The sun is shining, and the sky is dark.

"Why is there no electricity?"

Chen Hao was very disappointed.

The power was turned off at 9 o'clock last night.

The two-hour light brought some strange excitement to the people of Sijiu City.

Chen Feng naturally didn't understand why this unprecedented light made everyone so happy and excited.

Since he was born, he has lived in a bright, comfortable and happy environment. He couldn't understand the yearning for food, clothing, wealth and light for people living in hunger, poverty, darkness and other environments.

Just like he couldn't understand why He Yushui could shamelessly and uncomplainingly follow Chen Hao for a peach.

This is the generation gap in outlook on life caused by different living times.

"Why did you turn on the light so early in the morning?" Zhou Qing scolded rudely. "The electricity bill is free!"

"Big pot, oranges, eat."

The little girl took the oranges and presented them to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Jianjun was stunned at first, then felt sad, and then felt distressed. How could his little cotton-padded jacket be completely leaky in less than a month?

Chen Feng didn't notice that his father was already hesitating between drawing out the seven wolves and practicing the trumpet again.

"Lily, eat later, save the oranges for the morning."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded excitedly.

I don't know why she is happy, anyway, she is happy every day.

Since Chen Feng brought pheasants, wild ducks and wild rabbits to the family, she no longer draws pigs, but draws chickens and ducks every day.

In the morning, there is porridge, stir-fried cabbage with wild duck meat, boiled pheasant eggs and eight wild boar meat buns.

"Mom, where did you get the braised pork?"

Chen Feng brought out a plate of hawthorn and placed it on the kitchen table. He smelled the aroma of the meat buns and his appetite was whetted.

Now no one wants to eat hawthorn, which is good for digestion and stomach.

But in the Chen family, everyone eats well and eats a lot these days, and eating some hawthorn helps digestion.

And the hawthorn planted in the space is very sweet and sour.

Chen Jianguo, Chen Jianjun, Chen Hao, Chen Feng, and Chen Li all like to eat it very much.

"Early in the morning, Zhuzi sent it and asked Chen Hao to find out Teacher Ran's preferences and situation as soon as possible."

Chen Feng's mouth twitched.

He inexplicably thought of Yan Bugui, who did not do anything, and Jia Banggeng's family who accepted gifts and made connections.

In order to marry a wife who is within the standard, Sha Zhu is willing to do anything. He is willing to live in Lou Xiaoe's house, willing to give the money to Qin Huairu before getting married, and willing to wait for Jia Banggeng for several years...

No, with Sha Zhu's impatience, he will definitely ask soon, and maybe come to ask at night.

He is definitely capable of doing such a thing.

"Chen Hao, did you hear that? You ate Zhu's wild boar meat. Be smart at school and you must get useful information for me today."

Took out five one-cent banknotes and threw them to Chen Hao.

"If you can't get it, use the money to find someone to help."

Chen Hao took a meat bun and ate it in small bites. When he heard his words, he quickly took the money and said vaguely: "Pot, rice core, make sure you complete the task."

The little girl is the most cunning.

She ate the meat filling, and didn't want to eat the remaining big bun, so she put it in her father's bowl.

"Dad, eat the bun."

"Good daughter." Chen Jianjun said happily.

Even without the meat filling, he still thought it was delicious.

Then he saw the little girl bringing pheasant eggs over.

"Dad, peel the shells."

Forget it, the little girl's food is never easy to take.

Zhou Qing was immediately happy when she saw her daughter harassing her husband.

"Let you spoil her."

"My daughter, I'm willing."

Chen Jianjun peeled the eggshell and put it in her small bowl.

Pheasant eggs are very small, one size smaller than domestic eggs, but they are very nutritious and contain rich high-quality protein.

Every 100 grams of pheasant eggs contains 12.7 grams of protein, and the protein contained in two eggs is roughly equivalent to the protein in 3 taels of fish or lean meat.

The digestibility of egg protein is also the highest among milk, pork, beef and rice.

