Chapter 6431 Grenade tactics!

After the discussion between the two sides, the game began.

Killer Clown as a striker rushes out of the base as fast as possible.The others also went to their fighting positions according to Fanny's arrangement.

Nibel and Fujii Mingya charged at the same time. It seemed that they wanted to take the lead, so they adopted the strategy of two people charging.

Compared with Nibel's two-person charge, Fan Ni arranged the charge as a charge.Although it was charged, the person in charge of the charge was the Clown Killer.This guy's charge is no joke.

The Clown Killer killed Nibel and Fujii Mingye at the fastest speed and won a double kill.

Nibel and Fujii Mingye knew that the Clown Killer was very strong, but they didn't expect that the Clown Killer was so strong that they could easily kill them.

Nibel immediately said: "Hurry up, everyone! Don't let the Clown Killer rush into our base."

Under Nibel's command, the others rushed out of the base quickly, but their charge was disorganized.

Facing the charge of a group of people, the clown killer didn't take it seriously at all, he chose to be tough.This approach can be described as extremely bold, but the Clown Killer is capable of doing this because of his exceptional agility.Facing Wang Yue's Zhong Guoren domain, the clown killer can use body skills to break through Zhong Guoren's domain, and come to Wang Yue at the shortest distance, thus killing Wang Yue.

Killer Clown's charging speed was so fast that both Archibald and Kimberly couldn't keep up. After all, speed was not their strong point.

The Killer Clown's charge was already unscrupulous, but now he was escorted by Archibald and Baili Kim, so the Killer Clown could kill the enemy even more without any scruples.The game formation that Nibel arranged before the game was defeated by the charge of the clown killer.Looking at this posture, only the Clown Killer, Archibald, and Kimberly are enough to easily defeat the opponent, without the participation of others.

Nibel gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone use all their strength to charge out! The harder the charge, the better!"

This approach looks ferocious, but it has no effect on the clown killer.He is good at dodging bullets, and now Archibald and Kimberly are responsible for covering and cleaning him up. His state is the same as that of Zhao Zilong who entered and exited seven times in Changbanpo.

Soon, the Clown Killer, Archibald, and Kimberly gained a lot of kills.Nibel and the others didn't even get a single kill count.

When Nibel urged everyone to charge again, Fujii Mingya said with a straight face: "I can't charge anymore! A simple charge like this is completely an act of giving away the head. Let me command the next battle!"

Before the start of the game, Fujii Mingye did not compete with Nibel for commanding power. Now that the situation of the game is so unfavorable, Fujii Mingye no longer has any scruples, and directly announces that he will take command.

Of course, Nibel was dissatisfied with Fujii Mingye's approach, but he had no way to deal with the cooperative charge of the Clown Killer, Archibald, and Kimberly, so he had to hand over the command to Fujii Mingye.

Fujii Mingya said: "Everyone listen to my command and throw grenades from different angles."

Fujii Mingye knew that they were definitely not opponents in a simple competition of marksmanship. They could only open up the game by throwing grenades, and then figured out a way.

After the onlookers heard the idea of ​​Tengkong Mingye, they all thought that Tengkong Mingye was calmer and more commanding than Nibel.The marksmanship of Clown Killer and others is too strong, and they can only use this method to relieve the pressure of the game.

The clown killer said: "Don't worry, everyone, throw it in two waves, and the interval is one second after the grenade explodes. In this way, you can explode without dead ends and prevent the opponent from retreating and supporting."

Whoosh whoosh.

Several grenades were thrown out.

Seeing this situation, Fujii Mingye thought, even if this operation can't help them win the game, it can at least gain a few kills.Most importantly, instead of getting 40 kills, they only need to get 20 kills, so they can fight in this unconventional way of playing.Although this trick is not very bright, the most important thing is to win the game.

The grenade exploded.

From Tengkong Mingye's point of view, only one more grenade is needed to kill the clown killer.

However, the most critical grenade has not appeared for a long time.

Tengkong Mingye asked coldly, "Why didn't the grenade keep up?"

Someone said: "I was killed by Wang Yue, but the grenade didn't keep up."

Tengkong Mingye immediately looked at the highest point and found that Wang Yue was standing at the highest point.

Wang Yue, who is at the commanding heights, has witnessed everything and knows that the grenade can explode the clown killer without any dead ends, but with the ability of the clown killer, as long as he is given a little space, he can avoid the explosion of the grenade, because his footwork It's really amazing.In this case, Wang Yue only needs to kill one person who threw the grenade, so that the clown killer can have room to hide.

Tengkong Mingye did not expect that Wang Yue would cooperate with the clown killer, because he knew that things between these two people were very complicated.

Fujii Mingye said: "Others continue to throw grenades, first keep our base here, and don't let the opponent rush in. I will kill Wang Yue next. Nibel, you are ready to take the gun at any time. In case I failed to kill Wang Yue, so you take the gun immediately."

When Tengkong Mingye was about to kill Wang Yue, a grenade was suddenly thrown over, and exploded directly beside Fujii Mingye, killing Fujii Mingye.

Fujii Mingye was stunned, who threw the grenade, and how could it be so accurate?
The most important thing is that he has not seen who is throwing the grenade.

He could only observe with the kill scene in the upper right corner, and he found that the person who killed him was Rebecca.

Soon, Tengkong Mingye wanted to understand what was going on.Although Rebecca occupied the midfield and did not charge, the moment Rebecca saw Wang Yue kill the enemy, she knew that someone would definitely attack Wang Yue.Based on Rebecca's best understanding of the battlefield, where is the most advantageous position to kill Wang Yue, so she threw a grenade at that position, and Tengkong Mingye was indeed in that position.

Fujii Mingye realized that relying on grenades alone would not work, but also relying on firepower to suppress them.

He arranged for people to charge, but he found that he couldn't get out at all. He didn't know what was going on until he charged once, because Monica was sniping at the opposite corner. Anyone who attacked from the opposite corner would be shot by Monica. Card sniper kill.

Fan Ni smiled and said: "Wang Yue held the sniper rifle at the highest point to control the audience, and the others all threw mines, which can be regarded as repaying them."

Whoosh whoosh.

Seven grenades were thrown at the battle field where Nibel and Fujii Mingye were.

(End of this chapter)

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