"What do you want to eat?" Chen Feng teased her.

Chen Li looked at the cans and then at the oranges, obviously unable to choose.

This was really difficult for her!

Her face was wrinkled, full of distress.

Finally, she said, "All of them, okay?"

"That won't work!"

Chen Feng picked up an orange and gave it to her, and put a dozen duck eggs and three canned fruit in a bag, but no oranges.

But it was not good to take advantage of it, so he took out a soda bottle.

It was filled with a bottle of peanut oil.

After thinking for a while, he used the space to grind a pound of rice into powder, which is rice flour, also called white flour, and wrapped it with a piece of Wangfujing wrapping paper.

Looking down, the little girl had already peeled the oranges by herself, making the ground full of orange peels.

After peeling the skin, Chen Li looked at it with satisfaction, her hands were full of orange juice.

She raised her head and raised the orange to Chen Feng.

"Big pot, you eat it!"

Chen Feng took half of the orange, gave the rest to her, and went to the next door with the bag.

Little Lili followed him, holding the remaining half of the orange in her hand, eating a slice with her little mouth, jumping happily.

Zhang Xiaohua was boiling water in the kitchen outside the door, preparing to remove the feathers.

The footsteps of the two siblings coming in made her turn her head to look over.

Chen Feng sighed: "What a keen hearing."

"Little Lili, can you give me an orange?"

Zhang Xiaohua saw that she liked it very much, and said with a candy.

It was nothing else, it was White Rabbit Milk Candy.

Chen Li was naturally willing to exchange a slice of orange for milk candy, and immediately ran up.


He took out a slice of orange and exchanged the candy in Zhang Xiaohua's hand.

"Big pot, rabbit!"

Chen Feng peeled off the candy wrapper and put the candy into her mouth.

Zhang Xiaohua heard that Chen Li knew about candy, and her heart moved slightly, and she asked curiously: "Where did you get the candy?"

Chen Feng said calmly: "If you can buy it, I can buy it too."

Zhang Xiaohua looked at him deeply.

This guy seems to have a little secret.

She became interested.

Chen Feng gave her the bag.

She was a little surprised to see the white flour, peanut oil and eggs in it.

"How do you know I lack oil and eggs?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "Who doesn't lack these things?"

Zhang Xiaohua blushed, she really didn't know these situations. If she knew that this trip to relax and cultivate would be so poor in supplies, she would rather stay in the army than come to the courtyard.

But the courtyard is indeed suitable for retirement and cultivation.

Chen Feng asked, "How do you plan to cook the turtledove?"

Zhang Xiaohua said, "I was going to cook it, but since you brought the oil, I changed it to grilling."

"Can you grill it?" Chen Feng kindly suggested, "If you can't, you can ask Zhuzi, that is, Sha Zhu, he is a chef and has excellent cooking skills."

Zhang Xiaohua said confidently, "I can't do anything else, but I am very good at grilling."

"Okay, bye."

Chen Feng took his sister back.

Chen Li heard their conversation and asked expectantly, "Big pot, can we have grilled birds for lunch?"

"Sure, I'll grill one for you at noon." Chen Feng smiled.

He has studied Sha Zhu's cooking diary these days and has gained a lot of experience.

In addition, he "exchanged" two bottles of peanut oil for his family, so now if he grills it, they will not object.

"Brother, you are so good to me, I will definitely repay you in the future." The little girl said in a baby voice.

Chen Feng was amused by her.

"You've grown up, I'll be thankful if you don't cause me trouble."

Chen Li said innocently: "I won't, I listen to my elder brother the most."

The little girl became serious and didn't even mention the big pot.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

At almost 11 o'clock in the afternoon, Niu Gengshen, the director of the purchasing department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, came.

At this time, Chen Feng and the old lady were plucking the feathers of four turtledoves.

The little girl squatted aside and watched, with two orange slices in her hand that she was reluctant to eat.

"Oh, what great stuff."

Niu Gengshen walked up quickly and complained, "Comrade Chen, if I hadn't come, I would have missed so many great things."

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen, I am Niu Gengshen, the director of the purchasing department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

"Please forgive me for disturbing you."

