"Growing seedlings, transplanting rice?"

In the quiet Beihai Library, Chen Feng was holding a book, the full name of which was "Agricultural Economic Data Handbook", which was somewhat similar to the later "Barefoot Doctor Handbook", compiled by the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Barefoot Doctor Handbook" has not yet been published. This life-saving book that is most suitable for time travelers was jointly compiled by Shanghai and Zhejiang Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1970.

Although there is no highest-level medical book in mind, there are many other books in Beihai Library, and the types are very complete.

There are many books about traditional Chinese medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Chen Feng quickly flipped the book with his palm and glanced at it.

He belongs to the hexagonal warrior.

High imitation serum is also serum. After absorbing it, his memory is greatly enhanced.

It's a bit exaggerated to say that you can remember everything you see, but if you look at it a few more times, you can still remember it.

This afternoon, Chen Feng learned a lot of knowledge.

Especially the theory of farming.

His previous behavior of randomly sowing seeds, raising potatoes, and planting sweet potatoes was successful purely because of the sun tree and the well water.

He finally found out why he couldn't raise chicks.

"It turns out that there is a lack of roosters."

There are naturally roosters in chicken farms, because chicken farms need to produce poultry, and roosters are one of the key roles in the production process, which can increase the pregnancy rate of hens and promote reproduction.

There are separate ones, and there are mixed ones.

So sometimes the eggs in the chicken farm can be directly cultivated into chicks.

But privately raised chickens...

In the absence of food, who would raise roosters?

I read professional books all afternoon until the library closed, and then I came back on time.

When passing by Beihai Park, he turned around again and took out 18 duck eggs from the space and put them in his shirt and trouser pockets.

No matter whether others believe that he picked them up or not, he believed it anyway.

"Xiaofeng, you picked up duck eggs again?" The voice of an old lady attracted the attention of other people in the alley.

"Yes, I was lucky. I found several in a bush."

Chen Feng was not afraid that they would know that since the end of September, there were many children looking for duck eggs and bird eggs in the park, and he was not the only one missing.

Whether you can find them depends on your luck, which is a metaphysical probability.

He took out the duck eggs in his hand and showed them to them, proving that he picked up green wild duck eggs, and went home wearing cloth shoes.

In order to avoid suspicion from his family, he deliberately made the duck egg shells have silt, water grass leaves, etc., so that it looks like he picked them up from the lake.

He also stepped on the puddle by the lake, not only did his cloth shoes get wet, but even his trouser legs were covered with mud.

Wild duck eggs are nutritious. Whether boiled or fried, they are a rare meat dish.

"Damn you Sun thief..."

The conversation at No. 95 continued.

"Brother, the supply and marketing cooperative sells wild ducks for one yuan a pound. Aunt Cao said they buy ducks for sixty cents a pound. If you have ducks, you can sell them to them."

As soon as Chen Feng came back, Chen Hao immediately stepped forward and told him the latest news about Nanluoguxiang.

"So fast?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and was slightly surprised.

Although he knew that the farmers outside the city would quickly catch ducks and sell them to the rural cooperatives.

But he didn't expect the number to be so large that the supply and marketing cooperatives in Nanluoguxiang could sell them.

"It seems that the price of wild ducks on the black market is going to fall."

Chen Feng has a misunderstanding of knowledge here. Although Nanluoguxiang is a workers' residential area, there are actually big guys living here, but he doesn't know.

Sijiucheng did purchase a large number of wild ducks hunted by farmers, but it was impossible to supply the whole city.

Migratory birds such as mallards are very wary of humans.

"Chen Hao, get water for your big brother to wash his feet."

The old lady noticed that his shoes were full of mud, and quickly asked her second grandson to prepare hot water.

"Okay, grandma!"

Chen Hao went into the wing room, took out the basin and the kettle and started to work.

The little girl was still guarding the kitchen door, and her serious look was beyond his imagination.

"Big pot, eggs for dinner?"

The little body left the stool, walked up happily to look at his legs, raised her little head, and blinked her little eyes at the duck eggs in his hand.


"Big pot, I'll help you get it."


He gave the little girl two duck eggs, went into the kitchen, and put all the duck eggs in the basin.

"Big brother, the water is ready, you can wash your feet."

After washing his feet, he changed his shoes.

After a while, there was a burst of "ding ding dong dong"

The bicycle bell rang.

Chen Jianjun brought Zhou Qing back from outside the city.

"Dad, let me help you!"

Chen Hao saw the bicycle and quickly went to the kitchen to get a bucket of water and a towel.

"Okay, wash it after you finish riding." Chen Jianjun knew his son's thoughts and didn't want him to wash it again.

Chen Hao immediately rode out to play happily on the cyclist.


"What's wrong?"

Chen Jianjun rushed into the kitchen.

Chen Feng was a step slower.

"Wild duck eggs, a lot of wild duck eggs."

Chen Jianjun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought it was a mouse, which scared me."

"Speaking of which, why are there no mice in the house these days? The second child wants to catch a few mice to eat."

Chen Feng added later: "Isn't it a good thing to have no mice?"

"It saves thieves from entering the house and eating the tables and chairs after eating the food."

Dinner is porridge, and it is definitely impossible to eat every day.

However, there were fried duck eggs, steamed duck eggs, and a cabbage and wild vegetable egg soup. Fortunately, the old lady also put dried fish and a few pieces of wild duck meat, otherwise it would be all eggs.

"Tomorrow, the security department will organize a hunting trip in the mountains to increase the meat for the canteen. The bicycle will be given to you, but remember, if you break it, you can't think about it again."

The family gathered at the dinner table.

Chen Jianjun said to Chen Hao seriously.

"Don't worry, Dad, it won't break, it's made of iron." Chen Hao said happily.

"Dad, can you take someone with you?"

Chen Feng's heart was pounding on the side.

The supply and demand of pork in the city of Sijiu is tight now. Even for a large factory purchaser like the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, it is not easy to get pork.

For this situation, the higher-ups will make special arrangements.

You are capable of getting meat outside the plan.

"No, this time is different from the past. There are fewer wild boars in the mountains now. We are going to go into the mountains this time."

Chen Jianjun did not agree.

In the past, many garrisons, agencies, and factories would organize security departments, militias, etc. to form hunting teams from time to time, hire one or two hunters and guides, go hunting in the mountains, and find meat for themselves.

In addition, villagers and militias from various villages would go into the mountains from time to time to eat meat.

This year, animals in the mountains north of Sijiu City, close to human activity areas, were almost extinct.

If you want to hunt wild boars, you must go seven or eight kilometers into the mountains, or even further.

There is no Beidou navigation system yet, and there are no large numbers of roads to divide the mountains north of Sijiu City.

Once you get lost in the mountains, it will be very dangerous.

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