao piloted industrial production in 1957, Maotai was industrialized in 1959, and Fenjiu was industrialized in 1963.

After industrialization, the production of these famous wines increased significantly, and the use of grain materials was greatly reduced, but the process and raw materials have undergone major changes. In the eyes of old drinkers, the taste has also changed.

So there is a saying in later generations that traditional wine is dead, and the rest are industrial wine.

Traditional Daqu wine pays attention to natural inoculation, solid fermentation of grain clinker, specific fermentation containers, and solid distillation in steamer barrels. Only when the core is fully present in the process can it be Daqu wine and traditional liquor.

The old man is also an old glutton, and obviously prefers traditional shochu.

"Let me see, 55 years old, 3 years old wine." Chen Jianguo said, holding the wine bottle.

"Wife, cook less." The old man said immediately.

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