The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6453 Scholar’s ​​Electric Seal!

Wang Yue has only mastered the Realm of Pseudo-Domination, and he has already felt the power of the Realm of Domination. If he can truly master the Realm of Domination, this will definitely help Wang Yue achieve good results when participating in the E-sports World Cup.

When Wang Yue was about to pack his luggage and set off, his cell phone rang.

After Wang Yuejian called, his expression suddenly became excited because it showed scholar.

During this period, Wang Yue completely lost contact with the scholar, and he didn't know what the scholar was going through in country E.If it weren't for Wang Yue's in-depth understanding of the scholar's ability and wisdom, Wang Yue would even be worried about an accident in country M.

Wang Yue immediately answered the phone and asked the scholar: "Are you okay?"

The scholar's voice rang on the phone: "I'm fine. It's just that I found a lot of special things in country A, so I can only stay in country A to find out those things."

Wang Yue's expression became serious, something that can make even a scholar feel special, it means that the thing is really special.

Wang Yue asked straight to the point: "What special things have you discovered?"

Xiucai said: "Actually, I don't have much substantial evidence, and I rely more on my own intuition. Based on my intuition and the small amount of evidence I have, I think the strength of country A's e-sports will not be weaker than that of country Y's e-sports. "

Wang Yue was stunned when he heard the news.

Today, the number one e-sports in the world is country M’s e-sports, and the second-ranked e-sports is country Y’s e-sports.Regarding the ranking of e-sports in country A, it is difficult to even enter the top [-], but now Xiucai said that e-sports in country A has the strength to rank second in the world, which surprised Wang Yue.

Country Y's e-sports ranks second in the world. Wang Yue is not surprised at all, because this situation has existed for many years.

Country A's e-sports is different. For many years, his status has been inconspicuous, but he has the ability to rank second in e-sports. Such terrifying hidden abilities are already amazing, and the truth behind this is definitely even more amazing.

Hiding strength is never the ultimate goal, but to achieve the ultimate goal.

What is the ultimate goal of country A’s e-sports?
Will it replace Country M’s e-sports and become the world’s strongest e-sports?

Although Wang Yue knew very little about country A's e-sports, and although Wang Yue learned from scholars that the hidden strength of country A's e-sports was terrifying, Wang Yue did not think that the status of country M's e-sports would be shaken by country A's e-sports.

Some time ago, Coach Shashe also went to Country A, several times, and did not even attend the e-sports All-Star Game where he served as the referee.Maybe coach Shashe also discovered something in country A.

Coach Shashe is the representative coach of Country M E-Sports. Whatever he discovers is equivalent to what Country M E-Sports has discovered.If Country M Esports discovers that Country A Esports has hidden power for many years and wants to replace him, it is impossible not to take measures.However, the world's e-sports field seems to be calm. If country M's e-sports adopts measures to deal with country A's e-sports, it will not be noticed.

Wang Yue asked the scholar: "What do you think?"

Wang Yue did not understand everything, but the scholar knew more, so Wang Yue asked the scholar for his opinion.

Xiucai said: "On the surface, it is a terrible thing for country A to hide its strength in e-sports. If you look deeper, you will find that it is not the most terrifying thing. If we analyze this matter by drawing inferences, since country A's e-sports If the competition can hide such a terrifying thing, other countries' e-sports may also hide such a terrifying strength!"

After listening to the scholar's words, Wang Yue's inner thought is that the scholar's inference is too correct!It is indeed necessary to think about the problem from this perspective, not just the hidden strength of country A's e-sports.

Xiucai continued: "I have been in country A for a long time, but I haven't found much useful information. Investigating the information in country A has been extremely difficult, let alone investigating those e-sports countries that are more hidden. Right now We cannot keep their secrets. In this case, what we can do is to enhance the power of Chinese e-sports and reach cooperative relationships with several reliable national e-sports.”

Hearing what the scholar said, Wang Yue frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I have to ask you to do what you just said because I have to attend a training camp next."

Wang Yue told Xiucai about the training camp.

Xiucai said: "M country e-sports will definitely not lie about its reputation. After you join the training camp, you will definitely have the opportunity to learn the realm of dominance. This is a realm that you must master. If you cannot master this realm, you cannot truly compete in the world." Having a foothold in the world of e-sports cannot help China E-sports truly gain a foothold in the world of e-sports. Back then, the Dream Team defeated Country E E-Sports by being defeated by the Eightfold Domination Realm, helping Country M E-Sports become the world’s e-Sports hegemon. This is enough to illustrate the power of domination. The power of the realm. If there is a person in Huaxia E-sports who can truly master the realm of dominance, it will definitely further enhance the status of Hua Xia E-sports in the world of e-sports.

To put it bluntly, once you can master the realm of dominance, no one in the e-sports field around the world will dare to despise you, and no one will dare to despise China E-sports. This will be very helpful for us to improve the status and influence of China E-sports. .Therefore, it is a very correct decision for you to participate in the training camp. I fully support it. As for other matters, leave it to me. "

Wang Yue said apologetically: "I have to work hard on you again."

The scholar said: "It's not hard work. You must have made a lot of arrangements to protect Yanjing Esports and Huaxia Esports. What do you need me to do?"

Wang Yue said: "I am relieved that Lin Jingxie is in charge of the national e-sports team. I am relieved that the young minister is in charge of Yanjing's e-sports field. Zhang Dekuai is in charge of Jingmen. I am not worried about his e-sports strength, but he is. His current character.”

Xiucai and Zhang Kuai hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Wang Yue told Xiucai about Zhang Kuai's current character.

Xiucai said: "According to your story, Zhang Dekuai's current e-sports strength is very strong. Compared with what he was before, it can be said that it is earth-shaking. With such a strong e-sports strength, it is normal for Zhang Dekuai to feel a little arrogant." thing. If he has no character, then he is a robot. In my opinion, Zhang's aloofness has a good side and a bad side. If he can control his aloofness, her aloofness will definitely become a A sharp sword to help him stand out."

Wang Yue said: "I hope that Zhang Kuai will be able to stand out, but I am worried that he will not be able to get out of the shadow of failure because of his own failure. In addition, Zhang Kuai is in charge of the important Jingmen. Once he fails, the consequences and influence will be huge. It's huge. Someone will definitely use this opportunity to take Zhang's Kuai to the deep end. I believe in Zhang's Kuai, but I still hope that I can keep him safe."

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