The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6455 The soul of the dream team!

Chapter 6455 The soul of the dream team!

Wang Yue told Archibald about arranging for the scholar to go to country F, and also told Archibald about the purpose, hoping that Archibald could help facilitate this matter.

Archibald did not hesitate at all and stated very simply that he would support Xiucai and the cooperation between Country F E-Sports and China E-Sports.

Archibald said: "I will immediately send an email to the minister to tell him about the scholar's trip to country F. I believe he will receive the scholar seriously. In addition, I will also arrange special forces to help Wang Yue. I believe The scholar's trip to Country F will definitely be fruitful, and China E-Sports and Country F E-Sports can also use this opportunity to cooperate."

Wang Yue said, "Thank you."

Archibald said: "No need to thank you, because in my opinion, we are a win-win."

However, Wang Yue underestimated the seriousness of this incident, and Archibald also underestimated the seriousness of this incident.Because this incident almost destroyed...

In fact, no matter how terrible a thing is, as long as it is put on the bright side, it is not terrible.The real horror is the unknown.

Next, both Wang Yue and Archibald will experience an unknown thing.

If Wang Yue and Archibald had known about this, they probably would not have participated in that training camp.


When Wang Yue, Archibald, Jin Baili and others were taken to a plane, they learned that the training was on a certain island in the sea.

The training location is very special, because once you go to the island in the sea, as long as the e-sports department of country M is willing, you can cut off Wang Yue and others from the outside world.Such an arrangement made Wang Yue and others feel uneasy, but things had reached this point and they could no longer retreat.

When Daisy appeared, there was someone beside her, and that person was Fan Ni.

It seems that Fan Ni will also participate in that training camp.

In terms of current personnel, the personnel are Wang Yue, Fan Ni, Archibald, Kim Baili, Killer Clown, Monica, and Irene.

Wang Yue speculated whether Rebecca would participate in this training camp. Although Rebecca has mastered the realm of dominance, Rebecca is also a contestant in this e-sports all-star game.

Rebecca did not appear until the plane took off, which also meant that Rebecca would not participate in this training camp.This situation was within the expectations of Wang Yue and everyone. After all, Rebecca was different from them, because Rebecca had completely mastered the realm of dominance.

The plane is flying in the sky, flying to an island in the sea.

Kim Baili asked Daisy: "Ms. Daisy, how many people are participating in the training this time?"

Kim Bailey is not sure whether Daisy will answer this question, because Daisy can answer or not answer.The moment the plane started, they had lost most of their initiative.Most of the initiative is in the hands of M country e-sports.

Daisy smiled and said: "Including you, there are probably more than 500 people participating in this training camp."

Upon hearing the number of more than 500 people, an unexpected expression suddenly appeared on Jin Baili's face.Not only her, but also Wang Yue, Archibald and others did not expect that there were so many people.They thought that only the contestants of this year's E-Sports All-Star Game would participate in the training camp. Even if other people also participated, the number should not be many, but they didn't expect that there were still 500 people.

Daisy said: "The island we went to is the base of this training camp, and it is actually a training base for the dream team." After hearing these contents, Wang Yue and others immediately cheered up. The reason is very simple. Information related to the Dream Team is not ordinary information.

Daisy said: "You should all know that the official members of the Dream Team are divided into Team A and Team B. Team A only has ten people. Team B only has 100 people."

This information is not considered private, so Wang Yue and others know this information.

Daisy continued: "Among you, except Fan Ni, no one should have come into contact with members of Team B."

Wang Yue and the others nodded. Indeed, none of them had contact with Team B members.Even the well-informed Archibald had no contact with Team B members.

Daisy smiled and said: "When you get to the island, you will have the opportunity to contact members of Team B, and even members of Team A."

Although Wang Yue and others were looking forward to contacting members of Team B, they did not lose control of their emotions. However, when Daisy mentioned the opportunity to contact members of Team A, their emotions suddenly changed dramatically.

The members of Team A of the Dream Team are world-class legends!

The reason why M country e-sports can become the world's e-sports hegemon is because of the members of Dream Team A.

The reason why Country M has been able to dominate the world of e-sports for so many years is because of the members of Dream Team A.

The A-Team members of the Dream Team only exist among legends, and only a handful of people have the opportunity to come into contact with them.Unexpectedly, I would have the opportunity to meet members of Team A this time.Regardless of which A-Team member the contact was, it was certainly an extraordinary contact.

Wang Yue and others were dissatisfied with the fact that the training camp was an island in the ocean, because it meant that they were isolated from the world and completely controlled by Country M e-sports, losing their freedom.But after hearing about the specialness of this training camp, their emotions calmed down a lot. After all, they had the opportunity to meet the members of Team A of the Dream Team.Take Wang Yue as an example. Wang Yue has never even met members of Team B. Being able to meet members of Team B already feels like a very special thing to Wang Yue. He never expected that he would have the opportunity to meet members of Team A.

The atmosphere of chatting has already arisen. In this case, Monica asked Daisy the question she was most concerned about: "Miss Daisy, can we really obtain the learning method of the realm of dominance in the training camp?"

Daisy said: "Of course! I won't lie, and M country e-sports will never lie. Each of you has the opportunity to learn the realm of dominance, and you can also get guidance. It just depends on whether you can learn it and how much you can learn. It depends on your ability.”

Monica nodded, and the master led him through the door. Cultivation depends on the individual, and she understood this truth.

The dream team is willing to give them the opportunity to learn the realm of dominance, which is already very rare. As for whether they can learn it, it depends on their own abilities.Even a matchmaker cannot guarantee the birth of a child.

Daisy looked at Archibald, Kim Bailey, Killer Clown, Monica, and Irene, and said, "You can learn the realm of dominance in the training camp."

Daisy looked at Fan Ni again: "You can enter a state of complete mastery of your realm in the training camp."

Finally, Daisy looked at Wang Yue: "You can turn your pseudo-dominion into a real domination in the training camp."

Judging from Daisy’s description, it seems like that training camp can do anything!

(End of this chapter)

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