Chapter 6427 Special method!

Because Wang Yue helped Qilier without asking for anything in return, Qilier admired Wang Yue's personality, so after she served as the person in charge of the e-sports All-Star Game, she treated Wang Yue very fairly, and even improved Wang Yue in some aspects. more treatment.

Now, the representatives of the Dream Team put Wang Yue ahead of Archibald and Kimberly. It has to be said that the Dream Team gave Wang Yue special treatment.

After Daisy said hello to Wang Yue, she did not continue to say anything. Instead, she greeted Archibald, Kim Baili, Monica, Irene and others.

This made Fujii Mingye, a young e-sports player from Country R not far away, feel uncomfortable.Because she didn't get a greeting from Daisy.In addition to his results, there is another reason, and that is his position.

That table was dominated by Wang Yue, because Wang Yue recommended Chinese cuisine to everyone, and the people sitting around the table were also Wang Yue's friends.In this case, Fujii Mingye naturally had no chance to step forward, because he regarded Wang Yue as his opponent.It was precisely because of this idea and approach that she lost the opportunity to greet Daisy at close range.

Nibel's eyes are almost breathing fire. All he is doing now is to create opportunities for entering the dream team, but it is nowhere in sight.And Wang Yue has obviously been exposed to this opportunity.Such a different treatment made Nibel feel very angry and extreme.

Daisy and Evelyn also said hello.

Because Evelyn won the championship of M country's youth e-sports competition, he was valued by the M country's e-sports department and could directly participate in the e-sports all-star game.Although Evelyn was quickly eliminated, this does not mean that Evelyn's ability is not good. This is because Evelyn's ability has not yet fully matured, and Wang Yue, Archibald and others' e-sports levels are already very high. Mature.

Having said that, Evelyn is not qualified to communicate with Daisy.The reason why Daisy communicated with Evelyn was obviously because Evelyn was sitting at this table, and Daisy did it out of politeness.Not only because Evelyn is an excellent newcomer in country M, but also because the owner of this dining table is Wang Yue.Daisy's actions can be said to give Wang Yue face.Fujii Mingye, who wanted to understand these situations, felt uncomfortable for the simple reason that he couldn't sit around that table.

After saying hello, Daisy started to get to the point: "The reason why I appear here is because the Dream Team has the practice of cultivating and recruiting talents. The superior gave me a list, Mr. Wang Yue, Mr. Archibald, Mr. Miss Kimberly, all three of your names are on the list."

Archibald said: "I would like to hear the details."

Archibald was surprised that his name was on the Dream Team roster.In his view, only the champion, runner-up, and third runner-up can be recognized by the dream team, and others cannot be recognized by the dream team.Archibald and Kimberly are not champions, but they appear on the list under such circumstances. Archibald thinks there is something inside.

Daisy said: "The dream team decided to hold a special training. I hope that Mr. Wang Yue, Mr. Archibald, and Ms. Kimberly can participate."

She looked at Rebecca and Fan Ni again and said, "Miss Rebecca and Miss Fan Ni's names are also on the list."

Wang Yue thought to himself, the dream team is really clever!
Not even a smart person would have thought of it, only a very smart person would have thought of it.

The Dream Team knows that neither Wang Yue, Archibald, nor Kim Baili will leave their country to join the Dream Team, especially Wang Yue and Archibald. Even if they are given a chance, they will not do it because they want to Focus on building your country instead of joining the dream team.

The Dream Team's approach is very clever, that is, they don't need Wang Yue and others to join the Dream Team, but let Wang Yue and others participate in the training.

When Wang Yue and others participated in the training, the dream team could collect detailed data on Wang Yue and others, which would be of great help in defeating Wang Yue and others in the future.However, this matter also needs to pay a price. It is necessary to have a training program that is even helpful to Wang Yue and others, otherwise Wang Yue and others will definitely not expose their true e-sports level, and they will not be able to collect data.

Training this matter is a win-win for the Dream Team and Wang Yue and others.The dream team can take the opportunity to collect data, and Wang Yue and others can take the opportunity to improve their level.Strictly speaking, the ones who take advantage are still the dream team. As long as it is during the training period, even if Wang Yue and others improve their level, their data will be collected by the dream team.

The idea of ​​the Dream Team is obvious, and there is no intention to hide it. In this case, it depends on whether Wang Yue and others are interested in the training of the Dream Team.

As we all know, the Dream Team never trains non-Dream Team members.It is extremely rare to break the practice and train non-dream team members this time.If Wang Yue and others participate in the training, they will definitely gain a lot from it.

Kimberly asked: "How long is the training time?"

Daisy said, "A week at least, and two months at the most."

Such a large time gap made Wang Yue and the others curious.Logically speaking, the Dream Team must have planned the training time, and Daisy must have mastered the training time. Why is the data mentioned so hazy.

Daisy explained: "The training adopts an elimination system. If you are not capable enough, you may be eliminated in a week. If you are capable enough, you can naturally stay until the end of training."

After listening to Daisy's explanation, everyone understood that this was the case.

Wang Yue thought about the training that Daisy said.If it is only two or three weeks of training, this time is nothing to Wang Yue. If it is as long as two months, Wang Yue thinks it is a bit long.From the perspective of training, especially from the perspective of the training of the Dream Team, this time is not long at all. Other e-sports players will only think that the training time is too short. They hope that the training time will be better. year" as the unit.

Although the business of Huaxia E-sports is running normally without Wang Yue, Wang Yue has a lot of plans for Huaxia E-sports, and these plans need to be discussed with everyone before they can be actually implemented.If Wang Yue goes to train for two months, it will be delayed.

From the perspective of training, Wang Yue knows that participating in the training of the dream team is a very precious opportunity. In the past many years, there has never been such an opportunity. How much is your business, no one will guide you, and training is someone who guides you and sets the training program for you.That is the training program of the dream team, which can fully represent the highest training level of the world's e-sports.

Archibald and Kimberly are also very interested in this training, because they know that this opportunity is really rare!
(End of this chapter)

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