Chen Feng took ten eggs "back" every day, one for each child, and two laborers, Chen Jianjun and Chen Jianguo, two a day.

But Chen Jianjun likes to peel the egg white and feed it to the little girl.

Chen Li doesn't like to eat egg yolks.

Chen Jianguo likes to take one out.

"Brother, have you eaten?"

Chen Hao ate very fast today.

Because Chen Feng promised him that he would ride his bicycle to send him to school.

In short, it was to satisfy his little vanity and show off a little.

Chen Hao was carrying his schoolbag and organizing it, standing in front of the kitchen table to urge him.

Pencils, exercise books, Chinese books, math books, and his favorite little man paintings and animal chess were all in it.

Chen Li was circling around him, having a lot of fun.

Chen Feng looked at his watch, it was only a little after 7 o'clock.

"Why are you in a hurry? There are not many people going to school now. I'll take you there. How many people can there be on the playground?"

Because of the education reform, the class time in different places is different.

Most primary schools start at 6 o'clock in the morning, and last for an hour of morning recitation and reading time. School ends at 7 o'clock, and classes start at 8:30 (or 9 o'clock) in the morning, 3/4 classes, and a 10-minute break between classes.

Red Star Primary School is a bit lazy, mainly because parents go to work at 8:30.

Many workers are dissatisfied with urging children to get up and go to school at more than 5 o'clock, getting up at more than 6 o'clock to cook, and children going to class at more than 7 o'clock.

Director Yang simply cancelled the morning reading, so that children and parents can rest for a while.

"Yes, then we'll go later."

Carrying his schoolbag, Chen Hao looked at the orange in the little girl's hand.

The little girl stopped turning immediately, ran behind Chen Feng, and stuck out her tongue at Chen Hao.

"Brother, give me an orange, they will be so jealous."

"No." Chen Feng refused.

He finished his breakfast slowly and kissed the little girl's face.

"Lily, what do you want to eat?"


"Okay, I'll go to the countryside to ask for you."

Chen Feng said with a smile.

Soft-shelled turtles are very common in the south, but rare in the north.

There are not many of them, and there are many local tyrants in the city, who like to buy them at high prices to supplement their bodies.

After the disaster in Hebei this year, wild soft-shelled turtles that were originally short of oil and feed and escaped the stomachs of two-legged beasts have now become rare goods.

"Brother, I'm ready." Chen Hao said as he sat in the back seat.

Chen Feng shook his head.

Or they are too young, and secondly, they can't be as wicked as Xu Damao.

Otherwise, the sister sits at the back of the bike, and the brother pedals in front.

"Let's go!"

"Ride slowly, and pay attention to the bike." Zhou Qing reminded from behind.

She looked at her watch, it was more than 7:40.

Since she got a watch, she has developed the habit of checking it all the time.

It's not that she likes to check the time, but she is worried that the watch will suddenly stop working one day.

(If the materials and technology are not up to standard, it is easy to have problems with the winding)

In addition, sometimes she has to check the time with Chen Feng's watch.

The most common fault is that Shanghai brand watches are inaccurate.

"Brother, look, it's Liu Guangtian again."

"Don't care about them, don't associate with these people." Chen Feng reminded, and rode past a group of bad boys and young people with his brother.

When we arrived at the elementary school, there were still many children playing games on the playground.

It was also a small game that children in the alley often played, such as skipping rope and hopscotch.

Hopscotch, also known as hopping airplanes, is a game in which the figures are divided into several grids (usually nine grids), each with a number. Participants must jump over all grids in order according to the numbers.

This game was started in the 1950s and is now very common.

"Brother, ride it for a circle." Chen Hao said with great pride.

Chen Feng, adhering to the idea of ​​"being a good person to the end, sending Buddha to the west", followed his brother's wishes and circled the playground.

"Jiang Hongjun, Ye Zi, Agou, I'm here for class too."

Chen Hao said a word to each one he saw, without feeling tired.

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