The old man stood up and asked, "What's the matter, Director Niu?"

Niu Gengshen said calmly, "Mr. Chen, it's like this, our factory wants to entertain some VIPs, but I don't have enough capable people, so I can't buy good stuff."

"I went to Captain Chen, and Captain Chen said this.

This matter needs your consent. "

Chen Jianjun had no choice.

He hoped that his son would have good things to sell to the steel mill.

But the problem is that the steel mill can only take out money and bills, while the canning factory has fruits, money, bills, and even canned meat.

Chen Feng was stupid to give up the canning factory and choose the steel mill with only steel.

Niu Gengshen asked him, and he was embarrassed to say that he couldn't discipline his son, so he had to throw the pot on his own father.

The old man was also a smart man.

He was not afraid of delaying his son's progress, and he couldn't delay it.

"Director Niu, this is probably not possible."

"Our Chen family is not after this little money, mainly because the children like to eat fruits and canned food. "

Niu Gengshen took a deep look at the orange in Chen Li's hand.

The little girl was very sensitive and suspected that the adult had bad intentions, so she quickly hid behind Chen Feng.

At the same time, she opened her mouth and put a slice of orange in, which made Chen Feng want to laugh.

This cleverness will definitely be very cunning when she grows up.

"Grandpa, I heard that my sister-in-law has no job and no household registration. Our purchasing department can give her a buyer's identity, 30 chickens and ducks per month, and flexible working hours. As long as I am here, she can go to work whenever she wants."

He lowered his voice and said, "Even if every day is a holiday, it's fine. ”

Purchase 30 chickens and ducks in a month?

You wish!

For ordinary buyers, it is not easy.

Since state-owned farms sell in limited quantities, buyers can only go to the countryside every day to purchase.

But it takes time for chickens and ducks to grow, and they consume food. It was not a big problem before. Starting this year, all communes have tightened their belts, and raising chickens and ducks is not an easy task.

Although for Chen Feng, the number of chickens and ducks his family has eaten this month is almost more than this number.

But Niu Gengshen hit the two old men with his move. 's heart.

This skill is obviously higher than Ye Jin's.

Ye Jin only knew that the Chen family had a military background. Chen Feng didn't want to go to work, and completely forgot that he could start from Zhou Qing.

The Chen family was also unwilling to ask for help out of self-esteem.

Chen Feng didn't notice this.

Of course, he actually thought it was better not to go to work.

It's free and comfortable. There are many constraints at work, such as daily "performance", you have to hand it in on time, right?

"In addition, the factory also likes to eat fish from Tianjin, especially sea fish."

"If there are no wild ducks, rabbits, and wild boars, 300 kilograms of sea fish a month is also a great achievement. "

The old man and the old lady were moved.

They knew Chen Feng's ability very well.

Ten kilograms of fish a day is nothing.

Before in Zhoujiagou, Tianjin, he could catch several buckets a day.

Today, Chen Feng alone caught no less than twenty kilograms of fish.

And the working hours are very flexible. As long as you get good things to turn in and prove your ability, no one will blame you for not punching in at work.

"Then we have a deal, to purchase one hundred kilograms of fish a month."

Niu Gengshen quickly corrected: "Old man, it's three hundred kilograms."

"At most 150 kilograms, and it will start from next month. It depends on the situation this month. "The old man said firmly.

Five catties of fish a day, only two or three!

Chen Feng's eyelids jumped when he heard this. This job came too easily!

Other people buy jobs. First, the factory has quotas. Second, they have to compare prices, because there are many people who buy.

One hundred yuan a job?

You think too much. This is a power market where supply is super less than demand.

Without a few hundred yuan and a little personal connection, you can't buy it at all.

"200 catties, no less."

"Then don't sign in at work."


Niu Gengshen thought about it. Two hundred catties of fish meat, in exchange for Zhou Qing not having to sign in every day at work, is not impossible.

He can't bring out good things to entertain guests, but he is the unlucky one.

"Okay, but you can't let me go home empty-handed today."

He looked at the four turtledoves and asked, "Can you sell me two? I just happen to take them to entertain guests in the factory at noon."

"Yes! The old man smiled and said, “Ten yuan!”

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