The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

As they were almost at Xizhimen, Chen Feng quickly stuffed two pheasants into his bag and put six pheasant eggs in his own pocket.

When he entered the door, he ran into Xu Damao sitting in a carriage, heading to the commune outside the city.

He was going to show a movie.

Xu Damao was chatting, and when he saw Chen Feng passing by, his eyes quickly swept over the bag of the bicycle.

"Crazy, wait a minute."

Hearing Xu Damao's voice, Chen Feng resisted the urge to beat him and stopped the car.

Sha Zhu called him a madman because his original body had eaten a lot of good things from Sha Zhu's family when he was a child, and Sha Zhu was also considered half of Chen Jianjun's apprentice.

But where did Xu Damao get the courage to call him a madman?

Could it be because he has been kind recently and didn't hit anyone?

Chen Feng looked at Xu Damao who was chasing him from behind with malicious eyes, ignoring the other three members of the projection team.

That's right, a small team is usually responsible for projecting movies, with at least four people!

A team leader is responsible for arranging work and transferring films, a laborer who generates electricity, a technician responsible for projection, and another responsible for driving the carriage and feeding livestock.

One person wants to control the projection of movies?


In some places, five or six people are even arranged in a group.

"Xu Donkey, if you dare to give me a nickname again, believe it or not, I will let Lai Fu bite you now?"


The other three people looked at Xu Damao's face and couldn't help laughing.

Not to mention, Xu Damao's face looks like a donkey.

Xu Damao glanced at Lai Fu and had to smile.

This dog doesn't seem to bark, but it is definitely fierce.

He doesn't want to go to the hospital again just after leaving the hospital, it's all money!

"Xiao Feng, sell us some mountain products, and we can apply to the higher authorities to show movies in your compound."

Movies are good things. Even in the future, when televisions are almost out of work due to advertisements and every household has a computer, movie theaters are still popular places.

In this era, movies have a similar special status.

But Chen Feng is not his stupid brother Chen Hao, who was fooled by a few words.

The projection team has its own schedule, which village tonight, which commune tomorrow night, and its own screening schedule.

Xu Damao is not qualified to decide which one will be screened in advance.

"Okay, three yuan for a pheasant, I will sell you two, and you write me a letter of guarantee to guarantee that you will show movies in our compound within seven days."

Chen Feng said to the person holding the tape among the four people.

Xu Damao was helpless and looked at his team leader.

He couldn't make the decision on this matter.

"Comrade Chen, let's do this. We will come back tomorrow morning. If you trust me, keep these game meat until tomorrow morning. I will give you an answer before 10 o'clock."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I will keep these two pheasants and rabbits until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"It's a deal!"

You can make money as usual, and advance the order of movie broadcasts in the compound by a few days.

Chen Feng was in a good mood and took the things home.

In the compound, Wang Cheng was playing chess with the old man, and Chen Li was sitting next to the old man, eating a persimmon in her hand.

"July dates, August pears, and September persimmons are full of fruit."

A persimmon tree can produce hundreds of kilograms of persimmons, and some are said to produce 500 kilograms.

(It is said that in the era of famine, persimmons, which you don’t need to take care of after planting, are one of the most popular "hard-core crops" in my country. According to incomplete statistics in later generations, persimmons alone fed more than 400 million Chinese people at that time!)

Persimmons in the north usually mature in October and November and are cheap.

Chen Feng pressed the bell.


Chen Li stood up suddenly and rushed over with persimmons. Halfway through, she remembered something and ran into the kitchen. She quickly came out with a washed persimmon.

She held the persimmon high, with her little face, looking at Chen Feng with big eyes, waiting for praise from her big brother.

"Big pot, wash it clean."

Chen Feng took the persimmon with a smile and took a bite.

It was sweet and astringent, and the taste was not good!

"It's great. Little Lili can help us with things. She is getting smarter and smarter."

The little girl smiled and was very proud.

Chen Feng untied the bag at the back of the car.

"I'll give you a task. Wash the grapes and bring them out to eat together."


The little girl said happily, not feeling exploited at all. She smiled and took the bag of grapes to the kitchen to wash them.

In the era of poverty, a three-year-old child

The child matures very early.

If it were a rural person, he would have already known to pick up fallen rice ears, wheat and wild vegetables in the fields.

"What good things are there today?"

Wang Cheng no longer had the heart to play chess, his eyes were on the bag hanging on the bicycle.

Chen Feng said: "Pheasants and hares are not allowed. I have agreed with the projection team to keep them until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"But if I catch fish and wild ducks this morning, I can report them to you."

Wang Cheng did not despise it and was very understanding of Chen Feng's behavior.

"Okay, good thing, I will come tomorrow morning too. If it works, I can just watch a movie for free. If it doesn't work, you can sell it to me."

Eating is important, but watching movies is also important.

Everyone's love for the big screen is one of the things Chen Feng cannot understand.

But not understanding it does not mean that he will not do it.

Anyway, it's all selling, and it's not bad to increase the prestige of the Chen family.

Other courtyards had to wait for ten days or half a month before their turn, but their courtyard could be screened in advance, so everyone knew the ability of the Chen family.

Being able to do things that others could not do, the prestige of the uncle was built up little by little!

Why didn't Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui have the prestige of Yi Zhonghai?

Others were eighth-level fitters, and they were the top talents in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill with more than 10,000 people. Even Director Yang had to give them face and help with some small things.

In the morning, the old man kept three of the more than 20 kilograms of fish and sold the rest.

There were also a few migratory birds, ducks, and a dozen wild duck eggs and pheasant eggs.

In exchange for 30 yuan and three cloth coupons, Chen Feng took the money and gave the cloth coupons to the old lady.

Wang Cheng enviously said, "I want to learn fishing and hunting from you."

"Your income in one day is much better than mine in a month."

The old man counseled, "You can't compare with my grandson. He is the first in school and the first in fishing. You can't compare. You should compare with the people around you."

Wang Cheng thought about it and felt that it should be compared in this way.

Some people are born with good luck. Comparing with them will only make you unbalanced.

Thinking about the apprentices in his yard, he immediately felt better.

Chen Li stuck her head out of the kitchen and saw that Wang Cheng hadn't left yet, so she immediately shrank back.

"Grandpa, I'll go back and report."

"Slow down."

"Chen Feng, stay, no need to see you off."

Wang Cheng took the things and rode on his bicycle.

Chen Li immediately brought out the few grapes.

"Grandpa, eat!"

"Yeah, okay, haha."

The old man was amused by his granddaughter's cleverness: "Don't do this next time, others will give you persimmons."

Chen Li looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said: "He invited you to eat persimmons, you should invite him to eat grapes."

Chen Li nodded seriously.

"Big pot, I remember it."

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