The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6436 Falling into a disadvantage!

Chapter 6436 Falling into a disadvantage!

Killer Clown and Monica attacked Wang Yue. Because Wang Yue was prepared in advance, he managed to escape this time. However, Wang Yue had no chance to kill them because Wang Yue spent all his energy on avoiding and escaping.

Facing the crowd of three people, Wang Yue felt a lot of pressure.

Fan Ni said: "Speed ​​up the pace of the game and don't waste too much time on Wang Yue."

Killer Clown said: "I know."

Monica said, "Got it."

The main reason why Fan Ni proposed to speed up the pace of the game was not because of Wang Yue, but because of Rebecca.

It can be seen from the previous battle that the superiority of three people can kill Wang Yue, but the superiority of three people cannot kill Rebecca.If you want to kill Rebecca, you must increase the number of people, so kill Wang Yue as quickly as possible, and then aim your gun at Rebecca.If this matter is delayed, Rebecca is likely to solve her opponent and provide assistance to Wang Yue.

Fan Ni's idea is very correct, but it is not easy to complete it.

Fan Ni underestimated Wang Yue's ability.

The reason why Wang Yue and Fan Ni won the match was thanks to the foreshadowing of Xue Bing and Rebecca, as well as the use of Rebecca's trump card skills. Without these external factors, Wang Yue would have won by just relying on his own strength. Not Fan Ni's opponent.

In this game, Fan Ni felt that Wang Yue's strength was no longer inferior to him.Fanny was amazed at such a fast progress.As for the reason of Wang Yue's rapid progress, the smart Fan Ni can naturally think of it.

The reason for Wang Yue's progress is the championship match with Rebecca.Although Wang Yue failed to win that game, Wang Yue made a lot of progress in that game, and because of this, Wang Yue's strength was not inferior to Fan Ni at all.

Under such circumstances, it would not be easy for Fan Ni to kill Wang Yue with her own ability, at least it would take time.Fanny had no time, however.In this case, only the strength of the Clown Killer and Monica can be used.With these two forces, Wang Yue could indeed be at a disadvantage, but when Wang Yue gave up attacking and concentrated on avoiding, he couldn't kill Wang Yue in a short time.And Wang Yue only needs to be killed internally in a short time, and he will have the opportunity to wait for Rebecca's support.

Archibald, Kimberly, and Irene blocked Rebecca, but they couldn't stop Rebecca.Rebecca killed Kimberly and Irene as quickly as possible, and then began to support Wang Yue.

Although she didn't kill Archibald, Rebecca didn't care about it.With his ability, he was able to avoid Archibald's attack while supporting Wang Yue.

Rebecca kills Monica.

In this way, only Fan Ni and the Clown Killer were left to flank Wang Yue.

Facing the pincer attack of three people, Wang Yue was completely at a disadvantage and could only dodge by sacrificing his attack.Now that there is one less Monica, Wang Yue's combat ability immediately improves.Wang Yue used the Realm of False Master to kill the Clown Killer.The Clown Killer hadn't touched the Realm of Juggernaut yet. In this case, Wang Yue had an advantage.

When Wang Yue killed the Clown Killer, Fan Ni was the only opponent left.Although Fan Ni is a difficult opponent, Wang Yue is not helpless to deal with her.Soon, Wang Yue killed Fan Ni.

Fan Ni frowned slightly, surprised at Wang Yue's current strength in her heart.In a head-to-head situation, she was slightly inferior to Wang Yue.Unless she uses tactics, the problem is that tactics waste time, and she has no time to waste.

In this round of battle, Wang Yue did not drag Rebecca back, but this was not due to Wang Yue, but to Rebecca.If Rebecca hadn't provided support and killed Monica, Wang Yue would have been killed sooner or later, even though he could evade the flanking attack of three people.

After gaining the advantage in the second round of battle, Wang Yue and Rebecca quickly attacked and seized the midfield. As a result, Wang Yue and Rebecca's abilities immediately improved.

This time, Wang Yue was able to kill Monica without Rebecca's support.

This is because as the combat distance increases, Wang Yue can use both close combat and mid-range combat, which means that the effect of the realm of pseudo-dominance is enhanced.

Although Wang Yue killed Monica quickly, Wang Yue couldn't kill Fanny and Killer Clown quickly.With previous defeats, this time Fanny and Clown Killer showed stronger strength.In this case, Wang Yue killed Fan Ni and Clown Killer in a short time, and they were unable to kill Wang Yue in a short time.

In this way, the key to victory or defeat falls on Rebecca.

Archibald, Kimberly, and Irene besieged Rebecca with a triangular tactic. In addition, their positions were very special, and they might use their bodies to block Rebecca's sight of Wang Yue, so that Rebecca could not support Wang Yue. The best chance to go beyond.

Suddenly, Archibald rushed to Rebecca's muzzle. This operation was unexpected by Rebecca. How could a normal person hit someone else's muzzle?
Since Archibald did this, Rebecca killed Archibald naturally.

When Rebecca finished this thing, she immediately realized that something was wrong.Just now Archibald took the initiative to ram into her gun. She could easily hit Archibald, but the moment she killed Archibald put herself in an unfavorable fighting position, and this is exactly what Archibald purpose of virtue.

With Rebecca's ability, even if she is in an unfavorable combat position, she won't be able to kill the opponent at worst, and she will definitely have a chance to avoid the opponent's attack.In order to make Rebecca lose this ability, Archibald found the right time and took the initiative to hit Rebecca's gun. In this way, Rebecca's focus was on killing Archibald instead of leaving. That unfavorable attacking position.

Under normal circumstances, Kim Bailey and Irene's flanking attack would not be effective against Rebecca, but Rebecca was in a disadvantageous position, which gave Kim Bailey and Irene a chance. After all, these two people's fighting abilities are not vegetarian. .

Next, Kimberly holds Rebecca while Irene throws a grenade.Because Rebecca was held back by Kimberly, there was no way to stop him from throwing the grenade by killing Irene, so he could only watch the grenade thrown over.In this case, Rebecca had to fight Kimberly while avoiding the grenade.Suddenly, Kimberly slammed into Rebecca's gun.Next, Irene killed Rebecca.

The onlookers couldn't help sighing that the tactical operation just now was too powerful.

First, Archibald's sacrifice put Rebecca in a disadvantageous position, then the grenade made Rebecca's position even more disadvantageous, and then Kimberly slammed into Rebecca's muzzle to attract Rebecca's attention. At this moment, Irene immediately shot, attacked Rebecca with all her strength, and killed Rebecca.

(End of this chapter)

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