The old lady came out of the kitchen, and the little girl was a little worried that they were worried about the money, so she immediately hugged her father and put her little face in Chen Jianjun's arms, as if they couldn't see it. Chen Feng could even "hear" her voice. 'You can't see my new clothes, you can't see my new clothes...' If the little girl was a little stupid, she might think so in her heart. Sure enough, she saw the new cotton-padded clothes on Chen Li. "How to buy her new clothes? You have a lot of clothes you set up before." Zhou Qing was about to warn Chen Feng about the principle of thrift and frugality. Chen Jianjun said quickly: "Is dinner ready?"

"Oh, yes, let's eat."

When the little girl saw "The problem has been solved", she immediately felt like she had received a text message reply saying "Press 1 if you are satisfied", and she was instantly full of energy.

"Dad, I want to eat meat."

"Okay, I'll give you the best duck meat."

"Daddy is so nice."

"Of course!"

Chen Jianjun hugged his daughter, with a doting look on his face.

Two grown-up sons are naturally not as cute as a 3-year-old baby.

Before they started eating, Sha Zhu walked in quickly with a lunch box in his hand.

No need to think, this guy was going to borrow food to offer to Buddha and ask Chen Hao for the latest information.

"Hello, old man, old lady, uncle Jianjun, aunt."

He bowed once, then asked Chen Hao: "Haozi, how is it, did you find out?"

Chen Hao looked at his lunch box.

Sha Zhu opened the lunch box, revealing the braised pork, pig's trotters, etc.

"It's for you."

Chen Hao said happily: "I asked clearly, Teacher Ran has no partner. It is said that her family is intellectuals, and others are unwilling to marry her."

According to the five major levels and more than a dozen types of classes after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Intellectuals belong to the third-level petty bourgeoisie. They have a small amount of assets at home, but they are not considered middle class (when they reach the fourth level, their fate is miserable after the wind rises).

Proletariat: including workers, poor peasants, vagrants, etc.

Semi-proletariat: including lower-middle peasants, poor peasants, small handicraftsmen, shop assistants, hawkers, etc.

Petite bourgeoisie: including rich peasants, small land lessors, upper-middle peasants (rich middle peasants), handicraftsmen, intellectuals, clerks, lawyers, small business owners, etc.

Middle class: including national capitalists, landlords, senior intellectuals, senior staff, etc.

Bourgeoisie: including bureaucratic capitalists, comprador capitalists, bully landlords, etc.

This is the marriage dilemma encountered by many families below level 3.

They look up to others, but others look down on their class.

Others like them, but they themselves cannot stand the other party's family conditions.

Just like Sha Zhu, his salary is not low, but his vision is also more picky.

"It doesn't matter, intellectuals, my He family's ancestral chef, in the past, how could I marry a scholar." Sha Zhu said happily: "Intellectuals are good."

Sha Zhu doesn't say anything else, but he doesn't care about his family background.

Unlike the people in the old city, most people are proud of their urban household registration and look down on the countryside.

Xu Damao is one of them.

The Chen family laughed at his silly look.

But Sha Zhu's words are not wrong. If it is pushed back 20 years ago, or pushed back 20 years later.

It is really not an easy thing for their family to marry a scholar.

"Anything else?" Sha Zhu continued to ask, "For example, what does she like, what books does she read?"

Chen Hao raised his hand and said, "Brother Zhu, I gave Teacher Yan five cents to find out about Teacher Ran."

As soon as Sha Zhu heard this, he immediately took out a dime from his pocket.

Not to mention a mere five cents, even if it was five dollars, he would be willing to pay.

Chen Feng's heart moved and asked, "What did you say to Uncle Yan?"

He remembered that Yan Bugui actually had some arrogance as a scholar, looked down on Sha Zhu, and was even more unwilling to introduce Teacher Ran to Sha Zhu.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Yan Bugui accepted Sha Zhu's gift but ended up not doing anything.

It was definitely a loss to others and not to benefit oneself.

"I said that my second uncle was going to find a wife." Chen Hao said in an extremely cunning manner.


The old man slapped him.

"Nonsense, how can you talk about such things? What if Yan Bugui tells Teacher Ran to be a good person?"

Chen Hao explained: "Uncle Yan promised me that he would never tell anyone else."

"That's better." The old man nodded.

Sha Zhu said anxiously: "Don't interrupt, tell me, Haozi, what does Teacher Ran like?"

Chen Hao shook his head and said, "I saw "War and Peace", "How the Steel Was Tempered", and "The Quiet River" on her desk."

Chen Feng corrected, "It should be "The Quiet River of the Don."

Domestic literature is divided into three stages.

The "Sovietization" period from 1953 to 1959, the "Sinicization" period from the mid-to-late 1950s to before the start of the "Cultural Revolution", and the "Worldization" period from 1966 to 1976

Now is the last sunset period of Soviet literature in China.

The vast majority of literary youths are proud to explore Soviet revolutionary literature.

Just like the urban white-collar workers in later generations, they are proud of a diamond-level ranking above the King of Glory, a latest Apple mobile phone, and a concert of a certain singer.

It seems that if it is not like this, it is difficult to say that you are a modern person!

In comparison, the young people of this era are more spiritually fulfilled.

"No, why would she, a girl, read books about steelmaking, fighting, and swimming?"

Sha Zhu's words exposed his illiterate nature.

Chen Feng explained: "War and Peace is not about war, but about the various thoughts and behaviors of young Russian nobles when war comes, showing beautiful visions such as opposing war, loving peace, and pursuing love."

"How the Steel Was Tempered is not about steelmaking, but about how an ordinary Red Army soldier can become an ordinary and great steel soldier in the war years."


Sha Zhu and the Chen family exclaimed "suddenly enlightened".

"Isn't it still about fighting?"

Chen Feng: "..."

"What about the third book?" asked the old man.

"Quiet Flows the Don, I haven't read it, I've only heard of its fame, I'll go to the library tomorrow to check it out." Chen Feng shrugged.

The reason why he knew the first two books was because he happened to have seen the movie starring Audrey Hepburn released in 1956, which happened to be the youngest and most beautiful age of the other party.

How the Steel Was Tempered was because it was mentioned in history.

Of course, I didn't read the specific content.

"Xiao Feng, do you think I should buy a few books?" Sha Zhu asked curiously.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "It's necessary. Otherwise, she said that you don't understand Natasha Rostova at all, which will be troublesome."

"Haozi, tell me the title of the book again." Sha Zhu said.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I will ask Chen Hao to tear off a piece of paper for you later, and write the title of the book you want to buy on it."

The price of books nowadays is not cheap.

For comic books, thin books cost a few cents, and thicker ones cost 1-2 cents.

The above three books are all magnificent masterpieces.

The kind with millions of words!

Only "How the Steel Was Tempered" has less, but it also has hundreds of thousands of words.

Those who can afford these books have really good family conditions.

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