The little girl wanted to eat all the peanuts, but she couldn't finish a dove because of her small stomach. But she couldn't bear to let go and had to keep it in her hand and eat it slowly.

Chen Feng carried the lunch box and rode his bicycle to the nearest Dongcheng Branch.

The people in the branch were also having lunch.

Chen Jianguo took a lot of fried peanuts from Chen Feng. He was not in the big office of the criminal investigation team, but hiding in the personal office of the head of the criminal investigation team.

"Uncle Ouyang, second uncle, I guessed you were here."

Pushing open the door, the head of the criminal investigation team, Ouyang Jie, and Chen Jianguo were sitting at the table, holding lunch boxes in their hands and eating around a plate of peanuts.

They ate the peanuts very happily.

Seeing the lunch box in his hand, the two stood up almost at the same time and rushed to the door.

Chen Jianguo was cunning. He raised his leg and tripped Ouyang Jie. He picked up his lunch box, snatched Chen Feng's lunch box and ran out.

Ouyang Jie said from behind: "Jianguo, everyone who sees it has a share. At least leave me a piece of meat!"

Chen Jianguo said: "Team leader, all the peanuts are left for you."

"You are a disloyal guy!" Ouyang Jie cursed angrily and got up from the ground.

"Xiao Feng, what did you bring? Don't tell me, it's meat!"

Chen Feng looked at the team leader with pity and said nothing.

Not only meat, but also barbecue.

If you go to a big restaurant, you can't eat it without five or six yuan.

Ouyang Jie is a section chief with a monthly salary of over a hundred.

But even he couldn't bear to go to a big restaurant.

Picked up his lunch box and ran out.

"Chen Jianguo, if you don't give me a little, we'll have to settle the matter of you stealing half a bottle of Xifeng wine from me last time."

But Chen Jianguo was very fast and had already put a turtledove from the lunch box into his own lunch box. When he saw Ouyang Jie coming out, he threw him a bird head and a bird leg.

"Team leader, that's all. I have something to do this afternoon, you know!"

Ouyang Jie was quick and accurate. He used his lunch box to catch the bird head and bird leg accurately. He was very satisfied to see the burnt bird leg.

"I understand!"

Ouyang Jie took a bite of the bird leg and said in surprise: "It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The cooking skills are good, comparable to those of a big restaurant."

"Did you invite Sha Zhu again?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "No, I made it myself according to Zhu's instructions."

"It's my first time making it, so there are still some flaws."

"No, no, it tastes very good." Ouyang Jie enviously said: "It's great, Xiao Feng, everyone in our branch knows your reputation. You can go hunting in the mountains, go fishing in the water, and now you have learned cooking skills. This self-sufficiency is really enviable."

Chen Jianguo was embarrassed to say that if the barbecue is to be delicious, you must first be willing to use oil, otherwise it will never taste so good. The moisture of the barbecue without oil will evaporate and the meat will be very dry.

Ouyang Jie took a bite of the bird's head and even broke the bones.

"Xiao Feng, you used to come to my house when you were little, but why don't you come when you grow up? Remember to come to my house often when you have time and teach my daughter how to cook."

Chen Feng shook his head quickly.

Ouyang Jie's daughter Ouyang Qing is a beautiful girl warrior who doesn't like makeup but loves weapons. Like countless teenagers in Shenzhou, she is influenced by official propaganda and has a very high level of consciousness.

If he is a selfish good man, Ouyang Qing is a little saint.

"Uncle, I think you should teach her how to catch thieves and fight. Cooking is not suitable for her. If she sets your house on fire, I can't afford to pay for it."


The two adult men laughed.

"It tastes really good."

Ouyang Jie looked at the turtledove in Chen Jianguo's lunch box and whispered, "Give me half a dove, and I'll exchange it with you for the Xifeng wine I didn't finish last time."

"Add half a pack of Zhonghua." Chen Jianguo said with a sinister smile.

Zhonghua cigarettes with cigarette holders are only 70 cents and 1 cent, which is not expensive for them at all.

Mainly because it is hard to buy!

Chen Jianguo does not smoke, but when he interacts with people outside, sometimes he shares a Zhonghua cigarette, and things are easier.

After all, if you can share this kind of cigarette, others will have face and look up to you.

"Okay!" Ouyang Jie gritted his teeth and said, "Give it to me now."

Chen Feng took out the small Shenfeng and divided the turtledove in the lunch box into two halves.

Ouyang Jie put the two halves in his lunch box with chopsticks and immediately walked out quickly.

"What is this for?"

"What else can I do? Send it to your sister Xiaoqing." Chen Jianguo shook his head and smiled.

Chen Feng picked up the lunch box and said, "I'm going to school.

. "

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Chen Hao rode his bicycle to the school, holding two steamed buns and eating them at a snack stand outside the school.

Jiang Hongjun, Cai Xiaoxin, and Cai Xiaoli were standing beside him, holding steamed bread and sharing a steamed bun.

"Sure, I thought you were going to starve again."


Chen Hao said happily: "Is there rice? Is it salted fish? Fried duck eggs are also fine."

A series of questions.

Chen Feng opened the food box and asked Chen Hao to take out a bird inside.

"I caught a bird in the park this morning and roasted it. You can take it yourself."

The three children looked at the bird and were about to drool.

Chen Hao said: "Brother, lend me your knife. "

Take the dagger given by Chen Feng and cut off the bird's head and two small wings.

"Hongjun, you eat the head, Xiaoxin, Xiaoli, you eat the bird's wings."

Chen Feng did not interfere with his brother's behavior.

School bullying always exists no matter what era or place it is.

A group of children compete for family background, food, clothing, and even courage, and then form gangs.

Chen Hao does not beat others, but it is not a big problem to recruit a few children to follow him.

A hero has three helpers. If you make more friends, there will be someone to help take the blame when fighting.

"What did you gain today?"

Chen Hao pointed at Cai Xiaoli and said, "Xiaoli is our class monitor. She is most familiar with Teacher Ran and knows what the teacher likes to eat."

Cai Xiaoli took a bite of the steamed bun and said, "Teacher Ran likes to eat fish."

"Last month, her mother personally sent a fish over."

"And she ate it for me. "

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you a small reward and give you some candy in the future."

Cai Xiaoli said happily, "Thank you, Brother Xiaofeng."

After packing up the lunch box, Chen Feng went to the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill again. Without saying anything, Chen Jianjun cut the turtledove into more than a dozen pieces, one for each of himself and his team members.

This behavior seems stupid.

However, it is too common among soldiers in this era.

The style of today's soldiers is completely different from that of later generations.

Many people who join the army give up farming, working, and studying to serve the motherland. They are all true patriots like Chen Jianjun.

Or, idealists!

They are not future soldiers. Most of them are those who can't read, can't get to college, and can't find a job...

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