The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6442 Has something to do with the clown killer!

Chapter 6442 Has something to do with the clown killer!

It is completely impossible for a gun to kill two people at the same time.But just now, Fanny and Archibald were killed at the same time.

When this happened, Fanny, Archibald and others were stunned.The people watching the game were also stunned.Only those who watched Rebecca and Wang Yue's perspective knew what was going on, but their faces were full of shock.

Judging from the picture, it seems that a gun killed two people at the same time.From a practical point of view, the killing scene in the upper right corner gives the answer.Fanny and Archibald were killed at the same time, but they were killed by two guns instead of one. These two guns came from Rebecca and Wang Yue respectively.

You can see Wang Yue's kill from the live kill scene, but from the game screen, you don't see Wang Yue at all, and only Rebecca is seen.

Fan Ni said: "Hurry up and hide, don't fight recklessly, lest they reap the number of kills!"

The Clown Killer and Irene immediately hid behind the obstacle, but Kimberly and Monica couldn't dodge in time and were killed.They were also killed at the same time.Kimberly and Monica, who had personally experienced this situation, couldn't understand it.Why didn't I see Wang Yue, but was killed by Wang Yue?
Fan Ni said: "Don't confront them head-on, use obstacles and favorable terrain to fight defensively, give me 10 seconds, and I will crack their tricks as soon as possible!"

After receiving Fanny's instructions, Archibald and the others immediately did as they said, but Fanny did not leave the base to fight, but prepared to go to the highest point through the underground passage.The situation is critical now, and there is no time to think about Wang Yue and Rebecca's operations.Instead of wasting time guessing where Wang Yue is, it is better to go directly to the highest point to see where Wang Yue is.

Fanny's decision is very correct!
When she reached the highest point, she immediately understood what was going on.

Fan Ni immediately reminded: "Everyone, don't engage in a frontal battle. The next battle must be hidden behind obstacles. I will kill Wang Yue as soon as possible and expose Wang Yue."

Archibald and others hid behind obstacles.The combat operation is to leave the obstacle suddenly and attack. If the attack is unsuccessful, immediately hide behind the obstacle.

They didn't notice Wang Yue, they could only see Rebecca in their eyes.

Fan Ni, who was at the highest point in the depths, could see Wang Yue.She was very surprised that Wang Yue and Rebecca's operational ability could do this.

She aimed at Wang Yue, trying to kill him.

If Wang Yue couldn't be killed, Archibald, Kimberly and others who hadn't seen the truth could not reverse the situation of the game, and they could only end up being killed in a daze.

Fan Ni wanted to kill Wang Yue, but was killed by Wang Yue.

When Archibald and others saw the scene of Fan Ni being killed by Wang Yue in the upper right corner, they all had deep doubts about the battle.They didn't see Wang Yue on the battlefield, why was Wang Yue able to kill Fan Ni?

Monica asked Fanny, "What's going on?"

Fan Ni did not speak, but glanced at Killer Clown.

Monica and the others don't know why Fanny looked at the clown killer. Does this matter have anything to do with the clown killer?

Fan Ni said: "I already know what Rebecca and Wang Yue's operation is. It is also very easy to know this operation, just go to the highest point. I can tell you their operation directly, but I think you can take a look for yourself Better. To be honest, this kind of experience is really not easy to have. If I tell you directly, you will miss this experience."

Monica said: "I want to go to the highest point and have a look."

Fanny said: "Okay, then you can go to the highest point and have a look."

Fanny left the base and joined the battle, while Monica entered the underground passage to the highest point.

When Monica reached the highest point, she was instantly shocked by the scene in front of her!Rebecca and Wang Yue were actually able to perform this operation.

Monica, who discovered Wang Yue's location, wanted to kill Wang Yue, but was killed by Wang Yue.

When Monica was killed, Kimberly immediately asked, "What did you see?"

Monica's performance was the same as Fanny just now, she didn't answer the question immediately, but looked at the clown killer.

Being cast with strange looks continuously, the clever clown killer said, "Could it be that Wang Yue used my technique?"

Monica said: "If it weren't for your skills, Fan Ni and I could kill Wang Yue at the highest point, even if we couldn't kill Wang Yue, you could still find Wang Yue."

The Clown Killer was taken aback. Although he guessed the technique Wang Yue used through Fanny and Monica's eyes, he couldn't guess the tactic Wang Yue used.

Monica didn't show off, and explained directly: "From the surface, we can't see Wang Yue, as if Wang Yue didn't appear on the battlefield. In fact, Wang Yue has always been on the battlefield. The reason why we can't see Wang Yue is because Wang Yue followed Rebecca at a close distance. Because Wang Yue and Rebecca's movements completely overlapped, we couldn't see it on the ground. Fanny was very smart, perhaps by guessing or directly, she When I got to the highest point, I saw Wang Yue following Rebecca in this way with a wide view."

Jin Baili said solemnly: "According to what you said, Wang Yue hid behind Rebecca at a very close distance. In this case, Wang Yue's sight must be blocked by Rebecca, and it is impossible to see the situation ahead. , why was he able to kill us in this situation?"

Fan Ni said: "This is one of the scary things about Rebecca and Wang Yue! I really didn't expect them to have such a tacit understanding! And their operation is not enough to rely on tacit understanding, they must have super skills. Hiding behind It is very difficult for Wang Yue to follow Rebecca at close range and prevent us from discovering his figure. But they have used this operation before, but the distance is not so close. As for the knock on the door, the clown The killer also explained that they did it through regular footwork such as crab steps and shrimp jumps. As long as Wang Yue and Rebecca discuss the distance of each step and the distance of each jump, they can go hand in hand.

This time, Wang Yue and Rebecca were very close. This was done to prevent us from using grenades. We had used grenades to separate them because of their long distance.They are so close now that even if we throw grenades, we can't separate them.However, the disadvantage of this approach is that Wang Yue, who is hiding behind, cannot see what is happening in front. In this case, Wang Yue has no way to attack.And that's the key. "

Even Killer Clown, who didn't take much part in the discussion, nodded, approving what Fanny said.In addition, this also shows that he is very curious about Wang Yue and Rebecca's operations.

(End of this chapter)

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