The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6411 Discussion of the realm of dominance!

Chapter 6411 Discussion of the realm of dominance!
Rebecca didn't say anything, her performance was very calm, and she peeled the mangosteen unhurriedly.

Wang Yue said: "The real state of dominance is to defeat the opponent by controlling the battlefield. This control ability is embodied in the three-distance battles, and the source is the understanding of the three distances and the battlefield. I use skills In this case, I first need to master the skills of three distances, and I also need a skill to flexibly switch between the three distances. In this case, I need to use many kinds of skills, so it is very difficult It is easy for the opponent to catch the loophole.”

Archibald nodded, the more techniques he used, the higher the possibility of being caught by the opponent.Therefore, when masters confront each other, unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not use a lot of techniques. Usually, this technique has no effect, and then use another technique instead of using many techniques at once.

Kimberly said: "In the early and middle stages of the game, the reason why you are not Rebecca's opponent is that you are paving the way. Because you know that a lot of skills will produce many loopholes, So lay the groundwork in advance, so that when you use the Realm of False Domination, there won't be so many loopholes."

Wang Yue said: "There are a lot of loopholes in the use of Juggernaut in a skillful way. We must find a way to make up for the loopholes. Because there are too many loopholes, it is ineffective for temporary Miou to not have loopholes. We must pave the way in advance and give the opponent some mistakes. Understand, so that you can get away with it. If you want to use the Juggernaut Realm with skills, you must think about how to make up for your own loopholes in advance. If you don’t think about this, even if you successfully use the Juggernaut Realm, you will soon It was cracked by the opponent."

Monica said: "Three kinds of distance skills, plus a flexible distance switching skill, plus thinking ahead to make up for loopholes, is this the basic method of using the Pseudo-Dominator Realm?"

Wang Yue nodded: "From a simple point of view, it can be understood in this way."

Monica said, "I'll try the method you said later."

Wang Yue said; "You can try and practice about the dominance I use, but don't invest too much experience, because this is not an orthodox operation, and this kind of operation can only be used in the late game. If you use it in advance , You have enough time to discover your loopholes, but you don’t have enough time to make progress. It can be said that the realm of false masters is quite tasteless. The orthodox master’s realm is the most ideal, you can do whatever you want, and the realm is first-class.”

Evelyn said: "Then how can I enter the orthodox realm of dominance through comprehension? Are there any prerequisites?"

Wang Yue said: "I haven't comprehended the realm of mastery yet, and I'm not sure about this topic. In my opinion, if you want to enter the real realm of mastery, you must have three distances to fully anchor, because this is the realm of mastery." The main component of the environment. In addition, it is necessary to study a large number of distance warfare, how to deal with any distance warfare of the opponent."

Jin Baili and the others nodded, not saying anything about what Wang Yue said.

Rebecca said lightly: "What's the difference between the operation you just mentioned and the patchwork distance battle?"

In Wang Yue's view, Rebecca's words were to the point.In fact, Wang Yue was not very sure about what he said just now, so Wang Yue said it at the beginning, he was not sure about this topic.

After listening to Rebecca's words, everyone turned their attention to Rebecca.Although they knew that Rebecca had mastered the Realm of Domination, none of them thought that Rebecca would be involved in this topic.It's not that Rebecca has reservations, but Rebecca's character has always been like this.In addition, Rebecca, as an important person in country M's e-sports, has some things she can't say, even to her good friends, because the interests of country M's e-sports are the top priority.

After Rebecca finished eating a mangosteen, she began to peel the mangosteen again, and while peeling the mangosteen, she said: "The realm of the pseudo-lord relies on patchwork skills. Distance. The comprehension of the combat distance that Wang Yue just mentioned, although it is higher than the patchwork skills, it still falls within the scope of patchwork. The realm is not something that can be patched together, but needs to be done as a whole. "

As expected of someone who truly mastered the realm of mastery, Rebecca's explanation was not only in-depth, but also detailed.

Wang Yue said: "You are right. Although the method of piecing together the distance is higher than the skill of piecing together, my idea is still based on piecing together. There must be gaps in this piecing method, and this gap will become a loophole. In this case , so it is not the real realm of mastery. The real realm of mastery should be like what you said just now, it is complete, and it can also be understood as a single piece of iron, without any gaps and loopholes."

Both Kimberly and Monica wanted to ask questions, but they didn't ask, because they were not familiar with Rebecca, and they were in different camps. Their sense of propriety made them feel that they shouldn't ask such an important matter.

Both Jocelyn and Evelyn had a good relationship with Rebecca, but they didn't pursue it either.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Wang Yue knew that this topic was sensitive, so he decided to change the topic.At this time, Rebecca said: "If you don't use any distance skills to win the distance battle, it is considered as the initial contact with the realm of dominance."

As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of Wang Yue, Archibald, and Kimberly lit up. Obviously, the three of them got something from Rebecca's words.

Wang Yue said: "Is this what you mean by turning the invisible into the tangible?"

The eyes of Archibald and Kimberly lit up again, because Wang Yue's words went deeper.

Rebecca said: "Skills can be understood as tangible, and realms can be understood as intangible. It is normal for you to think when you use skills. If you are still thinking when using realms, then what you are using is not realms, but Skills. When you use the realm, you can use whatever technique you want, and do whatever you want. This is the realm. In this way, no matter what operation the opponent uses, you have countless operations to counterattack instead of relying on depends on a technique. Once the technique on which it depends is defeated, the result is failure."

Rebecca glanced at Wang Yue indifferently, and said: "What you just said about making the invisible with the tangible is only one aspect, and the other is to make the tangible with the intangible. Only when these two aspects are combined can you enter the realm of the real master." Realm. Fanny has already made the invisible with the tangible, so she has already half-footed into the realm of dominance, and what she needs to do next is to make the tangible with the intangible."

(End of this chapter)

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