Chapter 6470 Stupid behavior!

Brian's eyes were fixed on the computer screen in front of him. He was typing on the keyboard with one hand and sliding the mouse with the other hand. He was practicing the realm of domination.

Brian said: "I suggest you find a way to get a blanket."

Wang Yue asked, "What do you mean?"

Brian said: "It's not interesting, it's just an old rule."

Wang Yue said, "Thank you."

Brian said: "You're welcome, it's just because I came to this island earlier than you, and I just talked about it casually."

He changed the subject and asked, "Don't you have any ideas yet?"

Wang Yue nodded, he really hadn't thought about it yet.Should we give up the realm of pseudo-dominance, specialize in the realm of domination from the dream team, and take a broad road, or should we risk going too far and cultivate both the realm of pseudo-dominance and the realm of domination at the same time.

Brian said: "Actually, you already have an idea in your heart, which is to practice both the realm of pseudo-dominance and the realm of domination, otherwise you wouldn't spend so much time thinking about it."

Wang Yue asked: "What would you do if it were you?"

Brian said: "I will give up the realm of pseudo-dominance and specialize in the realm of domination. Of course, everyone is different, and everyone's ideas are also different. I can do things according to my ideas, and you can also do things according to your ideas. Do things. I’m going to keep practicing, and you can take your time and think about it.”

Wang Yue nodded and ended the communication with Brian.

In the next hour, Wang Yue's hands still did not touch the keyboard and mouse. That was because Wang Yue was still thinking.

The moment Wang Yue puts his hands on the keyboard and mouse, it means Wang Yue has made a decision.

Wang Yue's decision was to cultivate both the realm of pseudo-dominance and the realm of domination, which meant that Wang Yue had to put in at least a cup of effort and hard work than others. Even if he put in this effort, it did not mean that he would gain something, because Wang Yue's path This path is very likely to be wrong. If the final result proves that Wang Yue is wrong, Wang Yue's efforts and hard work will be in vain. It can also be described as using a bamboo basket to draw water in vain.

Wang Yue spent such a long time thinking about all these things and prepared for the worst, which was to fail in concurrent studies, go crazy, and gain nothing in the end.Since it took him so long to make a decision, Wang Yue would not hesitate.Next, he will be very determined to cultivate both the realm of pseudo-dominance and the realm of domination.

The realm of pseudo-dominance is dominated by technology.

The realm of dominance of the dream team is dominated by consciousness.

These two realms of dominance are completely different in nature.It is extremely difficult for Wang Yue to master these two realms of dominance at the same time!
At 12 noon, Wang Yue went to the canteen to eat.

After eating, Wang Yue did not go to the practice room immediately. Instead, he went back to the dormitory to get his backpack.

When Wang Yue appeared in the practice room, Wang Yue was carrying a backpack.

In the morning, Wang Yue and Monica sat together.

In the afternoon, Wang Yue sat with Monica again.

Monica looked at the backpack on Wang Yue and asked curiously: "Why are you suddenly carrying a bag?"

Wang Yue smiled and did not answer this matter.Wang Yue looked around, looking for Brian, but couldn't find anything about Brian.

There are several practice rooms for lower-level members to practice. Maybe Brian did not come to this practice room this afternoon.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, many people left the practice room and went to the canteen to eat. Some people were still immersed in practice and did not go to the canteen to eat.

Monica, who was sitting next to Wang Yue, was among those who were immersed in it. Monica did not realize that it was already dinner time, and she devoted herself both physically and mentally to the practice of the realm of domination.Judging from the happy expression on Monica's face, she must have gained something.

Compared with Monica, she has gained something, but Wang Yue has not gained anything.This is because Wang Yue cultivates both the realm of pseudo-dominance and the realm of domination, and this matter is really difficult!

After going to the cafeteria to have dinner, Wang Yue returned to the practice room. He did not leave the practice room until the practice room closed at nine o'clock in the evening.

Everyone left the practice room reluctantly, obviously they were still immersed in practice and wanted to continue practicing.

The realm of domination is vast and profound. Once you enter it, you will feel that the mysteries are endless, and then you will not notice the passage of time if you study it all.

Wang Yue, Archibald, Jin Baili, and Monica returned to the dormitory together.

Fan Ni did not practice until the practice room closed and left the practice room at about eight o'clock in the evening.

Instructor Dashan seemed to have something to do with Irene. Irene followed instructor Dashan out of the practice room at 08:30 in the evening and then did not come back.

Whether it is Fan Ni or Irene, they are both people who can receive special treatment on this island.

Killer Clown also practiced until nine o'clock when the practice room closed, but he did not go with Wang Yue and others, but returned to the dormitory alone.

On their way back to the dormitory after taking over, Wang Yue, Archibald, Jin Baili, and Monica naturally talked about the topic of the realm of domination. Everyone talked about their own feelings and experiences, and the conversation was very interesting. Happy.

Gradually, Archibald and others discovered that Wang Yue didn't speak. They all knew that Wang Yue was not the kind of person who kept secrets and would not keep his own opinions when discussing together. The reason why Wang Yue didn't speak was because of this. There's definitely something special in there.

Jin Baili asked Wang Yue: "Is there any special situation? Why don't you participate in the discussion?"

Wang Yue said helplessly: "Your discussion atmosphere is so good. I really want to participate, but I can't because Wang Yue has no experience to share with you. To put it bluntly, I didn't learn anything useful today."

Monica looked at Wang Yue in surprise and said, "You didn't learn anything today?"

She felt that she had learned a lot today, and Wang Yue's ability was better than his, and he must have learned more. However, Wang Yue said that Wang Yue had learned something, which Monica could not understand.

Although Monica and Wang Yue were sitting next to each other, Monica didn't seem to pay attention to Wang Yue's practice and situation because she was very dedicated and completely immersed in the study and practice of the realm of dominance.

Seeing his friends looking at him with confusion and surprise, Wang Yue told him about his cultivation of both the realm of master and the realm of pseudo-master.

After hearing this, everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.The reason is very simple, that is, they did not expect Wang Yue to do such a crazy behavior, which can even be called a stupid behavior.

It is already very difficult to master the dominance of the dream team. Even if you work very hard and are very talented, you may not be able to do this.And Wang Yue actually also cultivated the realm of pseudo-dominance.Isn’t this causing trouble for yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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