Chapter 6482 Special idea!
Carol is a very special person.

She preemptively placed her relationship with Wang Yue in an intimate position.

She even felt that she and Wang Yue were already invisible boyfriend and girlfriend, and all they needed was a formal confession.

The reason why Carol had these thoughts and did these things was because she felt that Wang Yue, who was the runner-up in the e-sports all-star competition, was very good.She got close to Wang Yue because of his excellence.

When Carol got close to Wang Yue and saw Wang Yue's less outstanding side, she had the idea of ​​giving up on Wang Yue.In addition, Carol has a new target, and that is Raul.This time, Carol's vision seemed to be correct, because Raul won No. 1 in the lower-class member practice competition.

Raul's good results made Carol like him even more, and also made Carol determined to give up Wang Yue and stay away from Wang Yue.She even hoped to never see Wang Yue again.

For Wang Yue, whether he was passing through the woods or coming to the beach, it was all a coincidence.In Carol's opinion, Wang Yue was pestering her and wanted to be with her.As everyone knows, Wang Yue has never had any thoughts about Carol. Everything is Carol's wishful thinking, and many plots are imagined by Carol herself.

In short, Carol regarded Wang Yue as the man who was pestering her, and angrily scolded Wang Yue.

After understanding Carol's thoughts, Wang Yue left without any explanation and left very calmly.

The reason for not explaining is simple.Wang Yue and Carol's thoughts are not on the same level. In this case, how can they solve the problem?
After Wang Yue left, Carol and Raul prepared to continue her date.The appearance of someone interrupted their date again, and that person was Fan Ni.Fan Ni undoubtedly passed by here and undoubtedly witnessed what happened just now, so Fan Ni knew what happened just now.

After seeing Fan Ni, both Carol and Raul looked at her.Although they came to this island later than them, Fan Ni became a middle-level student first.As lower-level members, they have only one attitude toward middle-level members, and that is to obey.

Carol knew that Fan Ni and Wang Yue came to this island together, so she was worried that Fan Ni might stand up for Wang Yue, after all, she just scolded Wang Yue bloody.If Kafanni really did this, she had no way to stop it and could only bear it silently. In addition, she hoped that her boyfriend Raul could quickly become a middle-level student, and by then he would not take Fanni seriously.

Carol regards Raoul as her support, but she doesn't know that Raoul has special thoughts about Fan Ni in his heart.Faced with a beauty like Fan Ni, who is not as smart as her image, few men can have no idea at all.

Raul's inner thought is to get rid of Carol when he becomes a middle-level student, and then pursue Fan Ni.

Carol asked Fan Ni: "Are you going to stand up for Wang Yue?"

Fan Ni shook her head, said nothing, and left directly.

On the one hand, Fan Ni was just passing by. On the other hand, Fan Ni had no idea of ​​standing up for Wang Yue.

Fan Ni's sudden departure surprised Carol, but of course she hoped that Fan Ni would leave quickly, while Raul was a little reluctant to leave Fan Ni because Fan Ni's face was so beautiful.

When Fan Ni's figure was about to disappear, Fan Ni suddenly thought of something, so she stopped and turned to look at Carol.

Carol was stunned and didn't understand why Fan Ni suddenly looked at her.Did Fan Ni regret it?Are you going to support Wang Yue?

Fan Ni glanced at Raul, smiled and said to Carol: "You have good taste."

Carol was stunned, she didn't expect Fan Ni to say such a thing.Carol said: "Thank you, my boyfriend is indeed very good."

After saying this, Carol had an idea in her mind. Does Fan Ni have thoughts about her boyfriend?
Carol is such a person, she has many thoughts in her heart and is good at brainstorming.

Fan Ni left

No one bothered Carol and Raul, so their date continued.



After the evening practice, Wang Yue and Archibald returned to the dormitory.Wang Yue has become completely accustomed to the situation in the dormitory. Ever since he came to this island, hungry wolves have messed up the dormitory every day and even asked for water on the quilt. His behavior can be said to be very bad.Thanks to Brian's reminder, Wang Yue asked Daisy for two blankets, and Wang Yue and Archibald relied on these two blankets to sleep.

As usual, Wang Yue is responsible for cleaning up the dormitory. Archibald is inconvenient to do this due to physical reasons.

After tidying up the mess, Wang Yue saw that the ground was still dirty, so he prepared to bring a bucket of water to mop the floor.

Not long after Wang Yue left the dormitory, Hungry Lang led a group of people to the dormitory and saw that the dormitory had been basically cleaned up by Wang Yue.

The hungry wolf looked at Wang Yue's schoolbag. During this period, Wang Yue was carrying a schoolbag all day long, but he didn't know what was in the schoolbag, so he planned to take a look at what was in it.He ordered his followers to do this.

Archibald knew what was in the schoolbag and knew that the contents inside could not be seen by hungry wolves, so he said: "I hope your behavior will stop here. If you want to prove your strength by bullying us, during this period Bullying has proven that enough, you don’t need to prove it anymore.”

Hungry Wolf smiled and said: "During this period, you have behaved very well. From an inner point of view, I don't want you to behave so well. I really hope that you can resist, just like the so-called clown killer." Yes, as long as he dares to resist, I can hit him hard in the face with my fist. The clown killer should be knocked unconscious by me three or four times. He is much more interesting than you."

The follower's hand was already on the school bag, and the next thing to do was to hand the bag to Archibald.

Archibald said: "You leave the dormitory now, and I can forget about what happened before. If you want to continue your boring behavior, we can settle the score."

The hungry wolf laughed, very wildly.Everyone around him laughed too.

Hungry Wolf said: "Did I hear you right? Are you going to settle accounts with me? This is really great! How are you going to settle accounts with me? Beat me up with your body in a wheelchair? I know you are F Chinese e-sports has a strong influence, and I also know that you have a good background. What, you want to use those powers to deal with me? What is the difference between this and crying for your mother? Don’t look at the clown killer being knocked unconscious by me several times , but I think I still admire him because he has the guts. As for you, obviously you don’t have the guts."

The follower taught the hungry wolf about the school bag. After the hungry wolf opened the school bag, he saw the blanket inside.At this moment, Hungry Wolf was stunned.

He didn't expect that Wang Yue and Archibald would have blankets.

(End of this chapter)

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